For the benefit of the list...
Marty and I corresponded off list to make sure his PHP wasn't at fault, it
Turns out the problem was a corrupt table or index that 'optimize table
' fixed up.
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To u
> OK getting somewhere now...I have modified the code to the
> more advanced option that you suggested...I am now getting a
> return when I search by the ID but still not when I search by
> the FName or LName:
> Here is the html:
> * No, no error reported
> * What command do I type to f
> Thanks - but did not is the information you
> requested. In looking at this please remember that, for
> example, there are lots of smith records in the data, but
> only one with the first name allenand there are lots of
> sarah records in the data but only one with the last na
>> I have a TBL of users and I have created a search screen where you can
type in
>> first or last name and it will retrieve the appropriate records. Here is
the statement:
>> "Select * from STUDENTS WHERE FName LIKE '%" .$_REQUEST['searchit']. "%'
>> OR LName LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['searchit']. "
Has anyone seen a post on this issue? If not, can anyone offer any advice?
I have a TBL of users and I have created a search screen where you can type
in first or last name and it will retrieve the appropriate records. Here is
the statement:
"Select * from STUDENTS WHERE FName LIKE '%" .$_R