Matt Davis wrote:
Check the manual.
The manual shows where following from.
> Can anybody help with this
> If I put the following statement in PHP my browser tells me that there is an
> error on the line.
> //create sql statement
> $sql = "select Business_Name,Trading_Details
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:43:15PM -, Matt Davis wrote:
> Can anybody help with this
> If I put the following statement in PHP my browser tells me that there is an
> error on the line.
> //create sql statement
> $sql = "select Business_Name,Trading_Details where Business_Type
Sent: 16 February 2001 12:43
To: mysql
Subject: SQL statement in PHP
Can anybody help with this
If I put the following statement in PHP my browser tells me that there is an
error on the line.
//create sql statement
$sql = "select Business_Name,Trading_Details
Take a look at your query once again: "select/../"Consultancy"/.../"
You can have "" inside "". The ways to do it, so that it would work:
-> use '$somethinghere' instead of "$something" or
-> use \"$somethinghere\" instead of second "$something" or
-> use '".$somthingh
Can anybody help with this
If I put the following statement in PHP my browser tells me that there is an
error on the line.
//create sql statement
$sql = "select Business_Name,Trading_Details where Business_Type =
"Consultancy" and Bassingbourn != "0" from Main";
If I remove
where B