return all dates between two dates

2007-02-26 Thread Bryan Cantwell
I need to create an inline view that will give me all dates between two specified. Here is the question posed to me that I need to answer: This basic query gets me the last 6 hours of history table entries for an item, grouped into minutes (if an item has a delay of 5 seconds, it takes the max

Re: return all dates between two dates

2007-02-26 Thread Peter Brawley
Bryan A subqueryless (ie join) version of your query will likely be faster: select from_unixtime(t.clock), DATE_FORMAT(from_unixtime(t.clock),'%j %h:%i %p') as mins, MAX(t.value) as value_max from history t join items i using (itemid) where t.itemid = @iid and i.hostid = @hid and