RE: Why this query doesn't group the email addresses?

2004-07-13 Thread Aaron Wolski
varchar, sir. > -Original Message- > From: Wesley Furgiuele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: July 13, 2004 1:14 PM > To: Aaron Wolski > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Why this query doesn't group the email addresses? > > What type of field is the

RE: all upper case records.. Keeping first char upper and rest lower?

2004-07-13 Thread Aaron Wolski
ginal Message- > From: Wesley Furgiuele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: July 13, 2004 1:10 PM > To: Aaron Wolski > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: all upper case records.. Keeping first char upper and rest > lower? > > > SELECT CONCAT( UPPER( LEFT( first, 1 ) )

all upper case records.. Keeping first char upper and rest lower?

2004-07-13 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hey guys, I have a column in a table called 'first'. Currently all records are upper case. Is it possible for me to do a select statement that makes all chars after the first char lower case? Example: Current: AARON After: Aaron I think this is possible.. just don't know how to execute the fu

RE: Why this query doesn't group the email addresses?

2004-07-13 Thread Aaron Wolski
Yes sir. Exactly! A > -Original Message- > From: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: July 13, 2004 11:15 AM > To: 'Aaron Wolski '; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] ' > Subject: RE: Why this query doesn't group the email addresses

Why this query doesn't group the email addresses?

2004-07-13 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hey all, Got this query: SELECT first,last,email FROM CustomerTable AS t1, OrderTable AS t2, CartTable AS t3 WHERE t2.cart_id=t3.cart_id AND AND t3.submitted='1' AND t3.product_index='1' AND t3.quantity>0 GROUP BY ORDER BY t1.first,t1.last For some strange reason

RE: anyone help with this query? Returning tooooo many results

2004-07-09 Thread Aaron Wolski
Well well... That worked too! Damn... this is starting to make life easier :) Thanks again. Very much appreciated!!! Aaron > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: July 9, 2004 2:00 PM > To: Aaron Wolski > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: anyone help with this query? Returning tooooo many results

2004-07-09 Thread Aaron Wolski
ll of those customers who DO have email address that matches in each table? Thanks again guys. Very much appreciated! Aaron > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: July 9, 2004 12:17 PM > To: Aaron Wolski > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] &

anyone help with this query? Returning tooooo many results

2004-07-09 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hi all, Having a problem with a query that's returning 486,057 results when it most definitely should NOT be doing that. I have two tables: 1 for a list of customers that purchase product A, another for customers who purchased product B. Columns are: Id First Last Email I am trying to compare

making lower case then first char to upper case?

2004-06-30 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hi Guys, I'm trying to figure out of this is possible. I know I could do it in PHP but I am dealing with a ton of records and would rather put the processing on the DB than PHP/client side. Question is. can I do a SELECT query on a column that changes all the results to lower case and THEN chan

AS error with version 4.0.18-standard

2004-05-22 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hi all, Have a query that used to work on one server but then MYSQL version was upgraded and now it no longer works. Here's the query: SELECT *, SUM(quantity)*100/ AS percentage FROM CartTable WHERE company ='1' AND submitted='1' AND dateinserted>='946702800' AND dateinserted<='1085247047' AND pr

RE: Administrative limitation

2004-04-02 Thread Aaron Wolski
Yes. Or find a host that will give you ability for multiple databases. HTH Aaron > -Original Message- > From: David Fleming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: April 2, 2004 10:30 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Administrative limitation > > (newbie question) > > Our web host prov

Help debugging this Query?

2003-08-14 Thread Aaron Wolski
Hi Guys, I have 2 queries: select * FROM kcs_threadgroups AS t1, kcs_threads AS t2 WHERE t2.manufacturer='DMC' AND ORDER BY t2.type, t1.groupName Using the explain command (explain select.) I get: +---++---+-+-+-+

RE: Help debugging this Query?

2003-08-14 Thread Aaron Wolski
AIL PROTECTED] > Sent: August 11, 2003 2:21 PM > To: Aaron Wolski > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Help debugging this Query? > > Aaron, > It sounds like the join has duplicates on both sides. If you join a->b > where a is unique (like a primary key) then you will