RE: mod_perl: User Authentication recommendations requested

2002-05-14 Thread Jeff Armstrong
And then he reads on p360 that there are tantalising recipes in chapter 13... I would still appreciate the lists thoughts and experience. -Original Message- From: Jeff AA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 14 May 2002 09:07 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: mod_perl: User Authentication reco

RE: framesets/AuthCookie question

2002-04-21 Thread Jeff Armstrong
I'm just a budding modperlie - is notes info maintained across a server redirect? $r->internal_redirect('/login?message=dont+go+there'); Jeff -Original Message- From: Michael Schout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 19 April 2002 17:44 To: Peter Bi Cc: Fran Fabrizio; [EMAIL PROTECTED

Newbie help - My cookies won't bake?

2002-03-08 Thread Jeff Armstrong
Revered Chefs, Please forgive a mere mod_perl kitchen-hand, undergoing early cookie training... I have the following cookie code, but no cookies come back when I refresh, and I don't see any $HTTP_COOKIE in %ENV. $cookies ends up as a hash ref pointing to an empty hash. I have the following i