Re: Root password forgotten in MySQL

2001-04-12 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Now I want to create new database for same but i forgot my root mysql password. Take a look at the manual. It's there, so USE it. You can also find the answer in this lists archive. Bye, B. - Before posting, please

Re: Berkeley DB and Slackware

2001-04-11 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Did anybody succeed in compiling MySQL and Berkeley DB on a Slackware 7.x system and not get a SIGSEGV? Please let me know how you did it. Yeah.. sure.. just tried it with 3.23.36.. Slackware 7.1.0 wanted to upgrade from 3.23.34a anyway.. installed from tarball. How: ./configure

Re: Please HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-04-11 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
[root@sp mysql]# chown -R root /usr/local/mysql -- The problem chown: /usr/local/mysql: No such file or directory Where is mysql installed this messages says it's not in /usr/local/mysql Search your system.. and chown the equivalent of the /usr/local/mysql Bye, B.

Re: MySQLmanager

2001-04-11 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I was trying to connect MySQL server through MySQLmanager. It is successfully connected to server. But when trying to expend database by double clicking on it, it is giving error message :- Error : Selecting database mysql.. )access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED] to database 'mysql' From

Re: [MySQL] User name/password

2001-04-10 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
The username used if not specified in the mysql command, is your *nix username, so for instance, if I'm logged in as benji and type: mysql -p passwd prompt ** The mysql username is also benji. I would NOT consider it a good idea to use the same username for a shell account and a mysql

Re: Q U E R Y

2001-04-10 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Suppose you buy a book and learn how to do it.. rather than asking others to solve your problem. You've got MySQL and PHP.. so you should be able to do it.. Bye, B. I am using MySQL in RedHat 6.2 with PHP 4.0. I have a question on MySQL. Suppose I have two tables A and B in my database:

Re: MySQL Server

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I am new to MySQL. I have Linux server through my hosting company. I want to install MySQL on server. I need your help in this regard how I can install the same on my remote server? Read: - this lists archive before sending questions - - many many other websites.. you can find

Re: messed up app files

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
ISM file. I opened them with notepad. Now my scripts will not execute. The ISD file says that it was modified today. All 3 icons have changed to the notepad icon, although this is not necessarily the most unbearable part of the whole thing. Are they lost forever? Can they be made to

Re: [MySQL] Backup error

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Fortunately, these were only test databases so there won't be much loss. My question is in the future, is there a recommended way of backing up the databases that will not cause any errors? I'm using mysqldump to create backups.. but that's on linux, I'm not sure about windooz version.

Re: ./configure help

2001-04-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 17:25 7-4-01 +0200, com2 wrote: hi everybody we get this err mex when we run: ./configure --prefix=7usr/local/mysql Hrrr, 7usr/local/mysql ? dunno if that's the reason.. but it might not be able to find such path. /usr/local/mysql perhaps?? Bye, B.

Re: HELP me!

2001-04-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
please : give me the solution! Just a few thoughts.. you connect via PHP.. your php.ini is not pointing to the right location mysql.sock would normally live in /tmp Normally.. other location could be.. Do a ps -ax and see if mysqld shows up.. If not, it's not running at all..

Re: newbie problem... (error 2002)

2001-04-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
when i try to run phpmyadmin i got an error message and the log from mysql says: ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) AAARG if you would have taken the time to check the archive you would have know it has to do with the location

Re: A Beginner's Query

2001-04-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
query processed . But how to view the structure of the table. I mean I am not able to do anything even after mysql prompt appears. I have the documentation. Can Anyone guide me on this I could write it all, I'm sure many on this list can. It's pretty useless though.. Checkout the manual at

Re: huidziekte

2001-04-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Vijf jaar voordat deze foto's werden genomen werd bij mij diagnose reumatische artritis gesteld en als zodanig ook behandeld. Niets hielp. Toen de ziekte zich zo manifesteerde zoals u hieronder kunt zien.. THis message is send in Dutch, my native language. I'm not going to translate

Re: query problem with MySQL

2001-04-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk case if he selects multiple fields, how could i provide my user with all set of records which contains what all data he placed in query form. I think you want to study a bit more on MySQL and PHP. If you take the time to go to sites like you might get an idea of how

Re: Firewall logged probes on mysql port

2001-04-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
It's late.. I want to catch some sleep.. but I found a few on the incidents list.. According to some people on the incidents lists there seems to be one or two probes going on for MySQL servers.. dunno what they're

Re: Storing pictures in mySQL

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 08:55 4-4-01 +0200, Nicolas Villatte wrote: is it possible? If yes, how ? Yes.. BLOB (BinaryLargeOBject) Check the archive, and manual. Bye, B. - Before posting, please check: (the

Re: Running mysqld as another user

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
We are getting problems in running mysql after installation. Since you have already running mysql we seek your advise on the following. Do you already have a mysqld running (ps -ax). Also please guide how users are created and groups are set to user mysql. Read the manual and/or buy the book


2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 10:41 4-4-01 +0200, hanan khader wrote: Hi friends ... I have sent once my problem, but don't know why, I haven't recieved any answer or solution for it ... Perhaps because you try to run MySQL on Windows.. I think most people on this list are familiar with MySQL on Linux. I found a link

Re: Can't connect to MYSQL Server

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
When I type mysql from the command prompt ... an error occured : ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MYSQL server on 'localhost' (10061) What is the problem? Hanan Don't send me a copy of your message.. I'll get mine from the list.. Did you follow all instructions as found in the manual and from

Re: BSDI 4.1

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I am just a user on the system, so NOT root. The system is from our ISP and webhoster (named xs4all). They say that I have to setup and install it my self. Someone out there ? That knows? Try to install to another location, like your userdir. If that's not working find yourself another

Re: Provider claims 'it's normal that mysql crashes', is that true?

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
After further asking I got a personal answer that says: "it's normal the mysql-servers die because of heavy load". "We can't help that the mysql task keeps crashing if to many users access it. That's totally normal for a mysql database" Running 3.22.32 that's prehistoric (sort of).. I think I

Re: Registration Confirmation

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 10:19 4-4-01 -0600, Nathan wrote: I sincerely hope this is the result of a virus. Dunno, one of the PHP lists is also being harrased by this kind of messages.. Perhaps Billy boy G. has to much time to spend ;-) Or it might be a programm in a nasty loop. The PHP list admin has blocked all

Re: Database Design

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 16:25 4-4-01 +, Jonathan Duncan wrote: Does anyone know of a good site or reference on database design? That would be efficient database design. I can make a database but I want to know how to plan one and make it very good. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. (database

Re: Perl-MySql DBD Errors

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2215.tar. For the life of me I can't find the mysql.h file that it keeps asking for? Any ideas where this it a bug with this version. Type find -name mysql.h I found mine (MySQL 3.23.36) in /usr/local/mysql/include Sometimes it helps to use a very basic method to

Re: ownership/permission problems

2001-04-03 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I haven't had any success so far finding any help in the manual or Monty's book about this particular condition, so any help is appreciated. I don't know about the RPM's. But if you would install from source there is a directory called Docs containing a manual.txt I did NOT compare this with

Re: Starting Mysql with system

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
How can i put mysql to start with my system, im worcking with RedHat Linux RTFM: go to your sourcedir, cd Docs and read manual.txt.. or one of the other manuals.. like the one at Bye, B. - Before posting,

Re: Running mysqld as another user

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I have set up a user called mysqlusr which belongs to the group mysqlgrp. I want to run the mysqld as this user, but am unsure how to. Info on this can be found in the manual.txt file found in your_sourcedir/Docs Bye, B.

Re: MySQL 3.23.36 is relased

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Everyone: why did the volume of the source distribution jump from something like 5+ MB to 10+ MB ? This is not likely from a bugfix. Am I downloading lots of new stuff I will probably not use? says: MySQL 3.23.34a and newer source releases include

Re: unable to get access

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I cant get access into mysql. I get access denied for user when trying to log into mysql as root with password. Anyone help? You did go through the complete installation?? Including the create_db stuff and the root password setting stuff.. If not, read the manual.. it will help you to get

Re: Newbie question

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I've installed mysql 3.22.32 and created a test table via mysql. now, when I try to run safe_mysqld --log Do you run this while you already could connect via mysql?? if so, then your server was already running.. No need to start it twice.. Also, checkout and the fine MySQL

Re: how to make SQL command by a file?

2001-03-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
command in mysql: How can I do? how can I write it? Create a .sql file.. check the archive, same question has been asked 1 or two days ago. Otherwise read info on websites about MySQL and other SQL languages Bye, B. -

Re: web-based accounting system

2001-03-28 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I hope someone could tell me where to find one. Off-topic, take a look at for php scripts. Otherwise checkout Bye, B. - Before posting, please check:

RE: MySQL books

2001-03-28 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I was at the store tonight. Did not see an O'Reilly book but believe I saw the book by Paul DuBois. There was also a book, one of the Teach Yourself (MySQL) in 21 Days, series. Anybody familiar with that one? I would go for Paul's book (he should pay me for everytime I refer to his book :))

Re: SQL Documentation

2001-03-22 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
trying to make a simple database for our alumni organization. hope to hear soon! Thanks, Moin First there is a very good doc on and you can find info on but also on many other websites. Use your favorite searchengine! You might want to buy a good book. I'm using

Re: Please

2001-03-21 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_pconnect() in ./db_mysql.php on line 73 Wrong list. Help can be found via several lists: Before posting you really should read the manual, also found at Or try at least a few examples from:

Re: Password option

2001-03-21 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
password to MySQL and I cannot into it of course. Does anybody know how to reset or disable this feature if you have root access to the machine? Read the manual you can find at This is explained into great detail. Bye, B.

Re: Redhat 7 newbie.....

2001-02-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
when i try to use the client. Could someone please clue me in as to home I get this baby going... Thanks! Tom RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) :-) you can find it at Search the archive: Checkout Bye, B.

Re: Problem installing MySQL php

2001-02-22 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
At 19:25 22-2-01 +, Pope, Alan wrote: Hi all, Newbie alert, please be gentle. Great resource: including how to install MySQL and PHP with Apache. You might want to apply all the patches from Redhat. RH 7.0 is not considered to be a good distro. NOT my opinion, others say

Re: Here you have, ;o)

2001-02-13 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I had forgotton how much in love with it I once was, until Outlook refused to behave as the help files said it would, and the help files describe capabilities that were simply not available. I have moved to Outlook, because I needed to access several email accounts, and the older versions of

Re: Please give me a good FQ about mysql install.

2001-02-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
I had some problem when I install MySQL. Could you kindly give me a good FQ about mysql install? Thank you. has some interesting info on using/installing MySQL. Also on PHP and other stuff. Greetz, B.

Re: Creating of database with userid and password

2001-01-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk
How do I Create a Database with Userid and Passwords. Eg. CREATE DATABASE USER. Such that I am able to login and access the database using this userid and password. Check out the manual. Search for MYSQLADMIN and GRANT. Much other info can be found at Bye, B.

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