mysq passwords reset !

2002-10-05 Thread David yahoo
Hi, I updrae my windows binaries server, and save my old datadir. I copy it to the new datadir, i already did that it works ! I use to put no password to mysql database, I secure mysql by closing via a firewall the 3306 port, it so annoying to find a password for each of my db ... But now when

Re: mysq passwords reset !

2002-10-05 Thread David yahoo
I find a blank mysql database, all is ok !:) ___ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français ! Yahoo! Mail : - Before

gemini/acid or innodb ?

2002-10-03 Thread David yahoo
Hello, I found an other table type for transaction : The simplicity of ACID transactions is especially important in a distributed database environment where the transactions are being made simultaneously. Learn more about the Gemini table type that supports ACID Transactions. Find in nusphere

How can i store japanese into mysql ?

2002-09-23 Thread David yahoo
Hi, I try to store japanese into mysql : PHP seems to works great with japanese strings. $jap=,g,rfR[fhõ^øiZQlj,SO. ; And then it displays kanjies. But I didnt manage to store char into the database ? How can I do ? Thanks. ___

Tinytext index howto ?

2002-09-23 Thread David yahoo
Hi, I have a column that can have 850 chars at max. I think that I can only put this in a tinytext col type. How can I hav an index to this col mysql refuse me to add one ? Thanks. ___ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite

Error: 7 - Error on rename ... (Errcode: 13)

2002-08-10 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, While trying to upgrade a table struture i get the following error : ALTER TABLE Prefixtest_T_Stories ADD COLUMN IndexDisplay char(1) default 'Y' Error: 7 - Error on rename of '.\testbase\Prefixtest_t_stories.MYI' to '.\testbase\#sql2-118-3.MYI' (Errcode: 13) I m running a mysql 401

null last_insert_id and replace ? !

2002-07-15 Thread David yahoo
Hello, I ve got mysql 4.0.1 I don't understand what happen. I use to make replace other than insert in order to avoid error in php scripts. I have a table with on primary key : CREATE TABLE `nlconfig` ( `id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `nomnews` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

how to retrieve the 2 last char of a string stored in db

2002-07-15 Thread David yahoo
how to retrieve the 2 last char of a string stored in db ? : SELECT LENGTH(db) as len , SUBSTRING(db from len-2 ) from nlconfig; NOT WORK .! In php by example, there is a substr with a negative pos that give char at end ! no in mysql !

full text with union pb

2002-06-06 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I ve got some errors while making a query that managing match (full text) and union, both on boolean mode and the other mode. When I m working with like i get no error. I m working with mysql 4.01 4.02. Tables have the sames number of fields ... Indexes seems to have been created ...

mysql case sentivity table names

2002-05-17 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, You surely take note that a mysql server under windows take the same table when selecting from T_User or t_user, it is case insensitive. Every update into these tables rename all case sensitive table into insensitive one. I have to be carfull to check my tables names before copying

Re: mysql and order in a query

2002-04-06 Thread David yahoo
I think of a little hack I can add in where clause something like : ELT(language,'english','german','french') != 0 to avoid language not in list even if there no normally :) I try this as soon as i can. thanks. * Paul DuBois At 18:03 +0200 4/6/02, David yahoo wrote: Is there any way

dumps issue

2002-04-04 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I hav a problem while dumoing my data into a mysql server provider. I have some lost connexion during dumping. So I have to delete by hand the lines inserted and then resrtar wuth the other. Do u know a tool that can make this for me. That meens redo with lines which hadnt been treated

Re: get difference between two tables

2002-04-03 Thread David yahoo
mysql select table1.* from table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.column_1=table2.column_2 where table2.column_2 is NULL; try this to select row of table 2 not in table 1, i think. Hi all, I want to get the difference between 2 tables. table_1: column_1 A B C

Re: multiple delete for mysql

2002-04-03 Thread David yahoo
- where - link.resid = joiner.resid and - topic.catid = joiner.catid and - topic.rid like %Industry%; ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'as link, topic as topic, topiclink as joiner ? thanks. mysql version 4.x does this -Original Message- From: David yahoo

optimizing table space

2002-04-02 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I d like to now is there any way to optimize mysql table space judging from the data there is in. My table can be read only. I put some arbitrary varchar(x) which ddn t correspond to true max len in table. Is there a free gpl tool to diagnose my tables ? Thanks.

optimizing table space

2002-04-02 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I d like to now is there any way to optimize mysql table space judging from the data there is in. My table can be read only. I put some arbitrary varchar(x) which ddn t correspond to true max len in table. Is there a free gpl tool to diagnose my tables ? Thanks. query - sql

pb while starting mysql

2002-04-01 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I accidently move some database dir temporary (for space pb) but when moving I surely forget something I cant no longer start my server. I put the sock file where it had to be but nothing more. See that www:/var/lib/mysql# ls -ls total 100 4 drwxr-xr-x2 mysqlmysql

ib* files and their rules

2002-04-01 Thread David yahoo
i run a mysql : mysql select version(); +---+ | version() | +---+ | 4.0.2-alpha-debug | +---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) on a mandrake 8.1 box. on /var/lib/mysql (DATADIR), I have several ib* file note that I have mysql max install. what

multiple delete for mysql

2002-04-01 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, How can i do a delete from multiple table in mysql? Eg : I want ot delete record something like that I dont when to select but delete delete from externallink as link, topic as topic, topiclink as joiner where link.resid = joiner.resid and topic.catid = joiner.catid and topic.rid like

problem for starting or connecting ?

2002-03-31 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I accidently move some database dir temporary (for space pb) but when moving I surely forget something I cant no longer start my server. I put the sock file where it had to be but nothing more. See that www:/var/lib/mysql# ls -ls total 100 4 drwxr-xr-x2 mysqlmysql

mysql stripslash fonction ? to escape '

2002-03-29 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I generate some sql statement with a sql query and make some insert. But when inserting, I get some surprises with some strings value which contains ' or , cant be escape because its my string delimiter. How can I do to correct this : is there a mysql function stripslash (eq in

Re: mysql stripslash fonction ? to escape '

2002-03-29 Thread David yahoo
I know that function in php, but I generate sql from a sql queries in order to export some data from on database to another. I make something like that : select concat('INSERT INTO links VALUES(NULL,99,',link.about,',', from links, ... this queries gives me sql insert command. but in

mysql special query

2002-03-29 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, Thanks for helping me with escape previously, a stripslash like (cf php ) mysql function would be easy in next version, i think. I d like to make another strange query is :: I have a table with row having some flag column (0/1) several a set. I d like to retieve each that doesnt have

Re: Capacité Mysql

2002-03-28 Thread David yahoo
Here we speak english. Ici on parle anglais. Tu peut copier les fichiers binaires des tables de mysql (*.MYD *.MYI *.frm) dans le DATADIR ex : linux /var/lib/mysql par contre il doit y avoir des problemes avec l intégrité des données. Je te conseil de lire la doc de mysql en francais ss

pb while querying in strange db name

2002-03-28 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I ve got a database with the name db-name when making : select * from db-name.table; I get a error. something is wrong in your syntex near : -name ... How can I tell mysql that db-name is a database name ? Thanks. _ Do You

Re: pb while querying in strange db name

2002-03-28 Thread David yahoo
we have to escape name select * from `db-name`.`table-name`; works. great mysql.! _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at -

huge sql dump strange file

2002-03-28 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I make a huge sql dump to mysql client ie : mysql dump.sql the dump.sql is nearly 650 MB. I get some strange file near my table files : 12 -rw-rw1 mysqlmysql8678 mar 28 22:26 /var/lib/mysql/doz/#sql-9a8_17.frm 63428 -rw-rw1 mysqlmysql64880640

mysql fulltext index doesnt seems to do things

2002-03-28 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I have a uge table data about 700mb pii 333 200mb ram. mysql 4.02. I try to add a full text index alter table listing add fulltext (about,title,description); but it seems to do noit effect the ib files in the datadir seems to keep the same length no grow. when querying it say no full

database password recovery

2002-03-20 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, It's urgent I upgrade my mysql server with some rpm that I found elsewhere on the web But when accessing db I was rehected. Ii d like an easy way to recover my password or to put a blank pass like it was ! see what I ve got ! www:~# mysql ERROR 1045: Access denied for user:

Re: database password recovery

2002-03-20 Thread David yahoo
a telnet to mysql works : www:~/MySQL# telnet localhost 3306 Trying Connected to localhost.localdomain ( Escape character is '^]'. 2 4.0.2-alpha-debug9`VmEN7i, Bad handshakeConnection closed by foreign host. but still cant erase this password ! www:~/MySQL#

Re: mysql + ext3 + data=journal ?

2002-03-11 Thread David yahoo
I ve read an article tellinf that it s a plus. But with no explanation. With journal option you journaling the data too. So it migth prevent from a myisamchk ? It s my opinion. But the best security u can add into this is transaction. a+. On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 05:06:56PM +0100, Matthias

Re: mysql from windows to linux

2002-03-10 Thread David yahoo
see : If you are using MySQL Version 3.23, you can copy the .frm, .MYI, and .MYD files between different architectures that support the same floating-point format. (MySQL takes care of any byte swapping issues.) 2 pcs x86 1under windows xp

Re: mysql from windows to linux - I found

2002-03-10 Thread David yahoo
After having search in all the doc i see that I have a mysql 4.01 version ... It was so simple a mysqld restart and all was ok. Surely mysql have fil descriptor in memorry. Aie aie aie. a+. _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free

mysql from windows to linux

2002-03-09 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I developp a site with some mysql table which are files myd myi n frm under windows x86 arch. I copy my table into a liinux box x86 arch too. Bu when trying to modidy tables I get an Error: 1036 - Table country is read only I manage the rigth of new created tables. I get things like

Re: mysql from windows to linux

2002-03-09 Thread David yahoo
Stange I make a ps : mysql 6337 0.0 5.4 27588 15608 ? S23:22 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ www. --skip-locking mysql server is reunnig with mysql user. I make a su mysql : this

Re: ignore words in full text indexes

2002-02-28 Thread David yahoo
Hi, Or maybe there are too many. It appears that any word that appears in more than half the rows is treated as a stop word: I read this page but this condition doesnt hurt my mind. I don t know what happen I modify fait to fiato I

ignore words in full text indexes

2002-02-27 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I m using mysql 4.01 alpha I read in the doc : MySQL uses a very simple parser to split text into words. A ``word'' is any sequence of letters, numbers, `'', and `_'. Any ``word'' that is present in the stopword list or just too short (3 characters or less) is ignored. My queries let

Re: **Backing Up A Database**

2002-02-18 Thread David yahoo
How did u do exactly ? It's not documented. Does it take a long. Do u have to flush and lock tables before, that can be critical for 24/24 server. what conf for logrotate ? a+. I personally issue mysqldumps via cron and maintain the files using logrotate (Redhat Linux), which automatically

update to mysql 4.01 under mandrake

2002-02-12 Thread David yahoo
hi all, This question is a little like the suse update. But perhaps I could find answer. I have a mandrake distrib with rpm support, u know that mandrake is derive from redhat. Can I install a mysql 4.0.1 package on it ? thanks. a+.

update to mysql 4.01 under mandrake

2002-02-08 Thread David yahoo
hi all, This question is a little like the suse update. But perhaps I could find answer. I have a mandrake distrib with rpm support, u know that mandrake is derive from redhat. Can I install a mysql 4.0.1 package on it ? thanks. a+.

Re: Error

2002-01-29 Thread David yahoo
I m franch a little latin, no u re not an error. see at if u can found doc into your language have a look at grant / revoke command to make '' allowed to query the server. GRANT ALL ON database.* TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY password all is too much u can try

pb while adding new field to a db ?

2002-01-29 Thread David yahoo
Hi all, I hava a mysql database wich contain some country name only country names some a old like USSR ... I have to add some field into this db from the file found at the ripe net file : iso3166-countrycodes.txt see part of this file : Some Codes from ISO 3166 Updated by the

Re: About spam

2002-01-08 Thread David Yahoo
Personnaly I found no particular spam on this list, in the beginning of the year I found article dated to the 01/01/2003 and not the 01/01/2002, this message was refused cause it doens t contain words like sql I thinks that my mail client wich doesn work well (hum outlook). a+.


2002-01-04 Thread David Yahoo
You have to search for create temporary table then make severals insert into this_table as select Note that the temporary table are thread local I think so only the current connexion can see it. HI, I found a very usefull function in Mysql (to combine the result of many SELECTS in

Re: A bug somewhere in the list manager

2002-01-01 Thread David Yahoo
Hello I receive message from : the 31/12/2002 and then from the 01/01/2003 and now seems to works from the 01/01/2002. ? sql - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

About a sql hacking for future

2001-12-18 Thread David Yahoo
Hello, I try to reference some value of previous row in a sql statement. But today it's not possible due to the thread state of var, can t we do a row state ? thanks. - Before posting, please check:

how to make a reference to previous row into a sql statement

2001-12-15 Thread David Yahoo
Hi, I know that mysql can reference var into sql statement, I think like @var, i cant retrieve this info. . - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

Re: how to make a reference to previous row into a sql statement

2001-12-15 Thread David Yahoo
the previous value of a column ? - Original Message - From: David Yahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 9:42 PM Subject: how to make a reference to previous row into a sql statement Hi, I know that mysql can reference var into sql statement, I think

Re: how to make a reference to previous row into a sql statement

2001-12-15 Thread David Yahoo
of the thread. Can make an something to memorize the previous value of a column ? - Original Message - From: David Yahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 9:42 PM Subject: how to make a reference to previous row into a sql statement Hi, I