Thanks for the answers...

Gerald Richter wrote:
I guess there are a value that stay persitent,which makes trouble on the
second request.
That´s what I´m thinking too, but I think I´ checked for globals variables and so on in my code - all variables involved should be local (subroutine) scope...but since I´m relatively new to modperl...
I don´t know if it makes sence to paste the hole code to the list, but I would be glad if someone would have a look at it:)
If anyone´s interested, I could send the code directly...

I have another idea what might be going on but I don´t know how to address it: The data for the images has to be parsed and can grow fairly big...since the images are produced during this process - is it possible that the httpd processes are memory restricted or something like that?

Another interesting;) thing happened when I changed the line for the Bio::Graphics module in my startup.pl, from "use Bio::Graphics ();" to "use Bio::Graphics;" - the first images was colored and then in each following request the color faded! (green - light green - blue green - black)

Can you try to set MaxRequestsPerChild to 1 in your httpd.conf?

Do you get the same result? If yes, you have to search what in your code
might persist accross requests.

I´m using the following enviroment:
(1Ghz dual processor machine, 1GB RAM)(Apache/1.3.27
(Unix)(Red-Hat/Linux 7.3) Embperl/2.0b5 mod_perl/1.26) (All the
modules are preloaded in a startup script)

Mmmh, Embperl 2.0b5 is quite old (and buggy). Please upgrade at least to
Uhmm, Ok! Could it interfere with my handlers?

You could also try to updrade you libgd and/or the GD Perl module.
It should be quite new: libgd.so.2.0.0 && GD-2.11.

Daniel Lang
University of Freiburg, Plant Biotechnology
Sonnenstr. 5, D-79104 Freiburg
phone: +49 761 203 6988
homepage:  http://www.plant-biotech.net/

>REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/A)

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