*Minnesota Statewide
*November 16, 2012
-Birds mentioned
Surf Scoter
Black-legged Kittiwake
Iceland Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
White-winged Dove
Snowy Owl
Cassin's Kingbird
Tufted Titmouse
Mountain Bluebird
Townsend's Solitaire
Varied Thrush
Hotline: Mi
In like vain-- I saw two shrikes at Westwood Nature center at 3:00 this
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas P. Malone"
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 4:08:35 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Northern shrike
At 2 pm I spotted a northern shrike at Springbook Natur
On a related note, there was a documentaty on TPT2 two nights ago on ducks.
Most of it was on a female wood duck and her family but there was also lots of
info on other dabbling and diving ducks. It will be rerun again soon I'm sure.
There is also another PBS documentary available on demand (
At 2 pm I spotted a northern shrike at Springbook Nature Center in Fridley.
Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna, Guzy & Steffen Ltd
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Around 1 pm today I saw 10 Buffleheads, male and female, and a pair of
Double-creasted Cormorants at Rebecca Park in Hastings. I viewed them on the
reservoir, facing north, a good distance out from the walkway, west of Lock
and Dam no. 2. At first I saw only one cormorant, perched on a snag
Iceland Gull still present feeding on beach at 3:30.
Bob Williams
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 16, 2012, at 12:34 PM, "Andrew Nyhus" wrote:
> Dedrick Benz and I found a first winter Iceland Gull today around 11:45 at
> the Florence Twp Beach boat landing along CR2 on Lake Pepin near the
> communi
Any subscribers who have any questions, thoughts, or comments about a
moderator's request please send them to us not the entire list.
There is a diverse group of people who belong to the group and it is difficult
to keep everyone happy if we do not have guidelines in place.
Guidelines for the
I agree
This is a GREAT documentary. Our cats even got excited and stared at the screen
for almost the whole show. Very well done and explains why Central Park is such
a great place to see migratory song birds.
Mike Henry
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.U
This HBO documentary was excellent - I really enjoyed it. For those
interested, here's a link to information. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like
it's currently scheduled to show again anytime soon, but I'm sure it will be on
again at some point. If I see it, or hear about it, I'll try to sha
Birders, the response to the new birding group Dakota Birders has been
great. The chance for more interchange, more field trips, more citizen
science, and more fun has generated lots of interest in the Dakotas, E.
Minnesota, NW Iowa, and NE Nebraska. The Dakota Birders consider themselves
Have had WW Crossbills in five Mille Lacs & Sherburne County locations this
week, including, for the first time in my yard.
And my yard is a five acre former farmer's field, with only a few fledgling
Interesting fall.
Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Sent from my iPhone
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Yesterday in our yard we been getting a lot of Pine Grosbeaks f
Yesterday in our yard we been getting a lot of Pine Grosbeaks feeding on
several of our ornamental crab apples as well as 10 Bohemian Waxwings. I also
spotted a Red-bellied Woodpecker in our yard along with some cardinals, h
You can always post images on the MOU webpage:
Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com
From: Karl Bohnsack
Sent: F
St. Paul Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count has had between 15-25
Trumpeters in the middle of December for the last 6-8 years, probably way
longer. I lead that section of the CBC pie, and they are a site to behold!!
They hang out in the winter in the open water at the north and south end
I don't think you can post pics directly here but if you have a photobucket
account you can load them there and then link them here. Or you can try
the Facebook group - you can for sure post pics there. I don't have the
link handy since I am at work but it is something like Minnesota Birding.
I've been watching a red-breasted nuthatch getting little peanut morsels out of
our feeder, then it flies on a low trajectory across the street and buries them
in the leaf litter around my neighbors' foundations. That doesn't seem like a
safe place to store a winter larder. Why would it do that?
Today (Friday) we had a new arrival at the feeders: Pine Siskins. A
glance from a distance gave me a preliminary ID. I ran downstairs to get a
second pair of binocs, so I didn't have to approach the window and scare
off the birds. When I got back up, I was disappointed to see a house
finch, but
While religion and politics are great subjects to discuss, they are not within
the guidelines of MOU-NET.
If you would like to discuss this further please message the administrators off
Thank you, and back to birds.
Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
Hello Everyone,
My name is Karl and I am new to birding and this site (last 6 mo with a LL
of 65). Proud to say I just became a member and donated to the MOU
yesterday. And as much as I have enjoyed the banter the last few days (not
really), let's look forward to the beautiful weekend ahead.
All -
Jim has signed off from this group, so if you want to communicate with him
you'll have to do so directly. He won't see what you post here.
For anyone with questions as to the purpose of this list serve or posting
guidelines, please refer to what we've published on our website at
Jim, your post was in violation of group guidelines. I don't know why you
interpreted my polite request as being angry.
Pete Nichols
From: Jim Mork
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] The Lord's Work
Definitely an angry group sometimes.
On 11/16/2012 8:15 AM, Rick wrote:
On 11/16/2012 4:25 AM, Jim Mork wrote:
Just realized that bird feeding is "holy work". See Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor
reap nor gather into barns, and
Amen! And using this site as a chat (except yellow-breasted, of course) room
also is a real distraction.
Marshall Howe
Dorset, Hubbard County
p.s. An evening grosbeak here today is another sign of their increased
prevalence this fall, including in the mid-Atlantic states.
Sent from my iPad
Could we please refrain from promoting religion in this group? This post is
Pete Nichols
Cottage Grove
From: Jim Mork
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 4:25 AM
Subject: [mou-net] The Lord's Work
Just realized that bi
Richard Smaby from Austin have a box of books he wants to donate to the
MOU book sale, but he will not be coming to the cities until after the
annual meeting. If anyone is going to Austin between now and the
meeting and is willing to bring the books back to the Twin Cities,
please contact me and I
Just realized that bird feeding is "holy work". See Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor
reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father
feeds them. Are you not worth much.
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