[mou-net] LaCrescent MN White-faced Ibis/ LaCrosse WI Piping Plover

2013-04-25 Thread Malcolm Gold
Sun and approximately 70 species this morning, including a piping plover and eared grebes in Lacrosse WI and a white-faced ibis near Hokeh MN, made for a good day of birding. A more detailed run down of the day, photos, and my ramblings can be seen at: http://mcmdgold.blogspot.com/2013/04/chasing

[mou-net] American Bittern: 180th Street Marsh- April 25th

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Lewanski
At 7:15 p.m. on 4/25/13, I birded 180th Street marsh for about 45 minutes. the following were seen: -American Bittern: seen in the southwestern pond about 50 feet from road. It was actively feeding. After about 30 minutes it flew farther back and out of sight into the taller cattails Other birds

[mou-net] Golden Valley Sightings

2013-04-25 Thread Bob Butson
This afternoon Anthony Manderfeld and I made a few stops around Golden Valley. The water at the General Mills Nature Preserve was deep enough to support a few AMERICAN COOTS. Westwood Nature Center was dripping with KINGLETS, mostly Ruby-crowned, but we saw one Golden. BROWN CREEPERS were also c

[mou-net] White-faced Ibis, Euclid, Polk County

2013-04-25 Thread Bill Blackburn
Hi all, While running surveys for Minnesota Audubon today I had a single White-faced Ibis fly over one of my points at the Euclid East Watershed Impoundment located 2 miles East of Euclid, MN in Polk County. The bird landed in the interior of the impoundment and I did not see it leave before I di


2013-04-25 Thread Betsy Beneke
I spent part of the day birding in Stearns County, looking for longspurs and shorebirds (still) with no luck.  The only wading bird I saw was all black and looked suspiciously like a crow. I did find TONS of diving ducks, including the first large numbers of canvasbacks I've seen this year.  Ev

[mou-net] Roseau - Roseau River Watershed District

2013-04-25 Thread Agassiz Audubon
9 Rough-legged Hawks at the new district impoundment north of town - also 6 Northern Harriers 15 Sandhill Cranes 1 Killdeer 8 meadowlarks 22 Canada Geese 5 Horned Larks 7 American Kestrels -- Heidi Hughes Agassiz Audubon Society 27391 190th Street NW Warren MN 56762 218.745.5663

[mou-net] Bohemian Waxwings

2013-04-25 Thread Valerie A. Slocum
A flock of about 15 Bohemian Waxwings were seen in a shrub full of berries near the Eurasian Lynx exhibit at the Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth, MN. Valerie Valerie Slocum Volunteer Manager Lake Superior Zoological Society [p] 218.730.4500 ext. 210 [f] 218.723.3750 [e] vslo...@lszoo.org

[mou-net] Western Grebes - Paynesville

2013-04-25 Thread Josh Wallestad
Today around noon I observed a pair of Western Grebes in a large pond at the outskirts of Paynesville. The pond is located on the south side of MN 23 near the end of the bypass on the northeast edge of town. The pond is part the city's compost/brush site. Josh Wallestad www.aboywhocriedheron

[mou-net] [mou-rba] MOU RBA 25 April 2013

2013-04-25 Thread Anthony Hertzel
-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *April 25, 2013 *MNST1304.25 -Birds mentioned Cinnamon Teal Red-throated Loon American Bittern Cattle Egret Glossy Ibis White-faced Ibis Swainson's Hawk Virginia Rail American Avocet Willet Hudsonian Godwit Ruff Bonaparte's Gull Franklin's Gull Caspian Tern Sno

[mou-net] Juvenile Northern Goshawk, Washington County

2013-04-25 Thread jbaines317
There is a juvenile Goshawk hanging out high in a river birch along the St. Croix River right outside Carpenter Nature Center's administration building. Jen Vieth Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Lake Waconia

2013-04-25 Thread Frank Peterson
Canada Goose Tundra Swan Gadwall American Widgeon Mallard Redhead Ring-necked Duck Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Great Blue Heron Osprey Red-tailed Hawk American Coot Ring-billed Gull Franklin's Gull American Kestrel American Robin Am

[mou-net] Black Dog

2013-04-25 Thread Ann Stout
At Black Dog Road near the power plant two adult bald eagles were flying up and down from their nest on one of the power poles to the ground. Then we saw what appeared to be an injured turkey! Also at Black Dog two Eastern Phoebes (FOY), an otter (1), ruddy ducks, eared grebes, too many gulls

[mou-net] Salt Lake Birding Weekend

2013-04-25 Thread Ken Larson Mary Lou Frank
Western Minnesota weather is rapidly improving and every thing is set for the 38th annual Salt Lake Bird Count. Free camping is still available at Prairie Marsh Farm. Contact Ken at 612-2310-8486 or email to above address. More info at http://moumn.org/saltlake/ . Ken Larson Join or Leave m

[mou-net] April 25 Feeder Birds

2013-04-25 Thread roy zimmerman
At my feeder this morning: several purple finches (first time for my yard), juncos, common redpoll, fox sparrow. Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Dark-eyed Junco at Suet Feeder/Rice Col

2013-04-25 Thread
Hi All— I posted a photo of a Dark-eyed Junco at our suet feeder in Northfield during Monday’s ice and snow storm. To the best of my knowledge, juncos are not known to consume suet. http://dantallmansbirdblog.blogspot.com This junco seems to be intermediate between a “Slate-colored” and an “Ore