Re: [Neo4j] 'beginning implicit transaction' cannot be done... exception

2016-08-26 Thread Matias Burak
To add some code, I'm seeing a couple of places in the driver that fails trying to begin an already in transaction session. if ( state == State.MARKED_SUCCESS ) { "COMMIT", Collections.emptyMap(), StreamCollector.NO_OP ); conn.discardAll(); conn.sync(); state = State.SU

Re: [Neo4j] 'beginning implicit transaction' cannot be done... exception

2016-08-26 Thread Matias Burak
Hi Nigel, I'm not sure but what I've seen is that there is a neo4j.Session thread that it's trying to do a 'begin' on a session worker that is already IN_TRANSACTION. How can I know who is doing that operation that is triggering that thread and why it's trying to begin an already started sessio

[Neo4j] Re: I have issue by using try catch handle error

2016-08-26 Thread chen y
so the element is the cypher statement. Once the cypher statement is wrong and the rest of element keep sending error. On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 01:58:16 UTC-4, chen y wrote: > > using (var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://localhost", > AuthTokens.Basic("neo4j", "neo4j"))) > >