Hello, birders: I was at the WTP'S yesterday morning and visited with two city
water department staff that were there. I asked them if the locked gates would
be permanent and was told that they'll be taking them down by September 1st and
will go back to the single chain that they've always used.
Birders,If you happen to stop by the Sleepy Eye WTP'S you'll find that the main
entrance is now gated and locked. I emailed the city manager to ask why this
has happened. He wrote that someone has been bringing a dirt bike in there and
riding around but if I wanted I could climb over the gate t
There has been little worth reporting at the Sleepy Eye WTP's this fall season
but this afternoon there were a few species worth noting:
2 Eared Grebes
3 Black-bellied Plovers
2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers
2 Red-necked Phalaropes
1 Lapland Longspur - well seen on the ground and in flight severa
3 matches
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