(Posted by Christine Herwig via moumn.org)
Love loons? Minnesota loon monitoring program is a great way to get
involved with wildlife, particularly loons. Thanks to the efforts of hundreds
of volunteers, we have over 20 years of data on more than 600 lakes
distributed among six regions, or "i
I spotted a Common Loon on Gervais Lake in Ramsey County this morning.
Bob Holtz
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There is a loon on Lake Calhoun 36th and Lake Calhoun Blvd. that I think is
in trouble.
I first noticed it yesterday at 9 am at the shore in very shallow
water--inches from the shore. It appeared to be eating small fish. It
wouldn't see to me that this would be enough food for a big bird, but at
I saw my first Common Loon of the year on Lake Superior this morning at the
mouth of the Lester River in Duluth.Molly Thompson
> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 23:11:00 +
> From: clay.christen...@comcast.net
> Subject: [mou-net] Eastern Towhee Ramsey County
> We had an
Sounds and looks like fun to me! Could also be preening or mating behavior.
Or it could be -- getting all the salt from winter's oceans off their
plumage! Loons' physiology changes so they can winter on oceans. It's an
interesting thought that they might just be happy to be back in fresh
e are only a couple
of miles apart, as the Loon flies.
Judd Zandstra
Shoreview, Ramsey Co.
-Original Message-
From: linda whyte
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 7:28 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Loon rowing activity, Osprey pair, Cedar Waxwings
bonding, Grass L., R
Exercise/Birding at Grass L. Nature Reserve, Snail L. Park, Ramsey County
While there were no species seen that haven't already been reported, some
bird behavior drew interest. The Osprey pair seem to have staked claim on
the platform nest, making forays elsewhere, and then returning to a
Common Loon last night, Zimmerman ponds along 169.
YR Warbler, Mahnomen Trail, Sherburne NWR. Rusty Blackbird flyover, think
third of season for this diminishing species. Turkeys, grouse, trumpeters
providing background music.
Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
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While I was not confident to report 3 Pacific Loons, I am fairly sure there
were 2-3 on Lake Waconia. Although I saw the 2 from a distance, they
seemed too small to be Common Loons. Even from the distance the bills seemed
a bit too thin At one point they also both stood up in the water
This morning at 5:45am I was sitting on my front steps
reading the paper. Suddenly I heard a Loon calling from the west.
I looked up and saw it flying towards the sunrise while doing the
loon's tremolo call. There is no mistaking that call. I have never
seen a loon in flight nor in this area at
If anyone needs/wants pictures of a nesting Loon, there is an apparent Loon
nest in central Cass County. The location is Cass County road 42 (or 28th
Avenue NW) where it skirts a small lake called Brockway Lake. This is about
3.5 to 4 miles east of Backus and a mile or so north of 4th St SW.
Saturday 3/27, 11am, I found 1 Loon, 3 male Red-breasted Mergansers on Como
Lake, which is almost ice-free. Mallards, Canadas, Red-wing blackbirds
abundant. Came home ( 2 blocks from lake) to find a tom turkey at my feeder.
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I am curious about the Minnesota Common Loon population? Are they increasing
in number or decreasing? I visited Hyland Lake in Bloomington last spring, and
the lake was filled with migrating loons, but I realize, of course, such a
sight is certainly not an indicator of their population s
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