should be done via MQ Services. If you don't have MQ Services, then the only
thing I know is to edit the registry (but I have never done that before on
Window MQ). There should be a key call 'DefaultQueueManager" under
hkey_local_machine\software\ibm\MQSeries\ConfigureationIf you haven't
Title: CCSID 437 can't convert in HP-Unix
We currently upgrade our HP-Unix system to V11.11 and MQSeries to V5.3 CSD05. It no longer supports messages sending from the Window/NT environment. I received the following messages:
AMQ6047: Conversion not supported.
WebSphere MQ is
Yes for windows at least.
However you can only do one at a time. You do it by building a dll hook,
basically you put your own library between the application and MQ with your
library loading the client or server dll as required.
HOWEVER you will be building something with custom code you are may
Is it possible to write an MQ app that is an MQ client and it also it
connects to servers locally? How can you make the program determine which
DLL or library to open/use? dlopen()? For Solaris, or Windows or other Unix.
MSN 9 Dial-
Here's some info on it:
- the command requires environment variables be set first; these are in
another script. I copy that env script into a new, temporary script,
append the wpostemsg command on the end, and then execute the whole
thing. If you can get the environment set first, then you can just
Thanks Peter, I would assume it has parameters that allow you to refine the
alert up to the console. I will locate the books and look into it.
From: "Heggie, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"1. You have set the MCAUSER to "MQM" therefore you must connect
with the user MQM if you however leave the MCAUSER blank you can connect with
any user name but the user must be defined on the system for which you are
connecting and be part of the MQM group.
true. The value i
>Does anyone have a channel send/receive exit that does compression that
>might want to share? I'd rather not re-invent the wheel if possible.
>Mark Bond
You could take a look at SupportPac MO02
Hi Mark,
try take a look on the supportpack MO02:
It works on: z/OS, windows and AIX.
Kind regards
the author of BlockIP
Mark wrote:
Does anyone have a channel send/receive exit that does compressi
Does anyone have a channel send/receive exit that does compression that they
might want to share? I'd rather not re-invent the wheel if possible.
Mark Bond
Phone: (440) 264-6140
FAX:(440) 379-6524
Cell Phone: (440) 478-3856
Title: Message
Unrestricted XMITQ's are a security
exposure. If you can use QREMOTEs instead of QM Alias, then you protect the
XMITQ at the sending end and grant selective access to the QREMOTE. If
not, then you may want to consider using PUTAUT on the
channel and grant/restrict access on
Good afternoon,
Regarding remote access to queue managers:
1. The RUNMQSC command does work in remote mode with the -w flag. You do however need to have standard sender/receiver channels setup and your transmit queue must be the name of the remote queue manager. Second, the command server does
Sorry, I take back what I said about runmqsc working
only on the local machine... What was I thinking?!!
--- Shantanu Upadhyaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi !
> Thanks for the listserver, I have found out ways
> connect to a remote
> queue manager if you don't have MMC / MW
Hi Dark Worrior,
>Now as per the pdf, I run the following command on my >machine :
> runmqsc -w 30 target.queue.manager and get this >
>message :
Since, the target.queuemanager is not defined on your machine, you cannot issue runmqsc against it. In other words, RUNMQSC works only on the local
I will be out of the office from 06/09/2004 until 06/10/2004.
I will respond to your message when I return.
For production emergencies please contact me at:
201-251-3892 - Home
347-563-1085 - Cell
For questions other than production emergencies
contact my manager Rommel Belen at: 212-270-103
Nope. How do I do that. Which pdf / page ? Here I go do some more searching..
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Subject: Re: remote admin of queue managers not working / not using MMC ro e
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