Converting Decimal value to Binary

2001-03-27 Thread Filip Sergeys
Hi, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO: I want to have the binary value of a part of a decimal value. 1)I have a decimal value in column called intag : 262204 2)From this value I'am only interested in the last two bits of the HEX value of this decimal HEX value = 4003C My interest 3C

Re:pulling audio out of a blob and playing it. = just a question about performance

2001-03-27 Thread Filip Sergeys
Hi Just a question. What about performance when storing audio files in a blob. What effect does it have on the database(load, space requirements compared to audio files,...) I will be confronted with this question in the near future where I will have to decide to store on disk or in blob. I you

Myisamchk unable to repair index problem

2001-02-22 Thread filip . sergeys
running myisamchk against basic table gives this error : stopword doesn't have a correct index definition. you need to recreate it before you can do a repair. table details: create table stopword(word char(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, lang char(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (word, lang));