Re: viewing aliases

1999-06-11 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Brent Hueth wrote: :> :> I've looked around a bit and haven't found an easy way to view my :> .mutt.aliases file from within mutt. Can someone help me out? Or if someone :> can suggest a way to obtain additional RAM for my brain, that would be fine :> too :-). ^Z less .mutt.aliases f

Re: How to filter these messages?

1999-06-12 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Makes me think there's something on your side deleting headers. Here are the headers I got. Notice the Sender: line (which is in _all_ of the mutt mail I ever receive). You're at least missing the following compared to my headers: References: all of the X- headers: Sender: Precedence: Mime-Ver

Re: how to play a soundfile for incoming mail?

1999-10-09 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
xbuffy can do this. Check out Shawn Previously, Jan Houtsma wrote: :> Is it possible to play a soundfile when email comes in. :> :> Even more can i play a different sound for each mailbox that :> i have listed in my .muttrc? :> :> thanks, :> :>

Re: New Mail Sent to different mailboxes

2000-01-12 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Nick Jennings wrote: :> :> Argh! I despise procmail, yes its powerfull, and can do alot, but :> it's severly anoying. I think it _IS_ a mail clients job to do filtering, :> after all, it checks the /var/spool/mail/ for new mail and drops :> in in your inbox, if it drops it in the

Re: Output when nothing changes

2000-01-12 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Won't setting timeout to be 0 fix your problem? Shawn Previously, Bennett Todd wrote: :> Thanks for adding the detailed explanation. I don't have anything to :> offer by way of assistence, but I'd like to second your request; I :> notice the same behavior in another context. :> :> I run in a s

Re: BUFFY_SIZE option

2000-02-15 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
>From the xbuffy README: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### XBuffy 08/20/97 Xbuffy was written by Bill Pemberton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and was based on Xmultibiff by John Reardon. Xmultibiff ca

Re: viewing html emails in mutt

2000-05-02 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
This is what I use: text/html; lynx %s; needsterminal; nametemplate=%s.html Shawn Previously, Hardy Merrill wrote: :> Another newbie question - I've setup my .mailcap file to include :> :> text/html; lynx %s :> :> I receive html email from ZDNet, and what happens for these :> messages is the

Re: suggestion

2000-06-27 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
And mention that a 32 line sig on a 3 line message is a bit excessive :) Shawn Previously, fman wrote: % The muttfaq says to send suggestions to this list. I suggest someone write a % book on how to use mutt. Maybe a small book like those o'reilly pocket % references. Mutt is popular enought

Re: strange alias expansion

2000-11-02 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
try alias john "John S. Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Shawn Previously, Eugene Lee wrote: % In Mutt, why does the alias: % % alias john John S. Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> % % get expanded to: % % To: "John S . Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> % % And is there any way to fix it? Thanks in

Re: A proposition for a print-command

2000-11-21 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
The whole world doesn't have to be Linux to use this solution. If your AIX box does not have gfmt, you can easily download the software and compile it for your AIX box. Worked for me on AIX and HP-UX. Shawn Previously, Brian Salter-Duke wrote: % % This is indeed a nice solution, although I d

Re: saving attachments to another folder

2001-04-16 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
I use this: macro attach s ~/WINDOWS/ Shawn Previously, Benny Chee wrote: % hi, % % I would like to default save all my attachments to a folder. ie % when pressed 's', it will be saved to the default folder as % specified by user. I hate mixing my files on my root directory

Re: executing a command when new mail is recieved ?

2001-04-27 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Something like procmail is probably more suited for what you want. Shawn Previously, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: % I would like to get mutt to execute a command whenever I recieve new email. % My goal is to run the subject of the new email through a speech synthesizer % -

Re: Aliases problem

2001-07-19 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
You need to source ~/.mail_aliases - just setting the alias_file isn't enough. See Shawn Previously, Hegedüs Ervin wrote: % Hello there, % I using mutt 1.3.18i on my Debian Sid box. % Everithing workly fine, just I can't use aliases. % H

Re: Changing the working directory (or somethingh similar)

2001-07-31 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Christoph Maurer wrote: % Hello all! % % To me mutt is nearly perfect. But there is one thing I really miss. % If I get a mail with several attachments which I would like to save % all in the same folder, I will have to type the path for every % single attachment. % % Is there a way

Re: E-mails from myself

2001-10-03 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Collin Peters wrote: % Right now this message that i've sent will appear in mutt as 'To Mutt % Users', indicating that i've sent it. This, of course, happens with any % sent mail. Is there anyway for it to appear in mutt 'normally', i.e. % just have my name listed? See

Re: difference between hdr_format and index_format

2001-10-03 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Benjamin Michotte wrote: % hi, % % if I look in the mutt manual, I can find the definition of index_format % but not hdr_format. % % They seems to do the same but what's the difference between them ? >From init.h: { "hdr_format", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "index_format", 0 }, Th

Re: Tag Multiple Attachments?

2001-10-17 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Works fine for me in 1.2.5i Shawn Previously, John P. Verel wrote: % Did that. Does not work, on 1.2.5i % On 10/17/01, 05:43:40PM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote: % > On Wed 17 Oct 2001, John P. Verel wrote: % > > Hi. I sometimes want to attach multiple files from the same directory. % > > I've

Re: Tag Multiple Attachments?

2001-10-18 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Perhaps your "t" is bound to something other than tag-entry. Perhaps you're hitting q instead of after tagging. When you tag files, it should place a * next to the listed permissions. Does it at least do that? If not, your t is probably wrong. If so, then just hit enter after tagging everyt

Re: Viewing html attachments via POP3

2001-11-12 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Dylan Carlson wrote: % My apologies and TIA if this is an RTFM issue at my end. % % I'm running mutt under FreeBSD from the ports tree. I have a source that I % pull POP3 mail from, unfortunately receiving html-only mail from places like % Hotmail makes life difficult. I want to str

Re: Bouncing a message with an attachment

2001-11-21 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Collin Peters wrote: % If I bounce a message that has (For example) a .doc attachment, the % receipient gets all the headers and .doc is inline with the message and % totally garbled. What are the correct muttrc parameters for this. Ones I % have that may apply are: % % set mime_f

Re: New vs. Deleted flags

2002-01-06 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Ken Weingold wrote: % Is it by design that if you mark a new message for deletion, the % status bar still indicates it as new? If so, is there any way around % that? Well, it sort of is technically new as you haven't read it yet. The way around it would be something like this: macr

Re: New vs. Deleted flags

2002-01-06 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote: % Alas! Ken Weingold spake thus: % > > macro index d N "delete the current entry" % ... % > macro index d N "delete the current entry" % % Wouldn't these set read messages to new if you try to delete a message % that isn't new? ;) No, the clear flag just cle

Re: Saving set of msgs to file

2002-01-08 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Jim wrote: % Hi Mutt experts, % % I'm converting to mutt from mail (mailx, I suppose, officially, % the old Berkeley mail), and am trying to find all the facilities % I've been used to. I can't seem to find anything in the manual % that mentions the subject query, so I thought I'd as

Re: deleting an attachment while composing..

2002-03-05 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Ryan Singer wrote: % % i was sending a message today and ran into a problem. i was attaching a % series of files, and attached one that i later wanted to remove before % sending. i checked the help, but couldn't seem to find a key-binding to % do this. i ended up just sending the mess

Re: Default folder for save attachements

2002-06-05 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Oliver Fuchs wrote: % Hi, % can I define a default folder for saving attachments (something like % /home/me/download) in the .muttrc? % % Thank you in advance I use this: macro attach s ~/WINDOWS/ Shawn -- I love children. Especially when they cry -- for then someone takes them

Re: No prompt for listing of mailboxes

2002-06-24 Thread Shawn D. McPeek
Previously, Bob Phan wrote: % I've checked the docs, yet still am unable to discover a way to bypass % the prompt to list folders when hitting 'c'. I'd much rather it jumped % right into the browser. Is there any way this could be accomplished % short of a patch? macro index c "" Works fine fo