Re: LOAD DATA INFILE insists on being LOCAL

2004-08-02 Thread Patrick Connolly
Somewhere about Sun, 01-Aug-2004 at 11:31AM -0400 (give or take), Michael Stassen wrote: | | Patrick Connolly wrote: [...] | Looks to me the mysql user should have no trouble with it: | | -rw-rw-r--1 pat pat 332 Jun 28 20:42 Orders.txt | | Every piece of the path to

Re: LOAD DATA INFILE insists on being LOCAL

2004-08-01 Thread Patrick Connolly
Somewhere about Sat, 31-Jul-2004 at 11:17AM -0400 (give or take), Michael Stassen wrote: | With LOCAL, the *client* reads the file on the client's machine. | Without LOCAL, the *server* reeads the file on the server's | machine. Even though the client and server machines are the same | in your

Re: LOAD DATA INFILE insists on being LOCAL

2004-08-01 Thread Michael Stassen
Patrick Connolly wrote: Somewhere about Sat, 31-Jul-2004 at 11:17AM -0400 (give or take), Michael Stassen wrote: | With LOCAL, the *client* reads the file on the client's machine. | Without LOCAL, the *server* reeads the file on the server's | machine. Even though the client and server machines

LOAD DATA INFILE insists on being LOCAL

2004-07-31 Thread Patrick Connolly
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 5 to server version: 4.0.18-standard Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql mysql LOAD DATA INFILE Orders.txt INTO TABLE Orders3 fields terminated by '\t'; ERROR 1045: Access

Re: LOAD DATA INFILE insists on being LOCAL

2004-07-31 Thread Michael Stassen
With LOCAL, the *client* reads the file on the client's machine. Without LOCAL, the *server* reeads the file on the server's machine. Even though the client and server machines are the same in your case, those are still different operations. There are restrictions on having the server do the