2007-02-14 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Hi, I've used PHP with MySQL and I was able to count the rows of a table by using the following code: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM MyTableName; SELECT FOUND_ROWS(); However, I would like to do the same thing using Visual Basic 6... When I set the RS.Source to the first SELECT statement

Re: Cannot convert value '0000-00-00 00:00:00' from column 4 to TIMESTAMP

2007-01-22 Thread Nuno Oliveira
The second major problem I am running into after the upgrade is the following error, which did not occur on Development. Error Executing Database Query. Cannot convert value '-00-00 00:00:00' from column 4 to TIMESTAMP. The error occurred on line 8. MySQL version is: 5.0.27 Thanks in

RE: Cannot convert value '0000-00-00 00:00:00' from column 4 to TIMESTAMP

2007-01-22 Thread Nuno Oliveira
I'm simply executing a SELECT query that used to work before, same database, everything the same except a higher version of the MySQL server. In that case you are probably facing some uncompatible issue between the versions you used. Maybe someone else is able to help you more that I :(

SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Hi All, I'm working on a Intranet database with a few tables to allow all the workers from the company to access it. However, I'm facing a problem with a QUERY. I've did try to use JOIN but I'm not able to get the results I need... I have 3 tables (concerning this problem): Table 'Quotes'

Re: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Olexandr Melnyk wrote: I din't know about listiтg multiple tables in the JOIN clause up to now, but anyways it looks like QuoteId from the Products table is overriding the same field from the Quotes table. Try to replace the asterisk with an explicit list of fields you want to get. Hi,

Row position in table when sorted?

2007-01-12 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Hello, I'm working on a web site which have a page for the admin to browse the clients table in a database. To facilitate the interaction, I'm ORDERing BY Name... The pagination buttons in this page are something like: href=.?Page=7 and when loaded, it will SELECT * FROM

Re: Row position in table when sorted?

2007-01-12 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Rolando Edwards wrote: I think you need this syntax SELECT * FROM Clients ORDER BY Name LIMIT offset,rows Your offset must be rows per page * pagenumber where minimum pagenumber is 0 You should also count the full result set divide that count by the number of rows per page to get the last page

Re: Row position in table when sorted?

2007-01-12 Thread Nuno Oliveira
Jerry Schwartz wrote: Now that I re-read your question, I think your answer is that the LIMIT clause applies to the set of records retrieved after all of the conditions are applied. In your example, SELECT * FROM clients WHERE name LIKE Mark% ORDER BY name LIMIT 1, 7; Then SELECT * FROM