To add some code, I'm seeing a couple of places in the driver that fails
trying to begin an already in transaction session.
if ( state == State.MARKED_SUCCESS )
{ "COMMIT", Collections.emptyMap(),
StreamCollector.NO_OP );
state = State.SU
Hi Nigel, I'm not sure but what I've seen is that there is a neo4j.Session
thread that it's trying to do a 'begin' on a session worker that is already
How can I know who is doing that operation that is triggering that thread
and why it's trying to begin an already started sessio
so the element is the cypher statement. Once the cypher statement is wrong
and the rest of element keep sending error.
On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 01:58:16 UTC-4, chen y wrote:
> using (var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://localhost",
> AuthTokens.Basic("neo4j", "neo4j")))