[mou-net] Grand Rapids birds (highlights) past few days

2012-05-13 Thread Wes Bailey
Overall bird activity has increased here in Grand Rapids, MN and the past few days have yielded many first of season birds. My wife and I usually visit Bass Brook WMA in Cohasset, MN about 4 times a week - this WMA is unique in that management of the area is centered on non-game wildlife. We have

[mou-net] White-throated Sparrow MN-Arkansas

2012-05-13 Thread danerika
Hi All A White-throated Sparrow that I banded near Dundas, Minnesota, on 3 May 2007 was recovered in Montichello, Arkansas on 20 March 2012. Since the bird was at least in its second year when banded, the age when recovered was at least six years, a respectable age for a sparrow. More details on

[mou-net] New arrivals, Becker Counry

2012-05-13 Thread Steve Midthune
Saturday at Hamden Slough: solitary sandpiper, black tern, long-billed dowitcher, blackpoll warbler. Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-13 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants this morning during 2 short walks. Carver Park Blue-headed Vireo 1 Philadelphia Vireo 1 (1st 5 vireo species day of the year) Swainson's Thrush 1 Black-and-White Warbler 1 Tennessee Warbler 17 Nashville Warbler 1 Blackburnian Warbler 1 Blackpoll Warbler 1 Rapids Lake Tennessee

Re: [mou-net] Saturday May 12 Old Cedar Bridge

2012-05-13 Thread Warren Woessner
I had a similar experience birding at Veteran's Park in Richfield and at Wood Lake Sat AM. Vet's Park yielded only a Gray Cheeked Thrush aad Least Flycatcher (and dozens of singing Tenn's, Yellows and a Redstart. Wood Lake had a couple of Yellow Rumps and a lone Wilson's. Not quiet what with

[mou-net] Mallards roosting on the roof (Goodhue Co)

2012-05-13 Thread Larry Sirvio
On the way back from Craig Mandel’s Fillmore Co trip on Friday evening we stopped at a restaurant near the Mississippi River. At sunset we saw 7 or 8 drake mallards sitting on the roof of a condo next door to restaurant. Some were sleeping – others were preening or stretching. It looked like

[mou-net] Warblers and vireos: French Regional Park, Hennepin Co

2012-05-13 Thread Alex Cruz
Attempted a local big warbler day but had to stick close to home because of pooches so spend the day at French Regional Park, Hennepin County. It was kind of like birding in Disney World with all the people but the birds didn't seem to mind. Managed over 50 species even with my late start (10:00

[mou-net] Lake Vadnais: 2 species Tern ID

2012-05-13 Thread Peter Sebastian
On the road just behind the taco bell on lake vadnais there is a mudflat out in the western of the two lakes that has two species of terns on it as well as cormorant. There were 6 larger terns which I think were caspian based on the bright look of the bill and the dark underwing tips when flying,

Re: [mou-net] Mallards roosting on the roof (Goodhue Co)

2012-05-13 Thread Jim Ryan
I have seen Mallards perched on rooftops in a suburban neighborhood before, but not roosting. I thought that was odd enough. -- Sincerely, Jim Ryan Saint Paul's Westside One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken. -* Leo Tolstoy* A

Re: [mou-net] Mallards roosting on the roof (Goodhue Co)

2012-05-13 Thread Manley Olson
We live in suburban Falcon Heights. I have often seen mallards perched on roofs but I do not recall seeing more than 3 at any one time and they did not appear to be sleeping or staying very long. This past week I had a pair perched on the roof while I mowed the lawn. They were there at least

[mou-net] Vadnais Follow-up: Black tern present

2012-05-13 Thread Peter Sebastian
I went back to where the terns were and was able to figure out ID better. The cormorants were gone but wood ducks and gulls were there for size comparison. The larger ones were definitely Caspian based on size, the redness of the bill, and the dark underwing edges. The smaller ones I believe

[mou-net] Albany

2012-05-13 Thread Stefanie and Kurt
This afternoon at the Albany ³settling ponds² were Least Sandpipers-dozens, Wilson¹s Phalarope-dozens, Stilt Sandpiper (2), Greater Yellowlegs(1), Spotted Sandpiper (2), Killdeer. Probably other peeps as well, but my optics, such as they were, were limited and I was only able to discern the