[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-11-14 Thread B W
Tundra Swan numbers are building at Lake Winnie. 200 birds were seen yesterday, mostly near the Painted Turtle campsite.? Also at Painted Turtle were 3 Black Scoters.? One adult male Surf Scoter was with a mixed group of waterfowl near Denny's Resort. Ben Wieland www.cassbirding.blogspot.com D

[mou] Cass County birds

2008-11-01 Thread B W
Dale Yerger and I birded Leech and Winnie today.? Of note. -1 Black-bellied Plover and 1 Sanderling still on Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake -3 Black Scoters and 1 Long-tailed Duck near Tamarack Point on Lake Winnie The scoters were initially seen yesterday, 10/31, and another was near sh

[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-07-14 Thread B W
Baird's, Stilt, and Least Sandpiper, both yellowlegs, and a female Red-necked Phalarope in breeding plumage were seen at the Longville Water Treatment Ponds on Sunday morning.? The Walker ponds had the same species assemblage, minus the phalarope, on Sunday afternoon.? Also at Longville was a mi

[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-06-01 Thread B W
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows and Yellow Rails are present and vocal at the Boy River marsh along county road 8. Today at Pelican Island there were approx. 15 Ruddy Turnstones, 15 Sanderlings, 1 Black-bellied Plover, and 2 White-rumped Sandpipers. Ben Wieland Ben Wieland www.cassbirding.blog

[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-05-26 Thread B W
Dale Yerger, Larry Olson, and I ran a birding route through Cass County yesterday, 5/25. South winds were going, and the day was active and the weather unsettled. The usual big day hits and misses occurred, with shorebirds particularly absent. We found 152 species for the day, including: Nor

[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-04-07 Thread B W
Migrants new to the area over the past week: Great Egret Osprey Song Sparrow Eastern Phoebe Common Grackle Eastern and Western Meadowlark Greater Yellowlegs 17 species of waterfowl Sandhill Crane Purple Finch Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ring-billed and Herring Gull also a Northern Saw-whet Owl has been

[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-01-13 Thread B W
The Northern Hawk Owl found yesterday by Andrew Birch was still present today at 4:30 PM. The location is approx. 2 miles west of CR 8 on CR 73. Also seen today was a Rough-legged Hawk at the Boy River crossing along CR 8. Rough-legs have seemed quite scarce this winter in our area. Ben Wiel

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-12-18 Thread B W
Cass County today, 12/18 -Hoary Redpoll along CR 8 -2 Black-billed Magpies in McKinley Twp. along CR 19 -3 Tundra Swans (2 adults, 1 juvenile) below the Sylvan Dam on the Crow Wing River The American Three-toed Woodpeckers reported yesterday were not relocated on CR 8. Ben Wieland Be

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-10-16 Thread B W
Dale Yerger and I found adult Little Gulls today, 10/16, at both the Walker and the Cass Lake sewer ponds. Both birds were mixed in with flocks of between 100-200 Bonaparte's Gulls. Ben Wieland Ben Wieland Deep Portage Learning Center 2197 Nature Center Dr. NW Hackensack, MN 56452 (218)68

[mou] Cass County birds

2007-06-15 Thread shawn conrad
I had a number of good sightings in Cass County today. Highlights include: - Least Bittern at the Winnie Ponds Management Area, previously reported by Ben Wieland - Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow where the Boy River crosses CR 8, just south of CR 4, previously reported by Ben Wieland - Leconte's

[mou] Cass County Birds-MOU Field Trip

2007-06-11 Thread B W
Molly Malecek, Dale Yerger, and I were joined by 7 wonderful birders this past weekend for a tour of Cass County birding locales. The group turned up 139 species between Fri. evening and Sun. afternoon. 18 warblers, 13 sparrows, 2 bitterns, 3 rails, and some fine June weather made for a nice w

[mou] Cass County Birds (no Scissor-tailed Flycatcher)

2007-06-08 Thread B W
Attempts at relocating the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Denny's Resort this morning in Cass County did not succeed. High winds moved across the area last night, so it may have moved on. We'll keep looking. More successful was a trip to Winnie Ponds (CR 9, just south of the Itasca border), whi

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-06-05 Thread B W
18 species of warbler this morning (6/5) on CR 129 east of Longville. Magnolia, Yellow-rumped, and Tennessee (probably a late migrant) were the highlights as far as June birds for Cass County. Also Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, and LeConte's Sparrow. Whip-poor-wills

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-06-04 Thread B W
In southern Cass this morning: Grasshopper Sparrow, Field Sparrow (2 locations, west of Pine River and south of Esterday), Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2 locations, Cat Lake and Crow Wing State Park), Red-necked Grebe on nest at Cat Lake, and a "Brewster's" Warbler in Sylvan Township (first time I've

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-06-02 Thread B W
Evening birding the past few nights has been productive and incredible buggy. On 5/31 there were at least 8 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows at the Boy River marsh along CR 8. On 6/1 we found at least 4 Yellow Rails calling at the Swamp Lake marsh along MN 371. Ben Ben Wieland Deep Portage Le

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-05-27 Thread B W
This weekend has been good for species that can be tough in Cass County. 5/26-Lark Sparrow at Remer sewage ponds. 5/27-Red-necked Phalarope (female) at Walker sewage ponds, Ruddy Duck and Western Kingbird at Cass Lake sewage ponds. Feel free to email if you are birding the hinterlands of cent

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-05-26 Thread B W
5/25- Leech Lake "Pelagic" trip to Pelican Island yielded thousands of birdsmostly Common Terns and Double-crested Cormorants. Also present, however, were Ruddy Turnstone (11), Dunlin (8), Sanderling (10), Black-bellied Plover (1), Peregrine Falcon (1), Red-necked Grebe (1), and assorted ot

[mou] Cass County Birds

2007-05-21 Thread B W
There was a decent movement of passerines today, 5/21. The eastern shore of Lake Winnibigoshish was hopping with 20 warblers and 5 vireos, including first of year Cape May, Bay-breasted, and Blackpoll Warblers, and Philadelphia Vireo. County big days over the past two weeks have produced total

[mou] Cass County birds

2007-01-02 Thread B W
--0-698917064-1167749110=:99756 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Darla and Jerry Sathre found a female Long-tailed Duck on the Pillager CBC. The bird was at the Pillager Dam on the Crow Wing river and was cruising around between Morrison and Cass Coun

[mou] Cass County birds

2006-06-08 Thread B W
Birded the tamarack bog along Cass 135 (3 miles or so east of junction with Cass 63, north of Boy River) this morning. Of note: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (2) Gray Jay (6) Black-billed Cuckoo Blue-headed Vireo Connecticut Warbler (10) - 2 or 3 at every stop in bog Ben Wieland Ben Wieland Deep

[mou] Cass County Birds and more

2006-05-31 Thread B W
At least 5 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows were present last night (5/30) at the Boy River marsh where Cass County 8 crosses the Boy River. One additional NSTS was heard in the marsh along Cass County 4, approximately 1 mile east of 8. The birds started vocalizing at around 9:30 PM. No Yellow Rai

[mou] Cass County Birds + Salt Lake trip

2005-09-12 Thread B W
We have had a few migrant flocks buzz through Deep Portage over the last week, including a Philadelphia Vireo on 9/10. At Salt Lake (Lac Qui Parle) on 9/11 Baird's Sandpiper (100+) Least Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Sanderling (50+) Lesser Yellowlegs (100+) Stilt Sandpiper Black-bellied Pl

[mou] Cass County Birds

2005-07-28 Thread David A. Cahlander
er.com Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910 - Original Message - From: "B W" To: Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:20 AM Subject: [mou] Cass County Birds > The Walker settling ponds have had a few shorebirds > over the past week or so. Last night we had > Semipalmated, Least, Solit

[mou] Cass County Birds

2005-07-27 Thread B W
The Walker settling ponds have had a few shorebirds over the past week or so. Last night we had Semipalmated, Least, Solitary, and Stilt Sandpipers. The Stilt was a lone individual in a group of Lesser Yellowlegs. Last week was mostly Solitary and Spotted, with one Baird's and one Pectoral Sandp

[mou] Cass County birds

2005-06-29 Thread B W
Yesterday evening Dale Yerger and I went out to feed the mosquitoes for a while. Turned up a Connecticut Warbler in the bog along County 135 north of Boy River, and at least 3 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows in the Boy River marsh where County 8 crosses the river. Venus and Mercury are putting on

[mou] Cass County birds

2005-06-16 Thread B W
We have been encountering good numbers of Wood Thrush at Deep Portage this year. This morning I had at least 5 individuals during point counts along our North Loop trail. Ben Wieland Deep Portage Learning Center __ Discover Yahoo! Have fun on

[mou] Cass County Birds

2005-05-19 Thread Ben Wieland
It's been a wet week at Deep Portage, and the birding still seems slow. 3 Gray Catbirds, 2 Redstarts (one a recapture from last May) a Wilson's Warbler and an Ovenbird were all the banding station could muster today. Birds from the last day or two: Green Heron Sora (Pine River) Virginia Rail (Pi

[mou] Cass County Birds

2005-05-09 Thread Ben Wieland
The banding station was dead again this morning, one Least Flycatcher and nothing else. Birds are on the move though.new at Deep Portage this morning- Caspian Tern Least Flycatcher Gray Catbird Wilson's Warbler Yellow Warbler American Redstart Tennessee Warbler Golden-winged Warbler Chestnut-

[mou] Cass County Birds

2005-05-08 Thread Ben Wieland
The banding station at Deep Portage has been quite slow this week, with only 5 birds captured in 40 net hours. Notable was an ASY male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker that we banded 19 May 2004, and recaptured this past Tuesday. Recent arrivals at Deep Portage include: Brown Thrasher Wood Thrush Black-