[mou] sharpies and merlins

2006-09-18 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--MailBlocks_8C8A93DD1C06071_16B8_365E_FWM-D28.sysops.aol.com Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" If anyone is interested in watching sharp- and merlins terrorizing blue-, feel free to head to my house. They will be there all day, just as they wer

[mou] better than a fish tank

2006-09-18 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--MailBlocks_8C8A9456DDED2B5_16B8_3E8D_FWM-D28.sysops.aol.com Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" If anyone is interested in watching sharp-shins and merlins terrorizing blue-jays, feel free to head to my house. They will be there all day, just as

[mou] spring all of a sudden

2007-03-23 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1174691822 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit BAM...Spring's Here! Kestrel on the line coming home from Aitkin yesterday. (Very near the Osprey nest) Mr. and Mrs. Harrier cruising the field today when I sent Hazen out to c

[mou] Help with vocalization

2007-05-10 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
I was in Grand Rapids for work this week. Last night at about 10PM behind the Country Inn and Suites on 169, I heard a call from the finger woods, back toward the Nursing home. The sound was a cross between a Pheasant, Night Heron and crow. The Pheasant / Night Heron cross was the "tone" and the

[mou] quick Texas summary

2007-05-11 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
If interested, Charlie and I made one of our trips last month. This one was to the Rio Grande Valley. We stayed in Mission and had 6+ days in the valley. After a delay of about 24 hours due to airplane stuff we were able to get a quick afternoon at Bentson. I understand that now the campers

[mou] saturday at whiteface resivoir

2007-05-20 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
My step-dad and I ran to the lake quickly for a couple chores. Whiteface is in central St/Louis county. Just before leaving I took a walk down the trail about 20 yards. Within 5 (at the most)minutes and standing in one spot, I counted 13 warbler sp. Had a great look at a Bay-Breasted fr

[mou] coa rica ideas

2008-04-07 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
I am going to Costa Rica next?year and would like some pointers on which birding tour I should look in to.? Areas, time of year ... you know, all the basic info.? I'll be traveling alone, terrain?or ammenities are not much of a factor.? Just as long as there is beer at the end of the day. Any he

[mou] coa rica ideas

2008-04-07 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
I am going to Costa Rica next?year and would like some pointers on which birding tour I should look in to.? Areas, time of year ... you know, all the basic info.? I'll be traveling alone, terrain?or ammenities are not much of a factor.? Just as long as there is beer at the end of the day. Any he

[mou] no WWDove on Friday

2004-06-18 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_ce.500bcaea.2e03d9ce_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The dove did not show today as far as I know. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Chris Elmgren Gnesen township, Duluth, St. Louis County --part1_ce.500bcaea.2e03d9ce_boundary Content

[mou] No WWDove

2004-06-18 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_a0.f6eabc4.2e050654_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I did not see the dove now for the second day. Oh well, fun while it lasted. It's sometimes difficult to keep the kids and dogs calm enough to provide an environment "bird friendl

[mou] Hooded warbler Q's

2004-07-06 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_145.2d952b5e.2e1bf367_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm heading to the cities for a couple days with the boys for some Valley Fair stuff on Thursday this week. Any chance of finding a Hooded warbler (or other sp.) around there Frid

[mou] Arizona birdimg guides

2004-07-29 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_88.10392a81.2e3a5d42_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Madera Canyon is only 1-2 hours south of there and they had a pair of Flame-colored tanagers there this spring but I didn't check if they were still hanging around since. When I wa

[mou] my back yard so far-duluth

2005-01-06 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1105066986 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nothing too unusual, but I finally had a hoary in today - after weeks of the common ones by themselves, he was a treat. A shrike nearly came through my kitchen window while t

[mou] Duluth Hummer

2004-11-24 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_145.398b2a22.2ed6218a_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The Hummingbird was very vocal when I was finally able to visit Laura's yard. It landed right above me and relieved itself on my spotting scope. (I guess that goes on that other

[mou] owl in the yard - duluth

2004-11-30 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1f6.2d5ca72.2eddf2bc_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We've been honored (as many have this year) to have a GGOwl in the yard since Friday the 26th. Its been visiting every eve. and morn. hunting very near the house. Finally one for

[mou] Florida and back home in Duluth

2005-04-18 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1113871290 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just a note for those who might be interested. The boys and I got back from FL on the 9th and we had a wonderful time. Thanks to all for the tips. The Painted Bunting made

[mou] sharptail in gnesen?

2005-04-24 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1114393704 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Leaving my house today, on the way to little league tryouts, a Sharptail grouse flushed along side truck and flew along side for quite some time. I had a wonderful look at i

[mou] sharptail letter

2005-04-24 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1114394708 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How rude. I'm sorry for not signing or giving anyone a general area in the state as to where I am and where I saw the Sharptail Grouse. I'm in Gnesen TWP, North of Duluth. Sorr

[mou] Varied Thrush still in Duluth

2006-01-12 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--MailBlocks_8C7E5A95209D3CB_A04_31C5_FWM-D08.sysops.aol.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This may be well known but the Varied Thrush is still hanging around the crab apple trees at UMD. I saw it this a.m. about 9:30. chris --MailBlocks_8C7E5A95209D3CB_A04_31C5_

[mou] hawk owl lavaque road, duluth

2006-01-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1138364903 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My second bird of the year was a Hawk Owl on the Lavaque Road after an early morning hockey game on the first. My Mother saw it just prior in the same spot. Last evening ab

[mou] kestrels & mergansers dont play nice

2006-04-20 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1145576880 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For the fourth year in a row, we have the kestrels moving into a woodduck house I put on a spruce by my pond. Another house I put up is on the other side of the pond 75 - 100

[mou] pacific coast ideas

2005-10-21 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1129936597 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm planning ahead to next year for a trip to the pacific coast for a pelagic trip. Any thoughts out there for where I should begin, or if someone has had a good experience

[mou] help ID a whistle?

2003-03-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_c8.35c7146c.2bb5022f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My father who lives north of Duluth about 45 miles (Brimson) has been hearing a very distinct whistle. It occurs mostly just after dark and early dawn. It's a clear, loud and possib

[mou] Duluth - Wh. Crown Sparrow

2003-09-15 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1eb.fac4722.2c97c0c1_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Must be fall - White crown sparrow under the feeder. Chris Elmgren Gnesen township, Duluth, St. Louis County --part1_1eb.fac4722.2c97c0c1_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset=

[mou] "White" Purple finch - Duluth

2003-09-16 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_186.1f348b09.2c9908a3_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We had a visit from a very white purple finch. It was with all the others and I saw no signs of prejudice. I guess the others weren't exactly purple though either. Just a few fl

[mou] N. Mockingbird Duluth/Gnesen

2003-05-03 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1a0.14528edb.2be56076_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Northern Mockingbird on the Church Road off of Emerson north of Duluth about 12 miles. Been there most of the morning. N. on #4 and R on Emerson, or N. on Howard Gnesen and L. on

[mou] Todd County pointers

2003-08-30 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1a1.199469d9.2c82b142_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Work has me traveling to Todd County next week. =A0 Any easy stops while I'm= =20 there? =A0 Looks like I'll be in Long Prairie. Chris Elmgren Gnesen township, Duluth,

[mou] Help - SW MN tips

2004-04-19 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1e8.1e36ab32.2db5db56_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This year I am taking my dad and another friend out to SW MN for our annual bird trip. I plan on leaving on Wed night or Thurs. morn. before Memorial weekend. This will be our th

[mou] Mockingbird Duluth

2004-04-23 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_36.564caeb5.2dbafe4d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My mom has a Mockingbird in her yard again this year. It stayed for only a couple days last year, now showed again yesterday in the same bushes. I don't remember last years date b

[mou] Mockingbird not seen today - Duluth

2004-04-25 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_dd.8d26db3.2dbdcf65_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wet this a.m.. Nice in the afternoon. I did not relocate the Mockingbird today but did see it yesterday. North of Duluth. (6219 Church Rd. -- N. on Rice Lake rd, (L) on Emerson,

[mou] hummingbird in St. Louis Co.

2004-05-09 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1a0.242f62dc.2dd0289d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My 12 year old shouted "Hummingbird, hummingbird, hummingbird" at 7:20 this evening. He then waited for it's return, and at 7:26 he shouted, "there it is again!" He and his young

[mou] wilsons and mourning st.louis co.

2004-05-15 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_92.b13c1bf.2dd81103_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We spotted Wilson's and Mourning warblers at the campground [Vermilion?] on the lake just east of Biwabik. To the right of the boat ramp to the gate. Did not find the WWDove or th

[mou] back yard - st.louis co

2004-05-16 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_32.480c8f35.2dd97461_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I spent the morning on the trails behind my house. 60+ sp. incl. 15 warblers. That's without the Yellow, Common yellowthroat, Mourning, Canada, or Redstart. Those are the ones I c

[mou] Help! Birdathon Floodwood SP?

2004-05-22 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_145.2a35bc43.2de07541_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can someone give me directions to the Floodwood sewage ponds please? My two young boys would appreciate it...Ok, I would too. (Probably more than them). Chris Elmgren Gnesen towns

[mou] their first birdathon

2004-05-23 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_be.d6fcb89.2de2b851_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The wind and the rain and the cold and the wet did not slow down the boys at all for their first birdathon. We had a number of highlights that made them start talking about next yea

[mou] SW trip a success!

2004-06-01 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_15b.36915380.2dee9ddd_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks to those who helped with pointers for my annual trip with my dad and another retired friend. Charlie was able to add 15 birds to his list - he's taken up birding just since

[mou] WWDove Duluth

2004-06-16 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_a9.5a5fe9b1.2e021a81_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just got home and saw a White-winged Dove in my yard. 4:45P 6177 Church rd in Gnesen twp. #4 to Emerson, right to Church rd and about 3/10 mi on the Left. Team Vagrant Chris Elm

[mou] WWDove - Duluth

2004-06-16 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
--part1_1d4.237bbcb9.2e025880_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The White-winged Dove hung around this evening long enough for a few people to see. I'm hopeful it will be here tomorrow for others to appreciate. The dove seemed to like the lar

[mou] 4 days off, where should I go?

2005-05-20 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1116631922 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got 4 days off this coming week to go anywhere I want in the state to find some birds. I'm thinking SE for warblers. I'm thinking SW, or NW, or straight W from Duluth t

[mou] Kentucky warbler/Williams Nature Center

2005-05-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1117199096 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I spotted a Kentucky Warbler at Williams NC singing up a storm -- well before and after the storms that went through -- yesterday about 2PM. He was very close to the Wood Th

[mou] BB Cuckoo - Duluth

2005-07-30 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1122729670 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, it was a thrill for me -- A Black-billed Cuckoo hung around all afternoon yesterday. That inched our window list to 110 sp. Pretty quiet around here except for the yo

[mou] Cuckoo in Duluth

2005-07-30 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1122746384 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit He's still hanging around today. Feel free to come up for a look. North on #4, 6 miles past Martin Road right on Emerson 1.4 mi Left on Church Road .3 mi. Left into my drive

[mou] 3 things...

2005-08-15 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1124158814 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 1. Ok, imagine a balloon, not tied off and you let the air escape by pinching the opening with both thumb and forefingers, stretching it to make the annoying squeak. Now im

[mou] I'm heading to Tucson - help

2005-08-15 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1124159632 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm making a trip to Tucson with my friend Charlie. I've got some Ideas but it's an odd time of year, isn't it? Will the higher elevation sp. (e.g., Olive, Red-faced, Grace'

[mou] Saturday and Sunday in Gnesen

2008-04-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
What a wonderful yard bird weekend, north of Duluth.? The wind has been blowing, the snow flying and the birds looking for something to eat.??I heard one robin tell his wife they need to wait until?MN fishing opener before coming up next year. A mixture of birds have been around that I don't re

[mou] Saturday and Sunday in Gnesen

2008-04-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
Sorry.? I'm sure not one person cares about my carelessness except me.? Now I can sleep. Chris -Original Message----- From: teamvagr...@aol.com To: mou-net at moumn.org Sent: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 9:08 am Subject: [mou] Saturday and Sunday in Gnesen What a wonderful yard bird weekend, north

[mou] The end of the day in Gnesen

2008-04-27 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
Flickers, Goldfinches, Purple Finches, House Finches, Hermit Thrushes, Greater Yellowlegs, Osprey, Yellow Rumps, Hairys, Downys and Pileateds. The Ravens, Ringbilled Gulls and Crows round out my list. In all, probably 30 Fox Sparrows and 50 Rusty Blackbirds.? 15 Yellow Legs as well.? A good BIGB

[mou] FOY birds in Gnesen

2008-05-15 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
Lots of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.? 6 males wiping out my feeders.? Harris's and White Crowned Sparrows yesterday and today.? I also had a Bobolink spend the day with me yesterday at my feeders.? Good BGBY birds.? I hope he sticks around for a while.? Charlie and I took a walk on Monday but not mu

[mou] Kentucky Warbler?

2008-05-31 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
Possible Kentucky Warbler about 8:00 am this morning behind my house in Gnesen, North of Duluth. I'm gonna be gone today but I want to head out there again tomorrow morning.? If anyone would like to come along on a walk in the morning, you're welcome.? Just let me know.? 218/721-4488 and leave a

[mou] No Kentucky Warbler

2008-06-02 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
Well, Charlie and I spent a couple hours out back of the house waiting for the Kentucky Warbler to no avail.? I guess I figured that. The yellow eyebrow/cresent by it's eye was so distinct.? I guess it was probably a Canada or something.? But there was no eye ring.? I may never know. Maybe I jus

[mou] snowy owl st. louis/aitkin co

2008-10-31 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
A snowy owl was enjoying the scenery between floodwood and grand rapids on Wednesday.? Sorry for the late post -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://moumn.org/pipermail/mou-net_moumn.org/attachments/20081031/2de78138/attachment.html

[mou] lake county birds

2008-11-17 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
The last couple week ends have brought forth more birds than usual during our deer hunting season. The usual suspects of Chickadees, RB Nuthatches, Gray jays,?Blue Jays, Ruffed Grouse, Ravens, Crows, hundreds of Pine siskens, Hairies, Downies, and Piliateds Brown Creepers Boreal Chickadee Black

[mou] hoary and bohemians Duluth

2005-03-12 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1110642173 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, it took almost all winter but I have a Hoary Redpoll today. He is coming in with the flock of commons which number around 75. We've also got a flock of Bohemian Waxwin

[mou] 2 Q's - Townsend's and Naples, FL

2005-02-12 Thread teamvagr...@aol.com
---1108246768 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just two Questions -- Is the Townsend's Solitaire still hanging around the E. end of Duluth? If so, what is the address? Second, I'm taking the boys to Naples for a week, the f