.htacess security

2000-08-03 Thread Rob Giseburt
can't shut .htaccess files off completely.) Is there any need to worry? I can't have users writing any code that will be executed by the primary httpd process ... all user CGI execution is done via mod_cgi and SuEXEC. Thanks, -Rob Giseburt Random Quote: "

Re: .htacess security

2000-08-03 Thread Rob Giseburt
? -Rob Giseburt Random Quote: "Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine." (author unknown)

User directive

2000-08-01 Thread Rob Giseburt
the non-mod_perl CGI execution to. I cannot find what variable to change. I know that in a Perl.../Perl section it's simple $User, but in a PerlTransHandler context it seems you can only view it via $r-server-uid. Any suggestions? Thanks, -Rob Giseburt Random