d line. Just typing 'sms send
> ', it can send a GMS message to a mobile phone.
All lowercase names are reserved for Perl pragmas, but we have
something better for you. By convention, applications distributed on
CPAN can go into App::* :)
If your program only works with SMSTrend
ess that you were comparing something without structure that you have
ti investigate.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: DevBlog::SQLLoader
> DSLIP: RdpOl
> description: Module for batch loading csv files to Oracle
It seems to me that the name should mention CSV and Oracle. Is DevBlog
your company?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), htt
t;Simple" anywhere in a name because it doesn't say what's
simple about it (and everyone thinks their own module is simple). We
say some things in the naming guidelines.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause
; things moving slowly...
What do you see that is moving slowly? Some things are slow on purpose.
That's not to say that you can't help, though. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_0
Would this be better as something like Geo::Coordinates::Convert where
you could give it the start and end formats? Although you only have two
right now, someone could add others.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/q
for you to completely pass on control of the this module.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: HG
> DSLIP: adpOp
> description: An OO interface to a local HG Repository
> userid: RTWARD (Robert Ward)
What about Hg, with a lowercase 'g'? That's how I see it mostly in
other sources.
brian d
(LEGO?) in the
name? That way, people might discover something cool that they weren't
looking for. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists
e two colons in the middle? Based on your Github project
you do, so I've registered it as such. If you need something else,
please let us know.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: h
code) that
concisely states what the module does. That is, the sort of thing you'd
put in the ABSTRACT. From that, develop the name by finding the
keywords to set your module apart from everything else out there.
And, asking the AnyEvent people might help. :)
brian d foy (o
lines to help you chooose the best name
for people to discover your module:
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http:/
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Net::WebCL
> DSLIP: bdpOg
> description: LWP::UserAgent base easy web access module.
> userid: KAZUNORI (Kazunori Minoda)
See our advice on Net::*
ion files end up in the
currently directory. Usually this means you created the tarball from
within the distribution directory instead of above it.
However, if you use the build system targets, you shouldn't ever run
into this problem:
% make dist
% ./Build dist
Good luck,
ng a
new distribution. You'll need to give it a greater version number to do
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
odules@ mailign list is mostly for CPAN admin issues instead of
module support. Besides the resources listed in particular modules,
which we don't control, you can try places like perlmonks.org or
Stackoverflow for help.
Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), htt
but somehow they have
Registered. Thanks, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
you add your stuff to the existing module?
> My concern is this: The dependency chain for Bytes::Random::Secure is
> anything *but* minimal.
In that case, a different module makes sense.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause
and not have to know how it works
on the inside.
> WebService::Rally
> Webservice::Rally
Use whichever capitalization is common already. I'd suggest you use one
of these.
> WWW::Rally::API
API doesn't add anything we don't already know.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE ad
er than it would be nice to have a single module that
provided all of it. Could you add your stuff to the existing module?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg
looks like you aren't), I
don't like the name to look like you might be.
I might even get rid of the XML part of the name and just call it
MediaRSS or RSS::MediaRSS.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?A
d be the primary maintainer, we should clear that up so you
can add co-maintainers.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: App:PM::Website
> DSLIP: bdpOa
> description: generate *.pm.org and push via WebDAV
> userid: SPAZM (Andrew Grangaard)
I fixed this to have the double colon in the front. :)
brian d foy (one of man
r, but there might be some preferred
conventional for specifying it later in the name. That's why I didn't
suggest anything particular. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
hey'd like to
fit your stuff into what they are doing.
Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
> My current favourite name is DBIx::Table::Inflate and here is what it does
> when I am done coding it,
Have you tried talking to the DBI mailing list about the name? They
might have some good ideas. Other than that, I don't see a problem with
that name.
Good luck, :)
dules. The email address I
> have on file for Andreas Koenig (whom I've con
Andreas needs to manually add SHAY to the list of users for AMPL. We
don't have a way to do that ourselves.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.pe
> this module it is not just glue between an existing C++ library and
> perl, but rather provides a simplified API for trading FXCM
> accounts.
You may want to see our thoughts on "::Simple"
1. That Derek will get his act together and return to me.
> What do you suggest?
I suggest using much less aggressive and abusive language. It makes
people less likely to bit bucket you.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.p
> DSLIP: MdpOp
> description: For retrieving Excel-stored tickets
> userid: AVIKAK (Avinash Kak)
> chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
If this is specifically and only for Excel, that should probably be in
the name. :)
brian d foy (one of many P
ng junk from HTML pages.
1. That name is different that the registration name. Which one is the
mistake? :)
2. I think HTML::Decruft might be better.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
it at datet...@perl.org. If it's fine with them,
it's fine with us. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
In article <20120714121314.37a3d...@lap.shlomifish.org>, Shlomi Fish
> apparently I wasn't given maint or comaint for the Math::Cephes namespace
> (only
> for its sub-namespaces). Can this be fixed, please?
This should be fixed now.
brian d foy (one of many
eed. Any module owned by ADOPTME can be transferred immediately.
I've transferred the modules to SHLOMIF.
And, anyone wanting to give up modules in the absence of a new
maintainer can use ADOPTME as the new owner.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instruction
Hi Per,
I just started playing with GeoNames and am looking at your module.
I'd like to help clear up the outstanding issues and get the tests
passing everywhere.
If you are no longer interested in this module, I'd be happy to be its
brian d foy
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: URPM
> DSLIP: MdhOg
> description: rpm binding + package resolving
> userid: TVIGNAUD (Thierry Vignaud)
How about Linux::URPM, just to give it some context?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause
rent interface merely
adapt to the new stuff that you add.
Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
that, assign primary maintainership to ADOPTME. After that,
I'll release a new version that notes it's abandoned status.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xra
The all-lowercase names are reserved for pragmas. How about something
like Cassandra, Apache::Cassandra, or something similar? You don't
really need to use "perl" since that's implied by using Perl. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.o
like you want XML::Simple
that's Tiny-fied, not XML::Tiny that's Simple-fied. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
it in the right spot.
> I propose using the name File::Split::More, File::Split::Qualifier, or
> File::Split::ApproxSize. I posted the details here:
I think a more appropriate name would be something like
File::Split::Boundary or File::Split::Aligned. The size is a side
effect, not t
a subroutine /igroup_by()/
I think Array::GroupBy is pretty good. Another idea might be
Array::SubArray, but I don't like that as much.
Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04abo
using the "Reset password" link:
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: DB::SPEEDYB
> DSLIP: adhOp
> description: Speedyb key-value lookup client
How about Speedyb or Speedyb::Client?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://p
e time for it, or don't work on it
> >> anymore.
> > It's more than next week and it looks like you are not a co-maintainer
> > yet. Let us know if you need PAUSE help. :)
> Yep, that would be great.
Hi Cosimo and Ken,
I'm made Cosimo a co-maintainer. If
lly to people who know that isn't the
case, but it's easy to understand that implication.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
, or don't work on it
> anymore.
> If I won't get any answer from you by next week,
It's more than next week and it looks like you are not a co-maintainer
yet. Let us know if you need PAUSE help. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE inst
o see if any of the other myriad timer modules on CPAN
already does what you need to do, or if one is close and you might
collaborate on it.
Good luck. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
I have developed an algorithm in Perl for classification
> of samples based on numeric expression data, and would like to distribute it
> via CPAN. The algorithm is called TrunkClassifie
It looks like you chose Algorithm::TrunkClassifier, which is what I
would have suggested. Good luck, :)
p and you're a co-maintainer of the
problem namespaces now. Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: WWW::RSSFeed
> DSLIP: cnpOg
> description: RSSFeed maker for websites
> userid: NICKS (Kunal Jaiswal)
> chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
Are you sure you want to maintain yet another RSS
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: VK
> DSLIP: adpOp
> description: vkontakte posts with images and links
> userid: LEONMEDIA (Marat Shaymardanov)
> chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
How about WWW::VK or WebService::VK?
brian d foy (
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Test::Proto
> DSLIP: cdpOp
> description: Simplify writing tests for deep nested data
> userid: PERRETTDL (Daniel Perrett)
How does "Proto" signify what you have in the description? By the name,
I would ha
ates into nested eval calls. This makes handling errors much
> simpler and creates much cleaner syntax.
"Cleanup" as a name didn't suggest any of that to me.
Filter::StackableErrorHandler would though :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.per
care about. Matt suggested Parse::, but
I've never fancied that top-level. It inverts the important bits and
makes people look in the middle of the name to see why they are using
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.
ormerly Omniture).
I don't think any of those belong under Business:: either. That's a
meaningless top level namespace that conveys nothing about the module.
Adobe::SiteCatalyst might be even better.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: No::Worries
> DSLIP: bdpfp
> description: coding without worries
> The modules in this package ease coding by providing consistent
> convenient functions to perform frequently used programming tasks.
That de
> (and logfile-tail instead of its logfile-cat script)?
As long as the name describes the feature, those would be fine. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.m
her, existing
modules, or maybe take over one of the namespaces in the other authors
don't want to maintain them anymore? I always hate having multiple
packages that do close to the same, each incomplete in different ways.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
anyone from using that name in other modules. If that's not what you are trying
to do,
maybe we can help you come up with a name that describes what's in your module.
typically try to name modules after what they can do for the user instead of
their source. :
the new Amazon Cloudsearch API;
> I was considering:
> WebService::Amazon::CloudSearch
Seems fine to me. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe
even tougher time understanding the solution.
> I have struggled with ways to do this and initially I was using the
> excellent Test::Output that you wrote but I was unable to solve the
> problem of testing functions and testing the STDERR output simultaneously.
I didn't wr
> > On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 09:12:14AM -0500, brian d foy wrote:
> > > > The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
> > > >
> > > > modid: Net::OSPF
> > > > DSLIP: RdpOb
> > > > descriptio
> similar:
> rationale:
> I chose Business::SiteCatalyst because Business is the toplevel
> namespace for most wrappers of commercial software APIs.
That's not really true, but it doesn't matter.
How about just SiteCatalyst?
brian d foy (on
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: MAS::TIFF
> DSLIP: anpOp
> description: Pure Perl TIFF image metadata and samples
> userid: GREGOR (Gregor N. Purdy, Sr.)
Why is MAS the top level name? What is that?
Is this something that could go under I
ou're trying to get the state of previous tests,
a TAP consumer could probably do that with less fuss.
I don't see how the name describes what you are trying to do, either.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/paus
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: MonitisMonitorManager
> DSLIP: anpOg
> description: Monitis Custom Monitor Manager
> userid: DANFRU (Dan Fruehauf)
> chapterid: 16 (Server_and_Daemon_Utilities)
How about Monitis::MonitorManager? Perl lets y
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]
Absent a clear message from p5p, I've made PJF the primary maintainer
of Fatal. P5P is a co-maintainer, and TODDR is now a comaintainer.
brian d f
el called "FollowTail" that does both of those, and I
think it's name does a good job distinguishing it from reading a single
file once. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Ask the Catalyst people. I think they have particular views on the
namespaces under Catalyst::*
> - Shall I attach the code?
We don't need to see the code. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.o
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Net::OpenIdLogin
> DSLIP: adpOp
> description: Simple lightweight OpenId Consumer
> userid: REALHOLGI (Holger Eiboeck)
> chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
How about just OpenID::Login?
y account from Google, CPAN, and the
> likes?
What is your PAUSE username?
Deleting your account won't necessarily clear Google, etc. What are you
trying to solve with that? Maybe we can help with the underlying issue.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Test::NoCore
> DSLIP: idpOg
> description: Test nothing dumps core
Would Test::NoCoreDump be better?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/qu
s FlatDB? However, you might want to
think about choosing a name that distinguishes your module from all the
other DB modules.
And, I'm curious is this is better than something like DBI::CSV, which
I think already does w
us on further questions with the module maintainers.
Good luck, :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
up with probably
will have applications beyound just Unicode newlines since you can give
the code any set of line endings.
The chomp would be nice for people using pre-5.10, although s/\R\z//
isn't too hard to type. ;)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
DS isn't going to tell people what your module
does or why they might use it, especially when so any other things have
the same initialism.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://w
he module owner on this dual life, I
> suggest transferring ownership of Fatal to PJF. Looking at the blead tree,
> Fatal is located under cpan/autodie
Can you ask Paul and p5p how they'd like to handle that? I'll do
whatever they like on that.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admi
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Bool
> DSLIP: RdpOg
> description: Simple boolean implementation
> userid: KHAREC (Sandro CAZZANIGA)
> chapterid: 2 (Language_Extensions)
> communities:
Do you know about boolean?
brian d foy (one
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Sane
> DSLIP: MdcOp
> description: Bindings for the SANE project
> userid: RATCLIFFE (Jeffrey Ratcliffe)
I just approved this, but as it was going through I thought that maybe
SANE, all capitalized, would be better.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Device::SerialPort::Arduino
> DSLIP: adpOg
> description: Arduino Serial OOp class
> userid: SYXANASH (Simone Mar.)
> chapterid: 4 (Operating_System_Interfaces)
Maybe Arduino deserves a top-level namespace. :)
t of
> modules whereas all other do. So - I'm unable to add you as an maintainer.
> Tom
I can't find that module at all. I see that it is on BackPAN, though.
If someone registers the namespace, we should be able to set
permissions even without the module on CPAN.
;t think of a better one off the
> cuff.
I don't think you have to worry about the internal classes so much. Pay
more attention to the user-visible ones. You can change the hidden ones
later. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pau
> bugs.
Considering that the big boss speaks German, I don't think it's a big
deal. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modul
> similar:
> rationale:
> Moose Manual Chinese Document
How about Moose::Manual::CN? Do the Moose people have any thoughts on
which namespace they'd like for translations?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: htt
espace on existing modules like Net::OpenSRS and
> Net::OpenSRS::Email_APP
Are you modules subclasses of those? Otherwise, I like to encourage
people to choose better names instead of copying old bad names. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE inst
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: Net::OpenSRS::OMA
> DSLIP: bdpOp
> description: Client library for the OpenSRS Mail API
> userid: RPLATEL (Richard Platel)
> chapterid: 8 (User_Interfaces)
How about just OpenSRS::OMA?
brian d foy (one of
e can force you to choose a particular name, so there's nothing
that you are required to change. I don't think most people will
understand this module from the name though.
Good luck,
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: File::Unpack
> DSLIP: bdphp
> description: A powerful archive unpacker, mimetype based
> userid: JNW (Jürgen Weigert)
> chapterid: 17 (Archiving_and_Compression)
Would this fit better under Archive::*?
rvice::TheGameCrafter, and we'll include a disclaimer about any RSI
> incurred while typing it.
I've approved it as WebService::TheGameCrafter.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04a
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: File::OFind
> DSLIP: bdpOo
> description: Object Oriented Replacement for File::Find
> userid: QAZWART (David Weintraub)
How about File::Find::OO?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.o
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: CGI::Untaint::CSP::GB
> DSLIP: idpOg
> description: Validate a British County
> userid: NHORNE (Nigel Horne)
> chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
See my comments on CGI::Untaint::CSP.
ountyProvince or some whole word that stands
in for those?
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules
Please send all messages back to modules@perl.org with no CC to me.
ed for inclusion in the Module List:
> modid: WebService::TGC
> DSLIP: adphg
> description: Interface to TheGameCrafter.com API
> userid: COLINK (Colin Kuskie)
Is TGC going to be enough to let people know what this module is for?
In my googling, TGC brings up
In article
Petya Kohts wrote:
> Do you think the original author deleted modules by himself? I thought
> maybe his code got somehow "banned" from cpan (all of his modules are gone).
I don't have any information on that. Maybe another PAUSE admin knows.
brian d f
are a couple things you can do.
1. Ask for maintainership of the module from the author and re-release
2. Grab the module from BackPAN and re-release it under a new name,
subject to license restrictions (which probably isn't a problem)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), htt
on't really see the point of adding
Device::* to the front unless you are physically connected to the
hardware. Otherwise, it's networking.
I haven't made the plunge to get one of these thermostats yet, but it's
on my to do list. :)
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admin
ntation without changing the name.
Also, API is redundant. You know it's an API because its a module :)
How about WWW::VPSNet? That's where people typically put these things/
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.
too. If we got really crazy, we'd have to pull out all the tricky
oceanography formulas that I vaguely recall.
brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
PAUSE instructions: http://pause.perl.org/pause/query?ACTION=pause_04about
Archives: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/maili
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