[Neo4j] Issue in ON CREATE and ON MATCH

2014-12-21 Thread Sukaant Chaudhary
Hi, I'm using the following query, here I want to increment the value of count by 1 but it is incrementing more. Please help me where I'm doing wrong. MATCH (entryFrom:EntryFrom {from: "9788"}), (gender:Gender {gender: "MALE", programId: "9788", date: "2014-12-03"}), (program:Program {programId: "

Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j 2.2.0.M01 - NoSuchMethodError

2014-12-21 Thread Florent Biville
Thanks everyone, I just tested Liquigraph against milestone 2, and I get 1 test failure as follows: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/neo4j/graphdb/mockfs/EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction at org.neo4j.test.ImpermanentGraphDatabase.createFileSystemAbstraction(ImpermanentGraphDatabase.

Re: [Neo4j] Question about parameters

2014-12-21 Thread Mahesh Lal
Hi, Query parameters are essentially an API only feature. While saying this, I assume you mean localhost:7474 (or the webadmin) to be web interface of Neo4J. Since the web interface and shell are both developer tools, there is no need for params out there. Thanks. Mahesh Lal -- Thanks and Rega

[Neo4j] Question about parameters

2014-12-21 Thread Roland Guijt
I'm trying to understand parameters as mentioned here: http://neo4j.com/docs/stable/query-set.html#set-set-a-property-using-a-parameter Is this something you typically use in an api? Or can it be also used in the query prompt in Neo's web interface? If so how? Thanks, Roland -- You received

[Neo4j] Neo4j 2.2M02 and Cypher START clause

2014-12-21 Thread ducky
While testing some code against Neo4j 2.2M02, I realised that cypher queries of type "START n=node(1) RETURN n" are all breaking with error: Using 'START x = node(1)' is no longer supported. Please instead use 'MATCH x WHERE id(x) = 1' (line 1, column 7) "START x = node(1) RETURN x;" Neo.Clien