[meteorite-list] Impact Origin of Archean Cratons

2015-09-16 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Impact origin of archean cratons: Learning from Venus Geological Society of America http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-08/gsoa-ioo082715.php http://www.sciencenewsline.com/articles/2015082813370021.html the Paper is: Hansen, V. 2015, Impact origin of Archean cratons. Lithosphere. First

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Museum, Atacama desert, Northern Chile

2015-09-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This Couple Built a Meteorite Museum in the Middle of the Desert—And It's Awesome by Jo Piazza, Yahoo News, Sept. 10, 2015 https://www.yahoo.com/travel/from-hobby-to-business-we-built-a-meteorite-128751142869.html Yours, Paul H. __ Visit our

[meteorite-list] Double Impact Crters Found In Sweden (~470 Ma)

2015-09-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Two Meteors Hit Ancient Earth at Same Time D News, by Elizabeth Palmero, LiveScience http://news.discovery.com/space/asteroids-meteors-meteorites/two-meteors-hit-ancient-earth-at-same-time-150915.htm http://www.livescience.com/52154-ancient-meteors-struck-simultaneously.html Double crater

[meteorite-list] Correction to Double Impact Craters Post

2015-09-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The age of the craters is given as 458 ma, not 470 ma. I misread the text. Yours, Paul H. __ Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] The Holocene Start Impact Event

2015-09-11 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
In Re: The Holocene Start Impact Event and on September 10, 2015, E.P. Grondine wrote "Hi Paul- thanks for your note. Now, let me draw you a picture: http://archaeologica.boardbot.com/viewtopic.php?f=9=3656 " The in above web page among various stuff, you stated: "In the first of my notes, I

Re: [meteorite-list] Graham Hancock on the YD impacts E.P.

2015-09-09 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
E.P. Grondine wrote, "Hi Paul, all A preview of fall TV shows: http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/graham-hancock-and-joe-rogan-discuss-randall-carlsons-paradigm-changing-research I never heard of Randall Carson - has anyone here heard of him? " In slumming on the Graham Hancock

[meteorite-list] Where Is Permian-Triassic Extinction Event in South Africa?

2015-09-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The Dicynodon-Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone Boundary May Not Approximate the Marine-Defined Permo-Triassic Extinction Event by Bill Parker,Chinleana, August 29, 2015 http://chinleana.fieldofscience.com/2015/08/the-dicynodon-lystrosaurus-assemblage.html http://chinleana.fieldofscience.com The

[meteorite-list] New Paper About Bloody Creek Structure, Nova Scotia

2015-09-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
There is a new paper about Bloody Creek structure. It is: Spooner, I., P. Pufahl, T. Brisco, J. Morrow, M. Nalepa, P. Williams, and G. Stevens, 2015, The North structure: evidence for a second possible impact event at the Bloody Creek site, Nova Scotia, Canada. Atlantic Geology, vol 51, pp.

[meteorite-list] Asteroids boiled young Earth’s oceans. High temperatures shaped life’s early evolution

2015-09-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Did a massive asteroid turn Earth into a boiling 'Spring' 3.3 billion years ago? Daily Mail Online. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3096111/Did-massive-asteroid-turn-Earth-boiling-SPRING-3-3bn-years-ago-Impact-vapourised-planet-s-oceans.html “Scientists found evidence for huge

[meteorite-list] The Geology of Star Trek - Extraterrestrial Minerals And Alien Life-Forms

2015-08-20 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The Geology Of Star Trek: From Extraterrestrial Minerals To Alien Life-Forms by David Bressan, Forbes, Aug. 19, 2015 http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2015/08/19/the-geology-of-star-trek-from-extraterrestrial-minerals-to-alien-life-forms/ Some blogs about geology-inspired fiction:

[meteorite-list] How Many Scientists Does It Take to Write a Paper?

2015-08-13 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Research Biologist Coins Term 'Kilo-Author' For Scientific Journal Articles. all Things Considered, August 12, 2015 http://www.npr.org/2015/08/12/431959428/research-biologist-coins-term-kilo-author-for-scientific-journal-articles How Many Scientists Does It Take to Write a Paper? Apparently,

[meteorite-list] Geologists Unearth Fully Intact Rock

2015-08-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Geologists Unearth Fully Intact Rock The Onion, News in Brief, April 3, 2015 Environment · Science Technology Science http://www.theonion.com/article/geologists-unearth-fully-intact-rock-38364 Sounds too much like an actual university PR person, who has written one too many press release,

[meteorite-list] Lightning-induced Shock Lamellae in Quartz

2015-08-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Lightning Can Warp Rocks at Their Core by Elizabeth Goldbaum, August 10, 2015 http://www.livescience.com/51789-lightning-warps-rocks-atoms.html http://i.livescience.com/images/i/000/077/674/original/fulgurite.jpg?1438973494 Lightning Reshapes Rocks at the Atomic Level, Penn Study Finds by

[meteorite-list] New Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Paper

2015-08-08 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
There is a new Younger Dryas Impact hypothesis paper. It is; Kennett, J. P., D. J. Kennettb, B. J. Culleton, and many others, 2015, Bayesian chronological analyses consistent with synchronous age of 12,835–12,735 Cal B.P. for Younger Dryas boundary on four continents. Proceedings of the

[meteorite-list] Abrupt Warming Led to Demise of Woolly Mammoths,

2015-07-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Mammoths killed by abrupt climate change University of Adelaide, Friday, 24 July 2015 http://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news79662.html Extinction events linked to prehuman global warming by Clare Peddie, NewsComAU, July

[meteorite-list] Giant Sinkholes Spotted on Rosetta Comet

2015-07-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Giant sinkholes spotted on Rosetta's comet Science Now, Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2015 http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-comet-sinkholes-rosetta-20150630-story.html Rosetta spies cometary sinkholes, BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33354872 Rosetta spots

[meteorite-list] Most of Earth’s Impact Craters Await Discovery

2015-07-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Hi, Below is what Ed is talking about: 340 undiscovered meteorite impact sites on Earth, geologists calculate, Science News, June 30, 2015 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150630080204.htm S. Hergarten, T. Kenkmann. The number of impact craters on Earth: Any room for further

[meteorite-list] Comet Debris Rained Down on Mars Last October

2015-06-30 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
October Comet Flyby Caused 'Mind-Blowing' Martian Meteor Shower by Larry O'Hanlon Discovery News, June 30, 2015 http://www.space.com/29804-comet-siding-spring-mars-meteor-shower.html Comet Metal Rained Down on Mars by Larry O'Hanlon, June 25, 2015

[meteorite-list] Nastapoka Arc, Hudson Bay, Canada

2015-06-29 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
__ Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

[meteorite-list] Nastapoka Arc, Hudson Bay, Canada - 2nd Try

2015-06-29 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
In “Re: Changes in 14C and Impacts“ Sterling Webb wrote; I can suggest another very ancient crater: the south-southeastern coast of Hudson Bay, above James Bay is a portion of a perfect circle and it has a nice cluster of islands at the geometric center of that circle like the remnants of central

Re: [meteorite-list] Changes In 14C and Impacts

2015-06-29 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Sterling K. Webb wrote: The village is actually named Kitscoty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitscoty Kitscoty is named after a village in Kent (U.K.) with a famous stone megalithic structure, so while Googling for a Kitscoty Structure you have to distinguish which Kitscoty and what kind

[meteorite-list] Late Devonian Extinction and Killer Trees Article

2015-06-28 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Devonian extinction saw the oceans choke to death (Before the first animals had crawled out onto land, marine animals suffered a catastrophic mass extinction. They may have literally asphyxiated.) by Chris Baraniuk, BBC News, http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150624-the-day-the-oceans-died

Re: [meteorite-list] Changes In 14C and Impacts

2015-06-28 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Dear Ed: On June 28, 2015, in “Changes In 14C and Impacts,” you wrote: I am looking forward to your comments on the Kiscoty structure. At this time, I lack any comments about the Kiscoty structure. The problem is that the only material that I have been able to find about is a newspaper

[meteorite-list] Great Canadian Broadcasting Corporation About Science

2015-06-27 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Below is a great Canadian Broadcasting Corporation series about science: Science Under Seige, Part 1 http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/science-under-siege-part-1-1.3091552 Science Under Seige, Part 2 http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/science-under-siege-part-2-1.3098865 Science Under Seige, Part 3

[meteorite-list] Paper About A.D. 774–775 Carbon-14 Spike

2015-06-27 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Below is an interesting paper about the A.D. 774–775 Carbon-14 Spike. Timothy Jull, A. J., I. P. Panyushkina, T. E. Lange, V. V. Kukarskih, V. S. Myglan, K. J. Clark, M. W. Salzer, G. S. Burr, and S. W. Leavitt, 2014, Excursions in the 14C record at A.D. 774–775 in tree rings from Russia and

[meteorite-list] NASA Finds Weird Features On Ceres

2015-06-22 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
A Ceres of Weird Events by Phil Plait Slate Magazine, June 22, 2015 http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2015/06/22/ceres_dawn_images_reveal_a_5_km_tall_mountain.html Dawn Survey Orbit Image 10 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA19578 This image, taken by NASA's Dawn

[meteorite-list] New Study Favors Cold, Icy Mars

2015-06-19 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
New Study Favors Cold, Icy Mars American Geophysiical Union, June 15, 2015 https://news.agu.org/press-release/new-study-favors-cold-icy-early-mars/ http://phys.org/news/2015-06-favors-cold-icy-early-mars.html The paper is: Wordsworth, R. D., L. Kerber, R. T. Pierrehumbert, F. Forget, and J. W.

[meteorite-list] Philae Comet Lander Awakes from Hibernation

2015-06-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Rosetta mission: Philae comet lander 'ready for operations' after first contact in 7 months The Independent, June 14, 2015 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/rosetta-mission-philae-comet-lander-wakes-and-contacts-earth-10318822.html Philae Comet Lander Awakes from Hibernation European

[meteorite-list] Great Lecture About Mantle Plumes And Large Igneous Provinces

2015-05-09 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This is a great lecture about mantle plumes and large igneous provinces. EGU2014: Arthur Holmes Medal Lecture by Kevin C.A. Burke (ML2) European Geosciences Union February 3, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFMIhUn1oqM Yours, Paul H. __ Visit

[meteorite-list] Researchers to Drill Chicxulub Crater off the Yucatecan Coast

2015-05-08 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Researchers to drill below the Chicxulub Crater off the Yucatecan Coast. The Yucatan Times, April 18, 2015 http://www.theyucatantimes.com/2015/04/researchers-to-drill-below-the-chicxulub-crater-off-the-yucatecan-coast/ Researchers To Dig Below Chicxulub Crater To Study Dinosaur Extinction Event

[meteorite-list] Did dinosaur-killing asteroid trigger largest lava flows on Earth?

2015-05-03 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Did dinosaur-killing asteroid trigger largest lava flows on Earth? by Robert Sanders, University of California, April 30, 2015 http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2015/04/30/did-dinosaur-killing-asteroid-trigger-largest-lava-flows-on-earth/ Richards, M. A., W. Alvarez, S. Self, L. Karlstrom, P. R.

Re: [meteorite-list] Correction To PDF File of Review Paper Related to Shiva Impact Theory

2015-04-26 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
In my last email, I meant to write; In my last email, I totally garbled the last citation by being half asleep at the computer. The properly formatted version of it should be: Torsvik, T. H. H. Amundsen6, E. H. Hartz, F. Corfu N. Kusznir, C. Gaina, P. V. Doubrovine, B. Steinberger, L. D. Ashwal,

[meteorite-list] Maps, Other Figures, and Information About Glacial and Nonglacial Periods

2015-04-26 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The below article has some great figures and information in it about glacial and nonglacial periods in Earth history. This is great background information for people interested the interactions, of lack thereof, between extraterrestrial impacts and Earth. Some Thoughts on Global Climate Change:

[meteorite-list] PDF File of Review Paper Related to Shiva Impact Theory

2015-04-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
There is an interesting paper that can accessed online as a PDF file and reviews the geology of the Seychelles as it related to the terminal Cretaceous Shiva Impact Theory, It is: Plummer, P/, 1998, Seychelles Geology and the Shiva Impact Theory. Phelsuma. vol. 6, pp. 9-19.

[meteorite-list] Correction To PDF File of Review Paper Related to Shiva Impact Theory

2015-04-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Torsvik, T. H. H. Amundsen6, E. H. Hartz, F. Corfu, In my last email, I totally garbled the last citation by being half asleep at the computer. The properly formatted version of it should be: N. Kusznir, C. Gaina, P. V. Doubrovine, B. Steinberger, L. D. Ashwal, and B. Jamtveit, 2013, A

[meteorite-list] Dating Moon-Forming Impact With Meteorites

2015-04-17 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Dating the moon-forming impact event with meteorites University of Arizona, Scinece Daily, April 16, 2015 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150416145543.htm SwRI-led team studies meteorites from asteroids to date Moon-forming impact. Debris from the Moon- forming impact blasted main

Re: [meteorite-list] The new science of the origins of life

2015-04-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Shawn Alan posted to the Meteorite-list on April 9, 2015 http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com/msg120870.html Hello Listers Enjoy: The new science of the origins of life

[meteorite-list] Craters in Context: Science And History of Impact.

2015-04-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Craters in Context: Science And History of Impact. Seminar with Dr Meg Rosenburg‬ - lecture about the science and history of craters by Dr. Meg Rosenburg, UCA SPS, February 24, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0li2lU_Nvvw https://www.youtube.com/user/UCASPS True Anomalies (Tales from the

[meteorite-list] Puzzle of Moon’s Origin Resolved

2015-04-08 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Puzzle of Moon’s origin resolved: Simulations show that Earth probably collided with an unnervingly similar sister planet to form our lunar neighbour. by Adam Levy, Nature, a[ril 8, 2105 http://www.nature.com/news/puzzle-of-moon-s-origin-resolved-1.17279 Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., H. B. Perets

[meteorite-list] Vertebrate Fossil Hunting in the Eastern US, Alberta, and the Atlantic Ocean

2015-04-03 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The Royal Tyrrell Museum has A couple of lectures about fossil hunting available online. One is about hunting dinosaurs in the Dinosaur Alley of the northeastern United States is: Paleontological Notes from the Urban Jungle: Or... Conducting Field Paleontology in spite of Sprawling Holocene

[meteorite-list] My Apologies - Vertebrate Fossil Hunting in the Eastern US, Alberta, and the Atlantic Ocean

2015-04-03 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Hi, I apologize for my recent email,'Vertebrate Fossil Hunting in the Eastern US, Alberta, and the Atlantic Ocean. It was meant for the Rockhounds Mailing List and I absent-mindedly sent it to the meteorite list. I was not paying the attention to my set list of email addresses for some reason.

[meteorite-list] Paleohydrology of the Jezero Crater Paleolake System, Mars

2015-03-27 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Ancient Martian lake system records two water-related events Kevin Stacey, Brown University, March 25, 2015 https://news.brown.edu/articles/2015/03/jezero http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/bu-aml032515.php Goudge, T. A., J. F. Mustard, J. W. Head, C. I. Fassett, and S. M. Wiseman,

[meteorite-list] The Meaning of Meteorites (Learning to Love the Dreaded Thunderstones)

2015-03-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Another Geological Society of London lecture about meteorites is: The Meaning of Meteorites (Or why we should stop worrying and learn to love the dreaded thunderstone) by Dr Ted Nield, Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BG

[meteorite-list] New, 124 miles in Diameter, Lunar Crater Discovered

2015-03-23 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
New lunar crater named after aviation pioneer Earhart by Paul Rincon, BBC News, March 17. 2015 http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31917302 Hidden Moon Crater Named After Amelia Earhart by Ian O,Neill, Discovery, March 17, 2015

[meteorite-list] Using Kites to Gather Data for Martian Study

2015-03-23 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Kites over Kilauea aid Arizona scientists studying Martian geology, Star-Advertiser staff, March 21, 2015 http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/20150321_Kites_over_Kilauea_aid_Arizona_scientists_studying_Martian_geology.html Yours, Paul H. __

[meteorite-list] Geology in Space: Meteorites and Cosmic Dust

2015-03-21 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
A rather nice Geological Society of London lecture is: Geology in Space: Meteorites and Cosmic Dust Geology no longer is the study of the Earth. Rocks are found throughout the universe on other planets, asteroids and comets and as debris ranging in size down to the tiniest pieces of stardust,

[meteorite-list] Extent of Moon's Giant Volcanic Eruption is Revealed

2015-03-20 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Extent of moon's giant volcanic eruption is revealed Durham University, Science Daily, March 18, 2015 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150318101236.htm https://www.dur.ac.uk/news/newsitem/?itemno=24111 Wilson, J. T., V. R. Eke, R. J. Massey, R. C. Elphic, B. L. Jolliff, D. J.

[meteorite-list] Online Lectures on Permian and Other Mass Extinctions

2015-03-07 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
A couple of fascinating lectures about mass extinctions are: Beauchamp, B. (University of Calgary), 2013, Permian – Triassic Mayhem: Lead-up, Catastrophe and Aftermath of the Earths Largest Mass Extinction viewed from Arctic Canada Royal Tyrrell Museum Spealer Series 2013 Published on Feb 11,

Re: [meteorite-list] Crowdfunding meteorite searching in the Nullarbor Plain

2015-03-03 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
In “[meteorite-list] Crowdfunding meteorite searching in the Nullarbor Plain” on March 3, 2015, Robin Whittle wrote: “Here is an article about Australian researchers who no longer can get government funding, and so are turning to crowdfunding to support their expeditions. They claim to have

[meteorite-list] Controversy About Naturally Occuring Asbestos, Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada

2015-02-27 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
People hunting meteorites in southern Nevada should read the below article in the March Earth Magazine. it is; Pratt, S. E., 2015, Asbestos found in Nevada and Arizona: Roadblock and potential health hazard? Earth Magazine. vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 32-39.

[meteorite-list] Scientists find four new enormous holes in northern Russia

2015-02-27 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Dozens of new craters suspected in northern Russia By Anna Liesowska, Siberian Times, February 2015 http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0127-dozens-of-mysterious-new-craters-suspected-in-northern-russia/ Scientists find four new enormous holes in northern Russia by Will Stewart,

[meteorite-list] Lecture on Meteorites -Royal Tyrrell Museum

2015-02-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The Royal Tyrrell Museum has some really nice lecturs online. One of them about meteorites is: Amy Riches, University of Alberta, Messages from Meteorites: The Growth of Planets The Delivery of Possible Seeds of Life. Royal Tyrrell Museum Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2015

[meteorite-list] Contamination of Meteorites Can Happen Quickly

2015-02-18 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Contamination of Impacted Meteorites Can Happen Quickly By Andrew Williams, Astrobiology, December 18, 2014 http://www.astrobio.net/news-exclusive/contamination-impacted-meteorites-can-happen-quickly/

[meteorite-list] Meteorites Contain Magnetic Record from Early Solar System

2015-02-17 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Meteorite is 'hard drive' from space by Simon Redfern,BBC News, January 21, 2015 http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30916692 Meteorites Contain Magnetic Messages from Early Solar System, Sci-News.com, Jan. 22, 2015

[meteorite-list] UNM scientist studies the authenticity of meteorites

2015-02-17 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
UNM scientist studies the authenticity of meteorites by Lena Guiloda, UNM Daily Lobo, Feb 4, 2015 http://www.dailylobo.com/article/2015/02/2-4-agee-profile https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=7077612883story_fbid=10153068071307884 Yours, Paul H.

[meteorite-list] Death of the Dinosaurs - Deccan Traps Versus Chicxulub

2015-02-08 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
The Death of the Dinosaurs By Peter Brannen, Sunday review, New york Times, January 31, 2015 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/01/opinion/sunday/the-death-of-the-dinosaurs.html Gerta Keller, Professor of Geosciences Volcanism, Impacts and Mass Extinctions http://massextinction.princeton.edu Deccan

[meteorite-list] Online Planetology - Geology Lectures

2015-02-07 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Amid the cat videos, stupid people tricks, and other such stuff, there are some interesting lectures on planetology that are on Youtube. They include: Impact Crater Geology the Weaubleau/Osceola Structure, Astronomy Lecture; May 2011KCAstronomy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_AuPVrypfw

Re: [meteorite-list] Alamo Impact Crater Recognized

2015-02-02 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
On Monday Febraury 2, 2015, Count Deiro wrote, Sunday, the Las Vegas Review Journal newspaper carried a second page headline that mentions the recent paper published in the current issue of Geosphere, the online mag for the Geological Society of America, arguing the legitimacy of the 382

[meteorite-list] The Meteorite Church of the Chelyabinsk

2015-01-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This is a strange and fascinating world that we-all live in. Welcome to the Church of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite astobob, September 19, 2103 http://astrobob.areavoices.com/2013/09/19/welcome-to-the-church-of-the-chelyabinsk-meteorite/ Is There Really A “Meteorite Church” In Russia? (Its members

[meteorite-list] Dinosaurs were Not wiped out by a global firestorm ??

2015-01-22 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Dinosaurs were Not wiped out by a global firestorm Jonathan O'Callaghan, Daily Mail, January 22, 2015 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2921547/Dinosaurs-NOT-wiped-global-firestorm-Asteroid-impact-not-hot-ignite-nearby-plants-study-claims.html Doubt cast on global firestorm generated

[meteorite-list] Mapping the Planets—Geology Stakes Its Claim

2015-01-16 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
McSween, H. Y., Jr., 2015, Mapping the Planets—Geology Stakes Its Claim. GSA Today, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 4-9. http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/25/1/article/i1052-5173-25-1-4.htm http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/25/1/pdf/i1052-5173-25-1-4.pdf Planetary Geologic Mapping Program

[meteorite-list] Impact jetting as the origin of chondrules.

2015-01-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
A twist on planetary origins: Meteorites were byproducts of planetary formation, not building blocks. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 14, 2015 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150114140527.htm New Study Suggests That Meteorites Were Not Building Blocks Of Planets by

[meteorite-list] Reidite and Shock-twinned Zircon Found in Rock Elm Impact Structure (Wisconsin)

2015-01-15 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Rare mineral found in a Wisconsin crater by Aaron L. Gronstal, Astrobiology Magazine http://phys.org/news/2015-01-rare-mineral-wisconsin-crater.html Rare Mineral Discovered in Ancient Meteorite Impact Crater, Live Science, Nov 3, 2014

[meteorite-list] Study Casts Doubt on Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

2015-01-08 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Study casts doubt on mammoth-killing cosmic impact University of California, Davis, CA, Science Daily http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150106130518.htm Study casts doubt on mammoth-killing cosmic impact University of California, Davis, CA,

[meteorite-list] Fossil Microbialites Found on Mars ???

2015-01-06 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Potential Signs of Ancient Life on Mars by Johnny Bontemps, Astrobiology Magazine, http://www.astrobio.net/news-exclusive/potential-signs-ancient-life-mars-rover-photos/ PhysOrg at http://phys.org/news/2015-01-potential-ancient-life-mars-rover.html The paper is: Noffke, N. 2015, Ancient

[meteorite-list] A Few Astrogeological and Geological Maps of 2014

2014-12-31 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Happy New Year eveyone. Lots of beautiful geologic maps were made this year. They include: Beautiful astrogeological maps reveal the Moon's mysterious far side, Robbie Gonzalez, io9, Dec. 09, 2014 http://io9.com/5866790/beautiful-astrogeological-map-reveal-the-moons-mysterious-far-side

[meteorite-list] Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere

2014-12-29 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Tales from a Martian rock: New chemical analysis of ancient Martian meteorite provides clues to planet's history of habitability, University of California, San Diego, Science Daily Dec. 22, 2014 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141222165037.htm

[meteorite-list] Hijacked journal list 2014, first edition, June 2014

2014-12-21 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Hijacked journal list 2014, first edition, June 2014 Dr. Mehrdad Jalalian. Academic Journalism, Publication Ethics http://www.mehrdadjalalian.com/index.php/list-of-hijacked-journals-and-fake-publishers/30-hiajcked-journal-list-2014-first-edition-june-2014 Journal hijackers target science and

[meteorite-list] K/Pg Extinction Might Have Almost Killed Off Mammals Also

2014-12-17 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs may have nearly knocked off mammals, too, Pensoft Publishers, Science Daily December 17, 2014 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141217101314.htm http://www.pensoft.net/news.php?n=451SESID=3b8ec3935301d193da5982b1c3e69685 Williamson, T. E., S. L.

[meteorite-list] New U-Pb Dates Tie Deccan Traps to Dinosaur Extinction

2014-12-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
New Dates Tie Volcanic Flood to Dinosaur Extinction by Becky Oskin, Live Science, December 11, 2014 http://www.livescience.com/49097-lava-flows-led-dinosaur-extinction.html Did a Massive Volcanic Eruption in India kill off the Dinosaurs? by Joel Achenbush, Washington Post,

[meteorite-list] Mastodons Disappeared from Beringia Before Human Colonization

2014-12-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Mastodons Disappeared from Beringia before Ancient Humans Arrived by Sci-News.com http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/science-mastodons-beringia-ancient-humans-02311.html Missing the Mastodon by Brian Switek National Geographic, December 9, 2014

[meteorite-list] Fake Web Sites Are Involved In Impersonating Scientific Journals

2014-12-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Cyber criminals are stealing the identity of reputable science journals by creating fake web sites and using them to collect author fees, These fees disappear to Armenia and other countries. They most commonly target journals that lack dedicated websites of their own. In some cases, such

Re: [meteorite-list] Detained at LAX for Esquel

2014-12-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
In Re: [meteorite-list] Detained at LAX for Esquel ( http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com/msg119796.html ) and on Dec. 11, 2014, J Sinclair wrote: Fossils have been a recent focus too. Some are being charged with smuggling and landing in jail because of current laws.

[meteorite-list] Nature makes all articles free to view

2014-12-03 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Nature makes all articles free to view (Publisher permits subscribers and media to share read-only versions of its papers by Richard Van Noorden Nature.com, 02 December 2014 http://www.nature.com/news/nature-makes-all-articles-free-to-view-1.16460 A New Way to Share Articles—and Help Advance

[meteorite-list] 60 Years Ago, A Human Was Hit by a Meteorite in Alabama

2014-11-30 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
60 Years Ago Today, A Human Was Hit by a Meteorite by Phil Plait, Slate Magazine, http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/11/30/sylacauga_meteorite_60th_anniversary_of_a_human_hit_by_a_space_rock.html Rhodri Marsden's Interesting Objects: The Sylacauga meteorite by R. Marsden, The

[meteorite-list] Geology Humor

2014-11-30 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/403212972862209571/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/403212972862209668/ Yours, Paul H. __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

[meteorite-list] How Scientometry is Killing Science (Open Access PDF Available)

2014-11-26 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This is a fine paper. I recommend reading it. Celâl Şengör, A M., 2014, How scientometry is killing science. GSA Today. vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 44-45. PDF at http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/24/12/pdf/i1052-5173-24-12-44.pdf text at

[meteorite-list] Asteroid Impacts on Earth Make Structurally Bizarre Diamonds

2014-11-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Asteroid impacts on Earth make structurally Arizona State University, bizarre diamonds, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141124125607.htm The paper is: Nemeth, P., L. A. J. Garvie, T. Aoki, N. Dubrovinskaia, L. Dubrovinsky, and P. R. Buseck, 2014, Lonsdaleite is faulted and

[meteorite-list] Scientists Descend Into Siberia's Mystery Crater

2014-11-17 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Pictures: Explorers Descend Into Siberia's Mystery Crater, National Geographic, November 14, 2104 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/11/pictures/141114-siberian-hole-cave-yamal-peninsula-science/ Descending into the depths of Siberia's mystery crater: Experts explore 98ft-wide hole to

[meteorite-list] Diamonds Found in Sutter’s Mill Meteorite.

2014-11-16 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Diamonds found in meteorite that fell in Sierra Gold Country (California) SFGate,Nov. 10, 2014 http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Diamonds-found-in-meteorite-that-fell-in-Sierra-5884457.php Diamonds Found In El Dorado County Meteorite CBS, Scaremento, California, Nov. 14, 2014

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Bears Evidence of Early Solar System Magnetic Fields

2014-11-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Meteorite Bears Evidence of Magnetic Fields in Early Solar System (New research shows that magnetic fields played a role in the solar system's formation) by Charles Q. Choi, Inside Science News Service, Scientific American

[meteorite-list] Plant Fossil Record Reflects Just Two Great Extinction Events – Open Access Paper

2014-11-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Cascales-Miñana, B., and C. J. Cleal, 2014, The plant fossil record reflects just two great extinction events. Terra Nova. vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 195–200. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10./ter.12086/full http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10./ter.12086/pdf Here we show that the plant

[meteorite-list] Open Access Paper About Sudbury Impact (Ontario, Canada)

2014-11-12 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Petrus, J. A., D. E. Ames, and B. S. Kamber, 2014, On the track of the elusive sudbury impact: geochemical evidence for a chondrite or comet bolide. Terra Nova. DOI: 10./ter.12125. Accepted Article http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10./ter.12125/abstract

[meteorite-list] Crater Hunters Find New Clues to Ancient Impact Storm

2014-11-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Crater Hunters Find New Clues to Ancient Impact Storm by Becky Oskin, Live Science, October 31, 2014 http://www.livescience.com/48565-meteor-crater-hunters-ordovician-impacts.html

[meteorite-list] Chinese Meteorite Market Article

2014-11-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Chinese rich pay sky-high prices for meteorites, The Daily Star, Oct. 30, 2014 http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Life/SciandTech/2014/Oct-31/275964-burning-passion-chinese-rich-pay-sky-high-prices-for-meteorites.ashx Rich pay sky-high prices for meteorites Chinadaily, USA, Oct. 30, 2014

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Man to be at TusCon, Tucson, Arizona

2014-11-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Meteorite Man' touches down at TusCon convention, Arizona Daily Star, Oc.t 29, 2014 http://tucson.com/entertainment/meteorite-man-touches-down-at-tuscon-convention/article_b5df1cf8-2f82-57c5-af59-b4f8fe7f5cd4.html Yours, Paul H. __ Visit the

[meteorite-list] The Cloud - Great Ted Talk About Being A Scientist

2014-10-26 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This is a great Ted Talk that speaks to a part of conducting science that scientists do not normally talk about to the lay public Uri Alon, 2013, Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown TEDGlobal 2013, Film 2013.

[meteorite-list] Free Geologic Time Scale Creator

2014-10-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
TimeScale Creator by Katelyn Verner and Rebecca Bobick,Purdue University https://engineering.purdue.edu/Stratigraphy/tscreator/index/index.php According to the web page: “TimeScale Creator, a free JAVA package, enables you to explore and create charts of any portion of the geologic time scale

[meteorite-list] Basaltic Sedimentary Rocks, Gale Crater, Mars

2014-10-25 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
GSA 2014: The puzzle of Gale crater's basaltic sedimentary rocks by Emily Lakdawalla, The Planetary Society, October 24, 2014, http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2014/10231731-gsa-2014-the-puzzle-of-gale.html Yours, Paul H. __ Visit the

[meteorite-list] Was There a Sixth Prehistoric Mass Extinction?

2014-10-23 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
'Missing' disaster led to all-time worst extinction by Jeff Hecht, Newc Scientist, October 23, 2014 http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22429922.300-missing-disaster-led-to-alltime-worst-extinction.html Have we missed a mass extinction? Extra catastrophic event may have occurred 8 million

[meteorite-list] New Paper About Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

2014-10-07 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Holliday, V. T., T. Surovell, D. J. Meltzer, D. K. Grayson, and M. Boslough, 2014, The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: a cosmic catastrophe. Journal of Quaternary Science. vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 515–530, August 2014 Abstract at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2724/full PDF file at

[meteorite-list] Files to 'print your own' Rosetta comet

2014-10-04 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Files to 'print your own' Rosetta comet By Jonathan Amos, BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29482548 Comet 67P (Churyumov-Gerasimenko) and The Rosetta Spacecraft http://www.livecometdata.com/comets/67p-churyumov-gerasimenko/

[meteorite-list] The Cloud and doing Science

2014-09-20 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This is a Ted Talk that is about aspects of doing science that scientists do not normally talk about to the lay public Uri Alon, 2013, Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown TEDGlobal 2013, Film 2013.

[meteorite-list] Online and Downloadable Missouri K-Pg Megatsunami Deposits Papers

2014-09-14 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Oboh-Ikuenobe, F. E., C. E. Campbell, and T. L. Eifert, 2008, Megatsunami deposit in Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval of southeast Missouri. In K R. Evans, J. W. Horton Jr., D. T. King Jr., and J. R. Morrow, eds., pp. 189-198 The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts. Special Papers

[meteorite-list] Mystery Crater Observed on Utah Farm

2014-09-09 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
What created the mystery Utah crater? by Ellie Zolfagharifard Mail Online and Associated Press, September 2, 2014 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2740487/What-created-mystery-crater-Utah-Underwater-hole-collapsing-soil-causing-small-eruption.html Scientists unsure about what

[meteorite-list] Interesting Paper About Pseudo-Impact Craters

2014-08-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
I came across an interesting paper about crater-like landforms that were formed by erosional processes. It is: Seward, C. L., Jr. and I. D. Boone, 1966, Erosion Craters Kimble County, Texas. Texas Journal of Science. vol. XVIII, no. 2, pp.184-190. They looked at numerous small crater-like

[meteorite-list] The Kardashian index: a measure of a scientist's discrepant social media profile

2014-08-05 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Some strangeness from the world of science. :-) :-) :-) The Kardashian Index by Tommaso Dorigo August 4th 2014 http://www.science20.com/a_quantum_diaries_survivor/blog/the_new_bit_of_the_summer_the_kardashian_index-141848 'Kardashian-index' raises awareness of cult of celebrity in sciences,

[meteorite-list] Asteroid impacts significantly altered ancient Earth

2014-08-04 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Arizona State University, Science Daily, July 31, 2014. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/07/140731150045.htm Marchi, S., W. F. Bottke, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, M. Bierhaus, K. Wuennemann, A. Morbidelli, D. A. Kring, 2014, Widespread mixing and burial of Earth’s Hadean crust by asteroid

[meteorite-list] Man Made Crater in Turkmenistan

2014-08-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
This Hellish Desert Pit Has Been On Fire for More Than 40 Years. In the Turkmenistan desert, a crater dubbed The Door to Hell has been burning for decades by Natasha Geiling, Smithsonian Magazine, May 20, 2014

[meteorite-list] More About Mysterious Giant Siberian Holes

2014-08-01 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
Inside Siberia's mysterious sinkhole that appeared at the 'end of the world, The Mirror, July 31, 2014 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/inside-siberias-mysterious-sinkhole-appeared-3940712 Two new mysterious craters emerge in Siberia, deepening giant hole saga. Washington Post

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