[mou-net] birds apps for Google Nexus One

2010-03-17 Thread Ben Parke
I've been looking into upgrading to a smartphone.  I know there are quite a few excellent birding apps for the iphone.  I'm wondering if anyone has run across something of that sort for the nexus one or anyone of the android phones.   Ben Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Sherburne Refuge

2009-09-07 Thread Ben Parke
Birded all of the Blue Hill trail and the wildlife drive today.  Thanks to a very kind birders excellent instructions I got to see the family of Common Moorhens in Big Bluestem pool.  While observing those I was also treated to two Soras flying between the reeds halfway between the moorhens and

[mou-net] Snowy Egret, Purgatory Creek Eden Prairie

2009-07-03 Thread Ben Parke
I was able to relocate the Snowy Egret last night at Purgatory Creek.  It was even so kind as to forage right next to a Great Egret, obviously much much smaller than the Great.  It was foraging in the water a little north of the large sand flat where the gulls and terns hang out.  I found I

[mou-net] anderson lakes, purgatory creek, chevalle wetlands

2009-04-04 Thread Ben Parke
I finally got my wish of local migratory ducks this afternoon along with a couple shorebirds.   chevalle wetlands in Chaska wood duck ring-necked duck bufflehead hooded merganser pied-billed grebe am. coot greater yellowlegs killdeer wilson's snipe the usual r-w blackbirds, robins, gulls, etc  

[mou-net] prescott WI

2009-03-06 Thread Ben Parke
Wondering if anything interesting is being seen in Prescott/Hastings area of late.  I'm thinking of going searching for the grey partridge and wanted to take in any other birds of interest while I'm down that way.   Ben Join or Leave

[mou-net] Northern Shrike in Carver County

2009-02-11 Thread Ben Parke
Today is the second time I have seen a northern shrike on the exit ramp from new trunk Hwy 212 to MN 41 in Chaska.  The bird hangs out in the trees on the north side of the exit ramp and sometimes flies over the exit ramp to the south side.  Got a good look at it today as I drove up to the

[mou-net] black dog gulls?

2009-01-30 Thread Ben Parke
I'm wondering if anyone has observed any gulls at Black Dog Lake of late.  I know there are some hanging out down in Prescott.   Ben in Chaska Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Black Dog gulls

2008-12-19 Thread Ben Parke
I saw someone else post recently inquiring as to whether unusual gulls are still frequenting Black Dog lake.  I am also curious if this is the case as I am considering a jaunt tomorrow in that direction, weather willing.   Ben in Chaska Join or Leave

[mou] Chaska feeder birds

2008-10-17 Thread Ben Parke
First of fall female Purple Finch and White Throated Sparrows at my feeder in Chaska.? Feeder activity is particularly high today with the recent cold snap. ? Ben in Chaska __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection

[mou] Bass Ponds

2008-09-21 Thread Ben Parke
Took a walk through the bass ponds yesterday in Bloomington.? As has been the case, there was very little migrant activity.? 6 species of warblers and 43 species total with nothing of particular interest.? However, there are substantial numbers of ducks on Long Meadow Lake, mostly coot and all

[mou] purgatory creek - caspian tern

2008-07-29 Thread Ben Parke
Struck out on the solitary sandpiper but did see Wilson's Phalarope, least sandpiper, several lesser yellowlegs, and two caspian terns.? Also, what plumage were the red-necked grebes that were seen in? ? Ben Parke -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed

[mou] rapids lake unit carver county - Lark Sparrows and unique grosbeak

2008-07-24 Thread Ben Parke
Took a jaunt through the Rapid's Lake Unit.? I ran across around six adult and juvenile Lark Sparrows down the hill from the visitor center.? More interesting was a Grosbeak I found sitting in a tree just past the end of the paved trail going down from the visitor center.? It had a very

[mou] shorebirds at Purgatory creek

2008-07-09 Thread Ben Parke
Stopped by Purgatory Creek rec area in Eden Prairie today to check out shorebirds.? The leasts are still hanging around along with lots of Killdeer and a few spotted sandpipers.? I also saw one shorebird that had markings very similar to the lesast sandpiper.? However, it was larger, more the

[mou] Bass Ponds

2008-05-17 Thread Ben Parke
Went birding at the Bass Bonds in Bloomington today with three friends (formerly non-birders - likely converted to birders after today) and had a fairly productive 4-5 hrs with 15 species of warbler. Items of note were (in the order seen): indigo bunting (at the feeders of the visitor

[mou] chaska brids

2008-04-17 Thread Ben Parke
FOY chipping sparrow in backyard 6+ D-C Cormorants in tree near lake on E side of MN 41 just north of MN 212. Ben in Chaska - Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. -- next part -- An

[mou] spring peeper meadow

2008-04-05 Thread Ben Parke
Took a short walk through the Spring Peeper Meadow at right off MN 41 just south of Hwy 5 in Chanhassen. The following were of note: Amer. Wigeon Brown Creeper Song Sparrow (many) E. Bluebirds (one particularly impressive male - very bright blue) Osprey

[mou] ducks and aborted birding trip

2008-04-02 Thread Ben Parke
Due to the unfortunate reoccurance of overheating of my car (stayed fixed for all of one day) I ended up birding the pond/lake immediately west of Powers Blvd exit on the new 312, north side of the road (by which time my car was too overheated to go any further.) The pond produced the

[mou] Spring Peeper Meadow

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Parke
Took my first walk of the year at the Spring Peeper Meadow at MN 41 and Hwy 5. With the recent snow melt, there's considerable water in the pond area and also in some of the low-lying areas. Canda geese mallard northern shoveler ring-necked duck northern goshawk red-tailed

[mou] spring birds

2008-03-22 Thread Ben Parke
On the way to church this morning I saw a Great Blue Heron (Hwy 41 about a mile south of Hwy 5), 3 redwing blackbirds (Hwy 5 by U of M Arboretun) and 2 Am. Robins. Wonder if any of them are reconsidering their timing on migration ? Ben in Chaska -

[mou] crane or heron flyover

2008-03-21 Thread Ben Parke
I was sitting at my desk a few minutes ago and saw 3 or so cranes or herons fly overhead. Couldn't get the binocs up in time to see and specific identifiers. Obviously whatever it was isn't letting itself be dissuaded by the snowstorm/temporary set-back to spring. Ben in Chaska

[mou] point douglas

2008-01-13 Thread Ben Parke
Thanks to everyone who has been updating on the ducks around Prescott. I got the chance to see the harlequin (thanks to those who helped locate it for me), barrow's, and also a couple of redheads and several common mergansers. Ben - Looking for

[mou] Black Dog Lake

2008-01-11 Thread Ben Parke
I'm thinking of taking a trip down to Prescott this weekend and perhaps stopping by Black Dog Lake on the way. Has anyone been there recently and if so, what is there to see? Thanks, Ben - Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. --

[mou] snow buntings in the twin cities

2008-01-08 Thread Ben Parke
I'm wondering if anyone has seen any snow buntings in Minneapolis or the western burbs recently. It's my bird of obsession for the winter and I have yet to run across any (or much any birds for that matter!) Ben - Be a better friend, newshound, and

[mou] update on sage thrasher

2007-10-22 Thread Ben Parke
to never again bird without a camera Ben Parke in Chaska __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed

[mou] Odd Bird - ID help please

2007-10-20 Thread Ben Parke
I was at the Spring Peeper Meadow and Hwy 7 and MN 41 in Chanhassen today and saw a rather odd bird. The closest match in my bird book was a sage thrasher which is quite impossible. I found the bird in the sumac bushes on the woodchip trail right before the boardwalk. Sadly, I did not have a

[mou] pileated woodpecker

2007-10-12 Thread Ben Parke
Just had a pileated woodpecker fly over the top of my house and birdfeeders this morning. That's a nice addition to the red-bellied woodpecker that was pecking away at a dead tree yesterday. I was hoping the pileated would perch where I could get a pickture of him. Also just had a large hawk

[mou] oregan junco

2007-10-12 Thread Ben Parke
Today must be my lucky yard-bird day. In addition to the pileated I just had an oregon junco (dark head, brown back) foraging on my porch. Flew away when I went to photograph it. These birds really must learn to be more photogenic :) Ben in Chaska

[mou] what to do with a dead bird

2007-10-11 Thread Ben Parke
I have a white-throated sparrow that became a casuality of my bird feeder. Not sure what happened to it as I've never had a bird fly into my dirty windows before and it does not appear to have been mauled by a predator. What do you all usually do with casualties? Thanks, Ben - chaska

[mou] louisville swamp unit

2007-10-07 Thread Ben Parke
Birded at Louisville swamp yesterday. Birds of interest were: lots of american coots in the swamp 30+ dark-eyed juncos 40+ yellow-rumped warblers 100s of white-throated sparrows 20+ r-c kinglets 2 g-c kinglets 1 red breasted nuthatch 1 lincoln's sparrow several swamp

[mou] carver county feeder sightings

2007-10-05 Thread Ben Parke
Just had a red-breasted nuthatch and a white-crowned sparrow hanging around my backyard feeder in Chaska this morning. Ben - Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV. -- next part

[mou] red phalarope

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Parke
today perhaps he can confirm whether it was Wilson's or red-necked. I observed it flying over by the raft of pelicans as the corner of the river. Ben Parke - Don't let your dream ride pass you by.Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos

[mou] hutchinson shorebirds

2007-09-22 Thread Ben Parke
. If anyone that does have a scope is thinking about going out to Hutch, I'd be interested in joining them. Good birding, Ben Parke - Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out