setting up mysql for windows...

2003-01-30 Thread Stick Dragon
i'm trying to set mysql up on windows 2000, and having some problems. i download file and installed. what do i have to do to get it running. never done it on windows just linux _ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2

importing form a file (question)

2002-11-20 Thread Stick Dragon
I had a free mysql database and admined with phpmyadmin. well i got a back up from called backup.sql in side the file it looks like this # Table structure for table `phpbb_auth_access` # CREATE TABLE phpbb_auth_access ( group_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', forum_id smallint(5)

i'm just missing something

2002-11-19 Thread Stick Dragon
I been tring to read the docs on the website, and tried looking it up, but i'm getting confused. I am trying to make a database and a user. to make the database i use mysql create database dbname; that seems to work. but how do i make a user for it?

starting Mysql on linux

2002-11-10 Thread Stick Dragon
i have installed redhat 8 and slackware linux and been trying to get mysql to run. when i get to the console and type 'mysql' i get, error 2002; cant connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' i have tried to run mysqld through the console but says it cant find the