Re: dynamic value like excel

2005-09-10 Thread Rich Allen
] Rich Allen Dare Do -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Allen
. MySQL AB doing work for SCO is one thing, partnership would be much a different matter which would then lead me to agree that looking at Pg would be a good idea. Hopefully MySQL AB will make all this clear one way or the other ... Rich Allen Dare Do

Re: InnoDB Record Lock Command

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Allen
. Rich Allen A kidney transplant saved my life, plese consider being an organ donor. -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

views in 5.0.11

2005-08-17 Thread Rich Allen
. is this a known issue? running mysql on mac os x 10.4 thanks Rich Allen Dare Do -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: all user command

2005-07-26 Thread Rich Allen
mysqladmin processlist On Jul 26, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Joeffrey Betita wrote: hello what command should i type to see all the user connected to the database. thank you very much. Rich Allen Dare Do -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives:

Re: MySQLDump - Command line password

2005-07-19 Thread Rich Allen
have you looked at using a my.cnf file? eMac:~ hcir$ mysqldump test /temp/test.sql eMac:~ hcir$ ls -l /temp/test.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 hcir staff 78893008 Jul 19 16:47 /temp/test.sql contents of ~/.my.cnf [client] user= username password= password # actual username and

Re: How do you become a MySQL DBA

2005-05-31 Thread Rich Allen
do to help develope DBA skills? Right now I have very little data that goes beyond 2 tables, so my query skills are withering. Rich Allen A kidney transplant saved my life, plese consider being an organ donor. -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives:

Re: Tiger - MySQL --- any news ???

2005-05-24 Thread Rich Allen
i am running 4.1.9 binary on tiger without any trouble Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.1.9-standard - hcir On May 23, 2005, at 1:03 PM, Kevin Victor wrote: I would like to know if there is any existing solution for running MySQL on Tiger. I dont see a binary version for

access two like tables with one query

2005-03-03 Thread Rich Allen
iH i have a database that i only have READ access to (i am not the creator). there are tables with stats data that are created each day; ie data3_1_2005 and 'data3_2_2005. each table has the same layout. create table data3_1_2005 ( port char(8), tmval int, val int ) how can i create a single

Re: Large 30 GB Database

2004-07-28 Thread Rich Allen
i have one MySQL dB that is currently about 26Gb, properly indexed searches are very quick - hcir On Jul 28, 2004, at 4:23 AM, matt ryan wrote: Should I even attempt this using mysql? Has anyone played with this much data in mysql? I've got two 100 gig databases in mysql, and slave replication

Re: MySQL and Macs

2004-06-29 Thread rich allen
iH any machine running OS X can run MySQL, this link has a Mac OS X version with a package installer - hcir On Jun 29, 2004, at 5:14 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote: Im new to the list and new to mySQL. Im a Mac user and would like to set up a DB on my

Re: load data infile

2004-06-10 Thread Rich Allen
sounds like --safe-mode has been turned on, check your my.cnf files - hcir On Jun 10, 2004, at 7:18 PM, Nik Belajcic wrote: I have a strange problem importing data from a text file. There are 1353 rows in the text file (generated by a Perl script) but only 1000 get imported into MySQL. I am

Re: Query question

2004-05-24 Thread Rich Allen
Garth, good catch! - hcir mysql - hcir On May 24, 2004, at 1:05 PM, Garth Webb wrote: On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 11:32, John Nichel wrote: Rich Allen wrote: iH this should work test select * from xt; ++---+ | id | field | ++---+ | 1 | 0 | | 2 | 0 | | 3 | 7 | | 4 | 8

Re: Query question

2004-05-24 Thread Rich Allen
iH this should work test select * from xt; ++---+ | id | field | ++---+ | 1 | 0 | | 2 | 0 | | 3 | 7 | | 4 | 8 | | 5 | 7 | | 6 | 0 | | 7 | 6 | | 8 | 7 | | 9 | 8 | ++---+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec) test select count(distinct(field))

Re: Problem running MySQL on MacOS X.3

2004-05-11 Thread Rich Allen
ps should show you something like the following: Jupiter:~/desktop hcir$ ps uax | grep mysql root 291 0.0 0.118644 1072 ?? S 3May04 0:00.06 sh ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql mysql 338 0.0 2.551720 19872 ?? S 3May04 10:17.86

Re: Perl Modelues

2004-04-08 Thread Rich Allen
. Kirti -Original Message- From: Rich Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 6:02 PM To: Kirti S. Bajwa Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Re: Perl Modelues you can install Perl modules with $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan install [module::name] - hcir mysql - hcir

Re: Perl Modelues

2004-04-07 Thread Rich Allen
you can install Perl modules with $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan install [module::name] - hcir mysql - hcir On Apr 7, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote: Hello List: I have run into stone wall in figuring out installation of Perl DBI modules with MySQL. When I review the MySQL

Re: hostname

2003-09-21 Thread rich allen is always localhost, perhaps you could make this change in your scripts - hcir use MySQL is there a way to find out which host I am connected from? My CGI script checks privileges of users based on host names they came from. But their hosts some times are detected as IP. E.g. when

Re: MySQL access issue

2003-09-15 Thread Rich Allen
this link from the mysql docs should help - hcir Kind of an oddball question but I'll try to make it as clear as possible. We have a Solaris server, that we have root access to. It houses mysql db's and information. I was not the admin for

Re: Setting up MySQL on Mac OS X

2003-08-22 Thread Rich Allen
iH you may find this site helpful in getting MySQL running for the first time also recommend that you spend some time learning how to be root, unix permissions, etc - hcir On Thursday, Aug 21, 2003, at 22:53 America/Anchorage, Bob Goldberg

Re: Checking the mysql status

2003-08-10 Thread Rich Allen
this is a Perl script, not shell ... #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; # change the next four to match your network my $SLAVE_IP= ''; my $MASTER_IP = ''; my $USER= 'user'; my $PASSWORD= 'password'; my ( $dbh, $sth, @masterResult, @slaveResult, $i );

link from Access to MySQL

2003-03-27 Thread Rich Allen
iH i found in the ODBC faq how to link from mysql to access, can this be done in reverse? link from access to mysql? thanks - hcir -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Paul, do you address this in any of your books?

2003-03-14 Thread rich allen
this article on cross tabulations should help you ... - hcir (mysql sql query) On Friday, Mar 14, 2003, at 11:40 America/Anchorage, DANIEL GADDIS wrote: I'm running MySql 4.0.10-gamma-max-nt-log I have 1 table like the one below...

ampersand in match against

2003-02-24 Thread Rich Allen
iH how do i properly escape the ampersand character in a mysql select match against statement mysql select * from logbook where match(username,body) against ('AT\T'); does not find a match although it should thanks - hcir -

SuSE DBD::mysql

2003-02-18 Thread Rich Allen
iH trying to get v7.3 of SuSE/PPC working with mysql and perl. i have the mysql server working and perl reports that the mysql driver is available but when trying to connect to the a database i get error while loading shared libraries:

install on SuSE/PPC

2003-02-16 Thread Rich Allen
iH trying to install mySQL 4.0.10 onto SuSE/PPC and getting an error when running ./configure cant create executable any ideas? thanks - hcir - Before posting, please check: (the manual)


2003-02-06 Thread Rich Allen
trying to get mySQLGUI to install on Mac OS X, fltk seemed to install ok but am getting the follwoing for flvw [ARTiBook:~/src/flvw/1.0] root# make === making src === Compiling Flv_List.cxx... In file included from ../FL/Flv_List.H:45, from Flv_List.cxx:38:

Re: restart or not?

2003-01-29 Thread rich allen
have you looked at the mysql command flush privileges - hcir On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 02:05 PM, Jon Miller wrote: When granting someone permissions are these permissions dynamic or do I have to reload mysql? Also we have a developer who stated he cannot access the database remotely.

Re: Help - Convert Date from longtext to MySQL date format

2003-01-29 Thread rich allen
this command should get your data moved to a new sql table insert into table2 select (concat(mid(my_date,7,4),'-',mid(my_date,1,2),'-',mid(my_date,4,2))) from table1; - hcir On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 01:45 PM, Wong Zach-CHZ013 wrote: Hi I have a few tables in a database Z, namely table

Re: remote database

2003-01-22 Thread rich allen
mysql -h10.0.0.5 -u[username] -Dvisitor -p[password] should get you in - hcir On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 01:07 PM, Bob Lockie wrote: I am trying to remotely connect to a MySQL database but I'm having problems so I tried this on the same machine as the database. It doesn't work when I

Re: Article: Using the Ruby DBI Module

2003-01-20 Thread Rich Allen
Paul/others, /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/dbi/dbi.rb:477:in `load_driver': Could not load driver (uninitialized constant Mysql at DBI::DBD) (DBI::InterfaceError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/dbi/dbi.rb:384:in `_get_full_driver' from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/dbi/dbi.rb:364:in `connect'

Re: What's returned from $sth-execute(); ?

2003-01-10 Thread Rich Allen
this should answer your question, from the DBI documentation sql,query,queries,smallint - hcir On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 02:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've been using the return value of $sth-execute(); (in Perl DBI) to

Re: Creating MySQL databases and tables via Perl/DBI

2003-01-09 Thread rich allen
the example will connect to the local mySQL server and create a new database named 'dbname #!/usr/bin/perl -w use DBI; $dbh = DBI-connect( dbi:mysql:, 'user', 'password', { PrintError = 0 } ) or die Can\t connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n; $dbh-do(create database dbname); $dbh-disconnect or

Re: changing database location

2003-01-03 Thread rich allen
shutdown mysql, move all the files in your current data directory to the new location in your my.cnf file (ie. unix: /etc/my.cnf) [mysqld] datadir=/my --- all data files are in /my - hcir On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 07:56 AM, aman raheja wrote: Hi All Right now I have all my MySQL

Re: load data local infile

2002-12-31 Thread rich allen
sound like you may want to add the following to your my.cnf file for MySQL [mysqld] local-infile=1 [mysql] local-infile=1 - hcir On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 06:23 PM, Terence Ng wrote: Hi, I have just upgraded to 3.23.54 How to input bulk data into table? I have tried: LOAD DATA

Re: load data local infile

2002-12-12 Thread Rich Allen
try adding these line to your my.cnf file (mysql config file) [mysqld] local-infile=1 [mysql] local-infile=1 - hcir On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 09:52 AM, Yuyi Guo wrote: Hi: I am using mysql v4_0_5 both clinet and server. I cannot get load data local infile to work after many

Re: LOAD DATA command

2002-12-06 Thread rich allen
i believe that this security issue came up with the .51 version of mysql you can remove this block by adding this to your my.cnf file [mysqld] local-infile=1 [mysql] local-infile=1 - hcir On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 10:16 AM, Padma kuruganti wrote: Hi I just downloaded version 3.23.53

joing 2 columns to 1 table

2002-12-05 Thread Rich Allen
if i have the following mySQL tables create table list ( id int, name char(20) ); insert into list values(1, 'bob'); insert into list values(2, 'joe'); create table list2 ( id1 int, id2 int ); insert into list2 values(1,2); insert into list2 values(2,1); what query will return the following

[mysqld 4.0.x DBD::mysql 2.1020]

2002-10-05 Thread Rich Allen
Description: using LOAD DATA INFILE from Perl crashes table How-To-Repeat: issue LOAD DATA INFILE from Perl w/ DBD::mysql 2.1020 installed Fix: i downgrade to 2.0491 Submitter-Id: submitter ID Originator: Rich Allen Organization: none MySQL support: none Synopsis

Re: merge tables - errorno: 143 - Is there a limit on columns with merged tables ?

2002-09-22 Thread rich allen
from perror 143 = Conflicting table definition between MERGE and mapped table On Sunday, Sep 22, 2002, at 18:36 America/Anchorage, David Herring wrote: Hello, I get the following error when trying to access a table created of TYPE=MERGE mysql describe yy; ERROR 1016: Can't open