how to create host table?

2002-09-25 Thread Ilyas KESER
Hi there I am using MacOSX SERVER. When I want to start MySQL it says: [HostPowerBook:/] ilyas% mysql ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61) According to Mysql documentation this means that mysqld doesn't started. Just when I want to start mysql


2002-09-06 Thread Ilyas Keser
What I also not understand is that one can also compile Mysql with MIT-Pthreads. What is a MIT-Pthread? Where can I read more about this? Thanks ilyas - Before posting, please check: (the m

binary or source

2002-09-06 Thread Ilyas Keser
At I can download the source or the binary for macosx. My question is what is the difference between the source and the binary? I haven't found a description of the installation with the binary or with the sourcecode. Thanks for any help... ilyas ---

uninstall on macosx

2002-09-06 Thread Ilyas Keser
Mysql creates over 900 files at an installation. I want to reinstall my Mysql. How can I remove all these files? Where does Mysql creates files? Is it possible to install 2 versions of mysql on the same machine? ilyas - Befor

foreign keys

2002-09-04 Thread Ilyas Keser
Is it in Mysql 4 possible to use foreign keys? If yes, how can I create two tables with foreign keys and use them? Thanks ilyas - Before posting, please check: (the manual) http://lists.

auto_increment fields

2002-08-29 Thread Ilyas Keser
How many auto_increment fields can I have in a database? Thanks ilyas filter:mysql - Before posting, please check: (the manual) (the list archive) To r

select in create

2002-08-27 Thread Ilyas Keser
Can I also use a select statement in a create statement. Something like this: create table mytable ( id int not null primary key (select max(id) from mytable2), name varchar(255) ); is this possible or is there an other way to do something like this? ilyas filter: mysql --

max(id) from two tables

2002-08-27 Thread Ilyas Keser
Can I create an integer field which automaticly look after in two tables to have the biggest id from this tables and increment this maxid and store it? thanks ilyas filter: mysql - Before posting, please check: http://w

backup script

2002-08-26 Thread Ilyas Keser
Has anyone a shell script example to backup all mysql databases at 3 o'clock at the night? Thanks... ilyas - Before posting, please check: (the manual) (

Mysql command from the shell

2002-08-20 Thread Ilyas Keser
hi list Can I also execute mysql commands from the shell. Something like this: % mysql -u root -pmypass --execute=use mydb; select * from mytable; Thanks.. ilyas - Before posting, please check:

searching in 2 databases?

2002-08-12 Thread Ilyas Keser
Is it possible in Mysql to search in 2 databases with only one search statement? Thanks ilyas - Before posting, please check: (the manual) (the list ar

How to store a session_id in mysql?

2002-07-23 Thread Ilyas Keser
Hi... What is the best way in MySql to store a session_id in hex format. Can Integer also store hex values like: E4FA762685A23E002D86483AACE9BD7B Thanks Ilyas - Before posting, please check:


2002-07-22 Thread Ilyas Keser
don't need to flush tables before searching only at this table! What is the reason of this behaviour? Thanks Ilyas Keser - Before posting, please check: (the manual) http://lists.mysq

shell script to backup

2002-07-18 Thread Ilyas Keser
Hi all... I am a new Linux user. Does any one have a shell script to backup all Mysql databases? Thanks ilyas... - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

sql-commands in a file

2002-07-18 Thread Ilyas Keser
HI all; I have 3 databases. I want backup all this databases by giving one command. I use the backup command to backup my databases, it seems to be the fastest way. Can I write sql the sql-commands below in a file and execute them by giving only one command? use db1 backup table tab1, tab2 ta


2002-07-18 Thread Ilyas Keser
Hi list... What is the best way to backup a Mysql database? I read in the documentation that mysqlhotcopy is the best and quickest way to do this. But I can not start mysqlhotcopy... Error Message is: Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /System/Library/Perl/darwin /System/Library/Perl


2002-07-18 Thread Ilyas Keser
Hi list... What is the best way to backup a Mysql database? I read in the documentation that mysqlhotcopy is the best and quickest way to do this. But I can not start mysqlhotcopy... Error Message is: Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /System/Library/Perl/darwin /System/Library/Perl