Prblem in loading modules

2001-04-25 Thread Mohammed Azam
Hi, I am using perl 5.00503 mod_perl 1.22 apache 1.3.12 aix 4.3.3 I have recompiled perl 5.00503 after applying patch for dl_aix.xs. Then I compiled my mod_perl with the following command perl Makefile.PL \ USE_APXS=1 \ WITH_APXS=/usr/HTTPServer/bin/apxs \ EVERYTHING=1 It compiled without an

mod_perl 1.25 install crashes with IBM HTTP Server on AIX 4.3.3

2001-03-27 Thread Mohammed Azam
Hi, I am trying to install mod perl 1.25 on my aix machine. I am using -- AIX 4.3.3 -- IBM HTTP Server -- PERL version 5.005_03 following command i have used: perl Makeperl.PL \ APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/HTTPServer USE_APXS=1 \ WITH_APXS=/usr/HTTPServer/bin/apx \ EVERYTHING=1 The fol