MATCH (n:User{id:'id'}) - [:HAS_FAX_NUMBER] -> () <-[:HAS_FAX_NUMBER]-(m1)
WITH distinct n,m1
MATCH p = allShortestPaths((n)-[*..2]-(m1))
RETURN m1.fhid AS SuggestedUser, COUNT(p) as Connections
MATCH (n:User{id:'id'}) - [:HAS_PHONE_NUMBER] ->() < - [:HAS_PHONE_NUMBER]
WITH distinct
There are a number of ways on how you can control helper threads for the jvm.
You'll have to look at the JVM config for how to turn which off.
You might want to disable remote shell too and UDC.
So you get rid of more thread.
You can test it with jstack on your machine how many threads are run
On Jul 20, 2014 4:00 PM, wrote:
> Today's topic summary
> Group:
>- force Neo4j to be single threaded <#1475593b95965d14_group_thread_0>
>[3 Updates]
>- py2neo with Geospatial index <#1475593b95965d14_group_thread_1> [1
Hi Michael,
The reason for this comes from the inherent limitation of my hardware
simulator. The simulation requires that only one thread is allowed to run
per core. Thus if the JVM launches a number of helper threads, I have to
assign same or larger number of cores (maybe 16) before the simulatio
Why do you need that?
Sent from mobile device
Am 20.07.2014 um 09:54 schrieb jer :
> Hi Micheal,
> Thanks for your suggestion. I tried with embedded java. But it seems that JVM
> will automatically launch helper threads. Is there a way to force JVM to be
> single threaded?
> Best,
> Jer
Hi Micheal,
Thanks for your suggestion. I tried with embedded java. But it seems that
JVM will automatically launch helper threads. Is there a way to force JVM
to be single threaded?
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"Neo4j" group.
To unsu
I am trying to do the same sort of thing in Python. I am adding the data
using py2neo's batch process. If I can't create the spatial index directly
how would I do it, still using Py2neo?
Would I be able to create Cypher queries from py2neo that involve spatial?
I hate to abandon Python..
I rewrote the query by changing the depth to 2 as follows. I am getting a
slight speed-up but not significant. I would appreciate any ideas.
MATCH (n:User{id:'id'}) - [:HAS_FAX_NUMBER] -> () <-[:HAS_FAX_NUMBER]-(m1)
MATCH p = allShortestPaths((n)-[*..2]-(m1))
RETURN m1.fhid AS SuggestedUser, CO
Sure, just use the java batch-inserter API, this is also what the CSV importer
Am 18.07.2014 um 01:00 schrieb Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji :
> Hi All,
> I am wondering if it is possible to extend batch inserter for other type of
> file rather than CSV?
> I have a dif