Here are a couple of my favorite birds in odd places from a lifetime of
Best bird out of context -- During my freshman year at college I returned
home for Thanksgiving. Home was about 30 miles north of New York City.
Upon waking in the morning I heard an unusual sound outside the window.
I know I'm pushing it here, but I just got back from a week out of town. Here's
my 2-cents worth.
Parking Lot: Seen from parking lot in the Swiss Alps...juvenile Lammergeier.
Got photo
Stevan Hawkins
San Antonio TX
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Pastor Al
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:31 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Unusual Locations
99 posts on this topic
99 posts on this topic in three days (four listservs), we must be scratching
where people are itching!
(Fact is, we all see unusual birds while not birding, which is one of the
beauties of this hobby/avocation/passion.)
Perhaps we should consider a compilation, or article at some point...?
Unusual Location: I saw a Snow Goose land with a flock of Canada Geese in the
Columbia Arena parking lot in Columbia Heights (Anoka County.) Tough Anoka
County Bird, but what was more unusual was that at the time I was entering
Locke Park & thinking to myself 'wouldn't that be cool if a Snow G
(AK) Blue-footed Booby (Manzanillo, MX)
Hotel: Back-vented Shearwater (Monterey)
Warren Woessner
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of
Stefanie Moss
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: [mou-net
Yard: Red-Headed Woodpecker in my yard in St. Paul 2 years ago. The first
one I've seen in about 10 years and the last place I'd expect one.
Cerulean Warblers in the backyard of my father's cabin in Stearns County
growing up. They returned each summer for years.
Parking lot: Peregrines every on
Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
- Original Message -
From: "Pastor Al Schirmacher"
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 11:08 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Unusual locations
Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning: what is your
Fun topic:
Parking lot: Gilson Park, Wilmette, Illinois, hot August day, Phillipines
Monkey-eating Eagle flies 25 feet in front of me, OMG, alas with jesses and Jim
Fowler and Marlin Perkins filming a TV show. There ought to be a law causing
heart failure.
Yard: Wilmette, Illinois, Sutton's
Even more! thinking about this topic I realized I was forgetting my early
birding years in the Detroit, MI area.
*Yard*: Blackburnian, Bay-breasted & Chestnut-sided warblers from my bedroom
window!!! For a kid trapped in a very urban area this was an awe-inspiring
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at
Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Early 80's, late summer, south of Poplar Lake,
probably Caribou or Gaskin Lake. Canoe trip, us and another couple. While
using the designated throne by the designated camping spot several Spruce
Grouse walked right by me, much to my surprise. Boy are they quiet.
*Parking Lot -* *Snow Bunting* (Lifer) in Anoka county, *Magnificent
Frigatebird* (Lifer), Beach parking lot Lemon Bay FL & *Cattle egret* at
Publix in SW Florida
*Work* - *Yellow-headed blackbird* during a job interview (Lifer), *Peregrine
Falcon* 20 ft out the 11th story window.
*Yard- **Magnol
t go in - Wayne Gretzky
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of douglas
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Unusual locations
Best for me? Black-capped Vireos in parking lot at Wichita M
Yard: Common Loon (calling flyover), Yellow-crowned Night Heron (adult landed
in the top of a cottonwood in my yard) - I live in a valley in the driftless
area 8 miles from the Mississippi, 20+ miles from the nearest lake and ½ mile
from nearest tiny creek. Rusty Blackbirds, Swamp & Lincoln's
My Locations:
Hotel: Eastern Bluebirds at the Lodge at Pines Creek
Yard: Pine Warbler at the feeders in Petersburg, PA, when I was an intern
living at the Roost
Work: Red-shouldered Hawk perched on a lightpost outside the lunchroom at
Parking Lot: Prairie Merlin seen when parked at a gas s
OU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Pastor Al
> Schirmacher
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 11:08 AM
> Subject: [mou-net] Unusual locations
> Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning: what is your favorite
> parking lot bi
A Sora Rail in the backyard picked up by my dog! (a whippet, not a sporting
dog) He gently carried the bird over to me. I took it to Wild Life Rehab which
was then at the U of M in St. Paul. Poor thing was missing its primary flight
feathers so could not migrate south. He was flown via NW Airlin
1:08 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Unusual locations
Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning: what is your favorite
parking lot bird? Got me thinking about unusual locations:
* Parking lot: Gray-crowned Rosy Finches in Cloquet, MN parking lot
* Yard: tie betw
@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Pastor Al
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 11:08 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Unusual locations
Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning: what is your favorite
parking lot bird? Got me thinking about unusual locations:
* Parking lot
A yellow throated warbler on the balcony of a restaurant in the Yukatan
south of Cancun, Feb 08
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Unusual
It was one of the Florida parakeets, seen in a fast-food parking lot while a
drug deal was made in the car beside us. A female senior citizen and a teen
male were involved. We couldn't tell who was selling and who was buying. We
were careful about where we pointed our binoculars.
Jim Williams
Parking lot in Colorado: black-billed magpie
Yard (here in Grand Rapids, MN): mourning warbler
Work (here in Grand Rapids, MN): black-backed woodpecker
Restaurant; roof top dining (Veracruz, Mexico): 100s of thousands of
broad-winged hawks passing over; "River of Raptors" migration
Wes Bailey
Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning: what is your favorite
parking lot bird? Got me thinking about unusual locations:
* Parking lot: Gray-crowned Rosy Finches in Cloquet, MN parking lot
* Yard: tie between Cattle Egret and Prairie Falcon, north of Princeton, MN
* Work: La
23 matches
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