Recommendations regarding configuring IPv6 for the first time

2020-11-28 Thread Erik Lauritsen
Hi, I'm slowly beginning to look at IPv6 in preparations for my ISP to roll out IPv6. Currently I'm running an IPv4 LAN with physically segmented networks. I'm using dhcpd with fixed IP addresses based upon MAC, and have these setup in Unbound as well, as I have many clients and don't want to

Advice on using intrusion detection

2020-11-20 Thread Erik Lauritsen
Is it recommended to run some kind of intrusion detection on an OpenBSD router/firewall? I suspect that any kind of system like Snort or Suricata will give a lot of false positives? Kind regards, Erik

Whitelist port on out from external or in on internal?

2020-11-14 Thread Erik Lauritsen
With a default block, both in and out, I was wondering what is the best approach to whitelist services. To do: pass in on $internal inet proto tcp to any port $tcp_services Or: pass out inet $external proto tcp to any port $tcp_services I know that with the pass out on the $external then

Detecting DoH using PF

2020-02-17 Thread Erik Lauritsen
Hi, Is a DNS over HTTPS recognizable somehow so that it can be fingerprinted and redirected or blocked using pf? I am thinking about the ability of PF to detect when requests are coming from a windows machine for example. Kind regards, Erik

Re: Why would I need a container like Docker?!

2017-05-10 Thread Erik Lauritsen
> Now, everyone is telling me I should run Docker and a completely different > setup. "devops" are web developers with root, they need stuff like Docker or they end up breaking everything. "sysadmin" knows how to handle the bare metal! > What the fuck?! Why in the world would anyone setup