Re: Importing a separated file into mysql, national charset problem??

2005-02-13 Thread Petr Vileta
Original Message From: "Oddvar Kragseth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 3:35 PM Subject: Importing a separated file into mysql, national charset problem?? > I'm importing a file into mysql. > > Most w

Importing a separated file into mysql, national charset problem??

2005-02-13 Thread Oddvar Kragseth
I'm importing a file into mysql. Most work fien, but numbers are given like this : `487,90`116,40`4467,00` This creates a problem, as the decimal numbers are NOT read... i.e i get 487.00 , 116.00 in my database. Is this a "national" problem as we use komma as a decimal seperator in Norway? Do

Charset problem

2004-10-11 Thread Jean-Marc Fontaine
Hi, sometime ago my boss imported a dump into a base using Cocoa MySQL on Mac. Unfortunatly he switch the charset from ISO-8859-1 to something wrong, probably UTF-8. From this time we have such weird characters in our fields : FerrandiËre instead of Ferrandière, CitÈ instead of Citée and so on.

MySQL 3.23.32 charset problem between big5/latin1

2001-01-23 Thread ljm
>Description: If it is compiled with --with-charset=big5 and without --with-extra-charsets, odd messages would be reported by php-4.0.4pl1, as the following: Warning: Can't initialize character set 1 (path: default) in /vhost/