Re: Granting access to MySQL via OS X

2002-11-05 Thread David Buxton
On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 10:40 am, Mark S Lowe wrote: So I have a beautiful installation of mySQL. I now need to open the pipe to my 3306 port to the outside world directly. When I have people ping my IP, they get a restricted bounce error message. I assume there is a configuration

Re: MySQL on Mac OS X

2002-05-13 Thread David Buxton
on 12/5/2002 9:21 pm, Phil Dobbin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, I finally got in but now I get a 1044 error: [localhost:~] phil% mysql -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 37 to server version: