How to do automatic backup?

2004-03-09 Thread florence florence
Hi, Is there any function for MySQL database to do automatic backup? Let say, i can set the time, that MySQL will automatic backup between 7.00pm-8.00pm everyday. Thank you very much. regards, florence Thank you very much. regards, florence Y! Asia presents

Sql control centre - How to view all the records for a table?

2004-02-10 Thread florence florence
Hi, Can anyone help me that i want to view all the record from a table, but in mysql control centre, i only can view the first 1000 records, can anybody teach me how to make it can view for all the rest of the records? Thank u. regards, florence Thank you very much. regards,

How to backup MySQL databasee?

2003-12-30 Thread florence florence
Hi, Can somebody teach me how to do MySQL server backup? Any answer will be much appreciated. regards, florence Thank you very much. regards, florence The New Yahoo! Search - Now with image search!

How to update table using load data command but still and maintain pervious data?

2003-09-28 Thread florence florence
Hi, If i want to use load data infile into selected column, for example i have 5 column in one table and i only load data into column 1,2,4 and 5 and i use load data infile abc.txt replace into table test(t1,t2,t4,t5) but after i load into the table, the previous data in column 3

How much data can mysql support?

2003-09-27 Thread florence florence
Hi, How large data that i can store in Mysql and how much data can Mysql support? Thank you very much. regards, florence Yahoo! Photos - A free party for the most shiok photo. Join now!

How to generate sql scripts in Mysql?

2003-09-12 Thread florence florence
Hi, Hope someone can guide me how to generate sql scripts in Mysql?Thanks. regards, florence Yahoo! Games - Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? Play now!

How to set auto_increment start by value 1000?

2003-09-12 Thread florence florence
Hi, Hope someone can guide me how to set the auto_increment for an integer and the value start with 1000? I know how to set the value start from 1 but don't know how to start from 1000 or 2000 etc. Hope somebody can help me. Thanks. regards, florence Yahoo! Games - Who

ODBC connection to MySQL problem

2003-09-04 Thread florence florence

ODBC connection to MySQL problem

2003-09-04 Thread florence florence

Assembly file not found while trying to connect ASP.NET to MySQL

2003-09-02 Thread florence florence
i copy the i.72 i nto my project folder, but when i run the project, an error occur : File or assembly name System, or one of its dependencies, was not found. . As usual, i copy the file into my project folder, then i add a reference. After that i imports ByteFX.Data.MySQLCLIENT.

How to upgrade to MySQL4.1-alpha

2003-08-29 Thread florence florence
Hi, I have downloaded the folder which contains MySQL 4.1 alpha. For the notes in the documentation, i still can not understand how to upgrade to version4.1. I am just start to use MySQL and straigh forward want to upgrade to 4.1 but there is not setup file there. How to do? Thanks.

Problem When ugrade to MySQL4.1-alpha

2003-08-29 Thread florence florence
Hi, I am not sure how to upgrade to MySQL4.1-alpha (window) from MySQL4.0, so i just copy the file in the folder which i downloaded from web and then paste in the mysql folder in C:\mysql . But later i found out that the winmysqladmin in the bin folder can not be opened( i double click