[mou-net] Wood Thrush - Meadowlands Area

2016-07-10 Thread Tanya Beyer
I was wide awake but still in bed when from outside, in a strip of windbreak made up of old spruces, bur oak, basswood and poplar I heard that ee-o-lay, another bird from remotest childhood. Someone had ID'd it for my mother. That was well south of here; this is the furthest north I've ever heard i

[mou-net] MOU at the State Fair August 25-September 5

2016-07-10 Thread kkelnberger
The MOU will again be hosting an informational booth at the State Fair- Thursday, August 25th through Monday, September 5th. This is a great opportunity for birders to share their interest and support bird conservation. The three shifts are the same as they have been in past years: 8:45-1:00

Re: [mou-net] MOU-NET Digest - 8 Jul 2016 to 9 Jul 2016 (#2016-27)

2016-07-10 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I was at the 140th street marsh area on Saturday morning and did not see either the blue grosbeak or the mockingbird (I'm assuming it has moved on). There were lots of birds all along the road including numerous fledglings from several species including bluebirds, orchard oriole, Baltimore oriol

Re: [mou-net] MOU-NET Digest - 8 Jul 2016 to 9 Jul 2016 (#2016-27)

2016-07-10 Thread Robert Manning
1st year Eastern Bluebirds would have dark grey backs at this time of year. Robert Manning robertvmann...@hotmail.com > Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 00:00:34 -0500 > From: lists...@lists.umn.edu > Subject: MOU-NET Digest - 8 Jul 2016 to 9 Jul 2016 (#2016-27) > To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU > > There are