Op 14-10-2024 om 07:28 schreef meteorite-list-requ...@meteoritecentral.com:
I looked at the Google Earth images and essentially agree with what is
written. Although the exact timeline is open to interpretation, the aerial
images do show that this crater, which is a protected site, has been
Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
> I have a question about ownership and legality of these manmade
> artifacts that fall from space and are found on private property.
> What is the law regarding objects that originate from private entities?
Of relevance here is the 1967 Outer Space Treaty,
Marc Fries wrote:
> I've posted some data on the Washington debris fall from last 26 March.
> Radar signatures from this event persist for about two hours after the event,
> and some early-arriving signatures appear to be massive objects. The strewn
> field lies along a line which covers most
> Meteorites are not the only stuff falling from space.
> Peru: Russian inscriptions found on metal spheres that dropped from sky
> http://www.andina.com.pe/ingles/noticia-peru-russian-inscriptions-found-on-metal-spheres-that-dropped-from-sky-697964.aspx
> Yours,
> Paul H.
These pres
I have now posted an English language story about the new Dutch meteorite on my
- Marco
Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral
Op 27-6-2017 om 17:43 schreef Marco Langbroek:
> The stone weighs 530 grams and is fully fusion crust covered. It impacted on
> the
> roof of a garden shed near the village of Broek in Waterland, which is in a
> rural area just north of Amsterdam.
Some more pictures of the new meteorite are he
Hi all,
Some more details on this one: the meteorite in question is an Ordinary
Chondrite, an L6, which is provisionally named Broek in Waterland (this name
still has to be approved, so is not official yet). The classification was done
by Leo Kriegsman and me at Naturalis (the Dutch National Muse
From: Peter Davidson
Dear Ron and Everyone on the List
Some quite spectacular images were shown on the news here. As usual the
broadcasters never seem to get the facts quite right. From what I saw on TV, it
seemed to be a meteor or possibly a piece of space junk but what I am not sure
Op 5-11-2015 om 2:48 schreef "Beatty, Kelly"
this discussion is timely. what you've noted is exactly my understanding.
just yesterday I came across a high-profile blog about these fireballs,
Phil Plait's?
the writer stated that most of the light comes from the superheated vaporized
The recent spade of very bright fireballs is due to the Taurid meteor stream by
the way, which every 5-6 years shows enhanced activity of this kind.
- Marco
Dr Marco (asteroid 183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
e-mail: d...@marcolangbroek.nl
A lot of folks say it looked green to them, which means it may have been
It is a perpetuated misunderstanding that meteor colours are primarily due to
their composition. It's a science myth inspired by High School Bunsen burner
experiments that appears hard to kill.
While composit
Peter Davidson wrote:
My concern is that, having given a negative answer (and they almost without
question are) to an enquiry about a possible meteorite, I (or any
curator/collector) become the subject of a vicious trolling campaign and find
that our professional (and sometime personal) reputat
As things stand, you face a decidedly higher risk loosing your life in the USA
than in Morocco or Tunisia.
It is funny that many Americans apparently do not realise that their own country
is a lot less safe than many others.
Traveling anywhere including
just down the street isn't as safe
meteorite-list-requ...@meteoritecentral.com schreef op 12-1-2015 om 7:22:
From: drtanuki
A 2-KM-Wide Impact Crater Discovered in
Dirk Ross...Tokyo
You'd think they'd come up with
Hi all,
I would like to second Eric Christensen. Pavel Spurny is a respected scientist
and definitely not someone who would knowingly present something questionable.
- Marco
Dr Marco (asteroid 183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
e-mail: d...@marcolangbroek.nl
It is well known that arms caches were hidden in Nicaragua during the fight
between Sandinista's and Contra's in the 80-ies. In 1993, one of these exploded
in Managua. Maybe something like that happened again.
Visit the Archives at http://ww
Marco Langbroek schreef op 19-8-2014 21:24:
I have just been informed that several meteorites have been stolen during a
burglary last night at the Sonnenborg observatory in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Among the stolen meteorites is a very rare one: one of the few pieces existing
of the Ellemeet d
I have just been informed that several meteorites have been stolen during a
burglary last night at the Sonnenborg observatory in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Among the stolen meteorites is a very rare one: one of the few pieces existing
of the Ellemeet diogenite. It concerns the Serooskerken mas
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