> Need some facts for a Report ...
> For a hypothetical Kitchen Company's shopping Catalogue.
> a.. What advantages does a database have over flat-file systems ?
great advantage when processing large amounts of data.
> b.. Are there any disadvantages in switching to a database solution ?
Your questions are really far too broad for this list. I will give
them a shot but you wont find them very helpful, I'm afraid. And the
Kitchen company won't come into it.
a.. What advantages does a database have over flat-file systems ?
This could be the subject of an essay. In fa
Need some facts for a Report ...
For a hypothetical Kitchen Company's shopping Catalogue.
a.. What advantages does a database have over flat-file systems ?
b.. Are there any disadvantages in switching to a database solution ?
c.. What is MySQL, and how does it relate to ASP, Javascript/VBs