Problems with JDBC autoReconnect and wait_timeout

2003-03-11 Thread Emma Wansbrough
Hi, I am having major problems with persistant database connections on a resident process in java. My database connection url looks like this: jdbc:mysql://balti/log?autoReconnect=trueuser=rootpassword=pineapple But it does not appear to be reconnecting because if I go into /etc/my.cnf and

JDBC Driver Bug, does not appear to support auto commit off-selections not detected in while loop if new insertions

2003-02-28 Thread Emma Wansbrough
My code works fine with autcommit on..however it does not support autocommit off. This is quite a big bug, or I have missed something out. Please let me know as I it would be of great interest to me if I was mistaken or correct and you will consider fixing it. If I switch off auto commit and