It will replace all the Window line feeds with a Unix line feed.
Run it in a test directory first. It will recurse into subdirectories.
-Original Message-----
From: John W Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:25 AM
To: Sim Ayers
Subject: how do I
Thanks everybody for helping me out... I got the scripts loaded and am
talking to mySQL via DBI now.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> G. Adam Stanislav
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:36 AM
> To: John W For
I can't figure out why my windows machine leaves "^M" character at the end
of each line of code. This causes the file to be messed up when I put it on
the Linux server.
It makes my perl interpreter look for a file named ^M after the very first
also... what else I can't fi
I got connected finally... actually I've connect several times but each time
something else happens that changes things.
I typo'd the myslq.sock line in the /etc/my.cnf file
but... I need to make sure my DBI is installed correctly.
I followed the instructions based on the manual... but do not u
up... (I don't even know where to gunzip the
perl modules to)... sorry... lack of Linux experience... but I won't asking
you what a mouse or keyboard is.
John W Ford
Oregon Phone Brokers, Inc.
40360 S Cedar Mill Rd
Lyons, OR 97358
503-859-2114 - voice
503-859-2147 - fax