Re: What format for text fields?

2004-07-15 Thread Jeff Gannaway
t;view source" would look like: This is the 1st line This is the 2nd Hope this helps. God bless! -Jeff Gannaway ___ This Is Where Music Is Going - Listen Online! ___ -- MySQL General Mail

Need help with my LEFT JOIN query...

2004-07-10 Thread Jeff Gannaway
9 | | | DEC | R50| +---+---++ Here's my Query SELECT a.ProductID FROM ImportLiebermansStep3Add a LEFT JOIN ProductsOLD b ON a.PUBLISHER=b.Vendor AND a.NUMBER=b.VIN WHERE b.ProductID IS NULL; But this query runs, and runs, and runs, and runs, and runs without ever giving results. Wha

Which records are not contained in 2 different tables?

2004-07-10 Thread Jeff Gannaway
in the docs, but it looks like you can only compare 1 table to 1 table. How do I do this? -Jeff Gannaway ___ This Is Where Music Is Going - Listen Online! ___ -- MySQL General Mailing List For l

Is there an easy way to find duplicate records in a table?

2004-07-10 Thread Jeff Gannaway
ate, even though their Prices are different. Thanks!! -Jeff Gannaway ___ This Is Where Music Is Going - Listen Online! ___ -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.

Finding the records in one table that are not in another table

2004-07-10 Thread Jeff Gannaway
y for either ProductsNEW or ProductsOLD. The data comes from our distributor, and they don't have any field which would be unique from record to record. If a primary key is essential, I can pre-process the tables to create one. Thanks in advance for your help!!! -Jef

Suggestion For List Management

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Gannaway
itely makes it easier to sort through your e-mails. Anyway, that's my 2¢ -Jeff Gannaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Before posting, please check: (the manual) (th

Copying a ddatabase from one server to another

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Gannaway
-pPASSWORD database | mysql --host=[IP Address of New Server] database -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD and I received the following output: ERROR 1130: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server Any

Re: Copying a ddatabase from one server to another

2001-02-21 Thread Jeff Gannaway
Ahhh using mysql command instead of mysqldump command to import. It worked splendidly! Gracias, Jeff Gannaway At 07:21 PM 2/21/01 -0300, Fábio Ottolini wrote: >I just importa data created by mysqldump using >mysql -u username -p dbname < table >MySQL asks for my password a