commit or rollback?

2004-10-18 Thread Colm G. Connolly
; At this point I'd like to say, in sql, if no errors then commit; else rollback end From what I read in the manual I can do one or the other (commit or rollback) but there didn't seem to be a way of conditionally doing one or the other of them. Thanks in advance

Re: commit or rollback?

2004-10-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein
then commit; else rollback end From what I read in the manual I can do one or the other (commit or rollback) but there didn't seem to be a way of conditionally doing one or the other of them. Thanks in advance

Re: commit or rollback?

2004-10-18 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Colm G. Connolly wrote: Hi all, I'm working with tables stored by the InnoDB engine and would like to be able to commit only if there are no errors generated by a group of statements like this. /* -*- sql -*- */ SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; use db1; begin work; If you specify Begin or Start Transaction, set

Re: commit or rollback?

2004-10-18 Thread Paul DuBois
statement 2; . . . sql statement n; At this point I'd like to say, in sql, if no errors then commit; else rollback end From what I read in the manual I can do one or the other (commit or rollback) but there didn't seem to be a way of conditionally doing one or the other of them. That's correct

Commit and rollback problem

2002-08-19 Thread forum mail
Hi List! Hope you can help me with my problem... I am trying to incorporate commit and rollback in my sql statements... I have tried it in my web application which runs on weblogic and it work fine. However, when I migrated my web app to Tomcat, it failed to rollback when it encountered

Re: Re: Commit and rollback problem and mm.mysql

2002-08-19 Thread forum mail
Hi. Thanks for the reply... I curious with what you mean by mysql not supporting commit and rollback coz I found this in the site : nce.html#COMMIT Actually, Ive already tested it in my app under weblogic(and worked). I

commit and rollback commands through php

2001-12-19 Thread sreedhar
How can i say commit or rollback using php. i didnot find any commands for commit or rollback for mysql in php. regards, sreedhar - Before posting, please check: (the manual) http

Commit and Rollback.

2001-05-08 Thread Rajeev Ramanujan
Hi, Will MySQL support COMMIT and ROLLBACK. Thank You Rajeev Ramanujan

beggin, commit, and rollback

2001-04-04 Thread Kristopher Briscoe
Sorry if this is mundane for some, but I have searched the manual and I cannot find the answer to itTwo issues here . 1) Doesn't mysql support begin and rollback transactions? If so what is the correct procedure to make it happen. I logged in and ran my query.. select * from host_info;

Re: beggin, commit, and rollback

2001-04-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 02:52:39PM -0700, Kristopher Briscoe wrote: Doesn't mysql support begin and rollback transactions? If so what is the correct procedure to make it happen. I logged in and ran my query.. Depends on the table type. Check the manual for details on the different table

Re: beggin, commit, and rollback

2001-04-04 Thread Gary Huntress
The MySQL manual is one of the best I've seen 1) #Commit-rollback 2) N Regards, Gary "SuperID"

Re: beggin, commit, and rollback

2001-04-04 Thread Miguel Angel Solórzano
At 14:52 4/4/2001 -0700, Kristopher Briscoe wrote: Hi, See the sample below: C:\mysql\binmysql test Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 3.23.36 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer mysql create table