Re: [Neo4j] Neomodel for neo4j 4.x

2020-08-19 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Monica Unfortunately, we don't support or maintain neomodel in-house. I'm not sure it even has a current maintainer right now, either, but you're probably best off asking on the project's GitHub issues list. If you're after a general purpose OGM for Python, though, I do offer this in py2neo as

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Warning message, too much data after closed for HttpChannelOverHttp

2017-12-18 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Ray Do you have a snippet of code that can reproduce the warning? Thanks Nigel On Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 20:53 , wrote: > I changed py2neo Graph handle creation using bolt protocol and still saw > this Warning message. So, the Waring is *not* caused by py2neo > transactions.

Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j timeout error happens occasionally with transaction size 4000

2017-09-06 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Have you tried with a smaller batch size? Nigel On 2 September 2017 at 01:38, wrote: > Our Python 3 program using version 3.1.2 py2neo on Neo4j Community Edition > version 3.0.3. with transaction size about 4000, i.e. we do a transaction > commit after we put 4,000 Cypher

Re: [Neo4j] Re: py2neo and object model

2017-02-21 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
t > throws me the exception > "from py2neo.ext.ogm import Store > ImportError: No module named ogm " > Do you know how to use the ogm extension? i'm working with python2.7 and > py2neo > > Τη Δευτέρα, 15 Ιουνίου 2015 - 4:01:05 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Nigel Small > έγρα

Re: [Neo4j] Rest API doesn't support empty arrays

2016-10-19 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi As Alan mentions, this is a side-effect of both Neo4j's type system and the JSON format used by the HTTP server. The type system at store level has no concept of an untyped array and JSON has no way to transmit type information independent of value, so it's impossible for the server to

Re: [Neo4j] 'beginning implicit transaction' cannot be done... exception

2016-08-04 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Matias It's hard to tell without seeing some code. What concurrency are you referring to? I do think we need to fix that error though - it's very unhelpful to a typical application developer. Coincidentally, we're currently working on this part of the code so I'll make sure we improve the

Re: [Neo4j] Nested Transactions Bolt

2016-06-02 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
You won't be able to get that far. Beginning a transaction is only permitted on a session if a transaction is not already open there. If you try to do so, an exception will be thrown. On 2 June 2016 at 22:23, Michael Johnson wrote: > > So if I get a session and then call

Re: [Neo4j] Object orient programming fashion through py2neo

2016-05-15 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Py2neo has a load of documentation at and there is a bit of sample code available within that. I'd suggest that you try to refine the description of what you're trying to achieve though to be more specific. Nigel On 13 May 2016 at 05:35, Ashwanth D wrote:

Re: [Neo4j] py2neo merge_one missing

2016-05-15 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Phil I can only assume that you are using the docs for py2neo v2 with py2neo v3. The *merge_one* method no longer exists in v3 as you should be able to use *merge* in all cases instead. Cheers Nige On 15 May 2016 at 17:14, Phil

Re: [Neo4j] Neo4J New Bolt Driver for Python

2016-05-07 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
The official driver is only a Cypher driver for Bolt-enabled servers. If you need to use HTTP or any of the other functions you mentioned, you'll need the broader community driver. Nigel On 3 May 2016 at 13:31, Sriram Mohan wrote: > I am new to Neo4J and playing around with

Re: [Neo4j] Retrieve that was not inserted into DB yet

2016-04-11 Thread 'Nigel Small' via Neo4j
Hi Lucas You should probably be using the `Node` object rather than the `NodePointer` object. The latter only exists to support a few pieces of older functionality and will not have access to properties or labels. Nigel On 30 March 2016 at 11:45, Lucas Lourenço wrote: >

Re: [Neo4j] Cannot install py2neo: cannot import name SSLContext

2016-04-07 Thread Nigel Small
This will downgrade gracefully in the next beta release. For versions of 2.7 earlier than 2.7.9, SSL will be unavailable but the library should load correctly. On 5 April 2016 at 13:25, Christoph Pingel wrote: > BTW, I could reproduce this error on my Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Re: [Neo4j] Re: "Waiting for all transactions to close"

2015-09-06 Thread Nigel Small
Batches should never be reused and a new one will need to be created for each unit of work. Also, *run* does not spot exceptions, unlike *execute* since it does not decode the output from the server (including exceptions). This makes it slightly faster but it a tradeoff against using *execute*.

Re: [Neo4j] need py2neo introspection on query results

2015-08-16 Thread Nigel Small
The *RecordList* returned from *cypher.execute* has a *columns* attribute that contains this information: rl = graph.cypher.execute(MERGE (a:Person) RETURN a) rl.columns ('a',) It looks like this has not been included in the docs though for some reason so I'll get that added in. On 14 August

Re: [Neo4j] Re: py2neo and object model

2015-06-15 Thread Nigel Small
Important note: The py2neo OGM module is old and works only with legacy indexes, not schema indexes or any other Neo4j 2.0 concepts. Therefore, if of type refers to labels, that's why. You have only one OGM action in the code you've shared and this is *store.save_unique*. If you have an entry in

[Neo4j] Re: Working with Neo4j 2.2 using the latest Py2Neo

2015-02-05 Thread Nigel Small
Thanks Jim :-) On 4 February 2015 at 21:59, Jim Salmons wrote: Echoing what Nigel said, I found that all I needed to do once on the latest codebase was to import set_auth_token from core and then call it with an authorized ID -- the route I took being that I

[Neo4j] Re: Am I using class Node wrong?

2015-02-05 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Mahesh I'm not a big fan of using *super*. I'm happy to admit that's probably a failing on my part but I find the syntax confusing and certainly not in line with readability counts! On top of that, I've not been able to get it working for *Node* inheritance anyway... So, you can use this

[Neo4j] Re: Working with Neo4j 2.2 using the latest Py2Neo

2015-02-04 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Mahesh The details for using py2neo with the new auth mechanism are here: Cheers Nigel On 4 February 2015 at 12:38, Mahesh Lal wrote: Hi Nigel, I was wondering if py2Neo 2.0.4 supports the new auth mechanism in

Re: [Neo4j] Structr on Neo4j 2.2 milestones

2015-01-23 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Axel Great news! Do you have any specific feedback on working with 2.2? I'd be particularly interested in your experience working with auth. Cheers Nigel On 23 January 2015 at 08:28, Axel Morgner wrote: Hi, just wanted to let you know that there's a branch in the Structr

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Script to migrate relational DB to Neo4j

2014-12-04 Thread Nigel Small
Looks awesome. I'll give it a spin over the next few days :-) On 4 December 2014 at 21:20, Michael Hunger wrote: Yannis, This is amazing, I have to still test it out, but really good work. One thing I'd love to see is a blog post + screencast that shows the

Re: [Neo4j] Re: What is your technology stack?

2014-11-25 Thread Nigel Small
I use Debian and Ubuntu based distros generally. Specifically, my current preference for desktop OS is Linux Mint Debian Edition - I've leaned slightly away from Ubuntu over the past few years. For servers, both Debian and Ubuntu are good choices although, again, I ususally now err towards the

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Optimizing the shortest path query in a large graph (py2neo)

2014-11-23 Thread Nigel Small
Following on from Michael's reply: in py2neo 1.6, you can pass parameters like this: query = neo4j.CypherQuery( graph_db, MATCH (m:Page {node:'{*n1*}'}), (n:Page {node:'{*n2*}'}), p = shortestPath((m)-[*..20]-(n)) RETURN p ) query.execute(*n1*=node1, *n2*=node2) In py2neo 2.0, this

Re: [Neo4j] Retrieving large-ish groups of nodes

2014-10-13 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Aru Firstly, as a side note, the issue to which you link highlights a problem with the deb/rpm packages for some versions of Neo4j. The tarballs are fine and py2neo is definitely compatible with all versions from 1.8 upwards. Now to your main question Neo4j is optimised for efficient

Re: [Neo4j] Setting up Neo4J on arch linux

2014-10-08 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Jared I've been considering setting up an Arch VM recently as I've been reading very good things about it. I managed to get Neo4j working on FreeBSD the other day so Arch should be simple in comparison :-) Arch is set up a little differently to Debian/Ubuntu - which are our usual go to

Re: [Neo4j] nested maps

2014-10-04 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Michael Just read through this thread. We probably need to make this much clearer on the ref cards. IMHO they do seem quite misleading on the usage of map literals. Think I might put forward some alternative wording next week to clarify. Nige On 4 Oct 2014 21:09, Michael Hunger

Re: [Neo4j] org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException

2014-09-16 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Can you provide details of what code you are running when this error is triggered? Cheers Nigel On 16 September 2014 06:11, wrote: Hi, I am using neo4j 1.9.7,SDN 2.2.0.RELEASE and haproxy 1.4.24 to run the environment. I have 6 server,1 master and 5 slavers

Re: [Neo4j] Can we convert neo4j output into JPEG or any other

2014-08-04 Thread Nigel Small
If you want a picture of a graph then the simplest option is to use the browser application and take a screenshot using the PrtSc button (or whatever your operating system's method for this is). Nigel On 4 Aug 2014 08:13, Pavan Kumar wrote: Hello. I want to convert

Re: [Neo4j] Execute cypher query from shell on Linux

2014-08-02 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Alex You can install py2neo which contains neotool, a command line tool that should do exactly what you're looking for. If you have pip (python packager) installed, just run pip install py2neo and it will be downloaded and set up. Hope this helps Nigel On 2 Aug 2014 08:56, Alex winter

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Can't use python interface. Can't build gremlin plugin.

2014-07-30 Thread Nigel Small
Thanks Aru :-) On 30 July 2014 15:00, Aru Sahni wrote: Is there any specific reason you're using bulbs/Gremlin? I'd really recommend you check out py2neo - Nigel's done a great job with it. That being said, here's the process I've used to build Gremlin when I was first

Re: [Neo4j] Re: py2neo 1.6.4 doesn't work with Neo4j 2.1.2 - Cannot find node...

2014-07-17 Thread Nigel Small
for that - that you could easily run. On 07/15/2014 04:42 PM, Nigel Small wrote: Familiar with the concept but have never actually used it. On 15 July 2014 23:41, Alan Robertson wrote: Yes. There are lots of ways to do that. After all, it's all open source :-D

Re: [Neo4j] Do you know how to clear cache in Neo4j?

2014-07-14 Thread Nigel Small
I think Michael's question was more to ask why there is value in measuring uncached performance at all. In production, caches are typically in play and so the performance statistics for warm caches are far more useful for comparison purposes. Nigel On 14 Jul 2014 11:27, jean caca

Re: [Neo4j] py2neo with Geospatial index

2014-06-25 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Ankur I'm afraid that py2neo does not support spatial at this point in time. I may consider adding it in a future version though so watch this space! Regards Nigel On 25 Jun 2014 07:25, Ankur goel wrote: Does Py2neo in python supports creating Geo-spatial Indexes. If

Re: [Neo4j] Large scale network analysis - best strategy?

2014-06-18 Thread Nigel Small
implementation for speed and flexibility? (It appears that the Cypher module has a method Record for capturing query results?) Thanks, Gareth On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:04:53 PM UTC+1, Nigel Small wrote: Hi Gareth As you identify, there are certainly some differences in terms

Re: [Neo4j] Large scale network analysis - best strategy?

2014-06-17 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Gareth As you identify, there are certainly some differences in terms of performance and feature set that you get when working with Neo4j under different programming languages. Depending on your background, constraints and integration needs, you could consider a hybrid approach whereby you

Re: [Neo4j] py2neo working in read-only mode

2014-05-21 Thread Nigel Small
Nigel Small написал: Bear in mind that the identifier 'n' is local to that query only and will not automagically find the node called 'n' in the previous create statement. You will need to match by ID or some other indexed criteria. On 19 May 2014 17:10, Александр Богданов

Re: [Neo4j] Survey: which language do you use? (python, java, etc)

2014-05-21 Thread Nigel Small
There are language drivers available for most major programming languages (mine is the Python one): In terms of choosing a language, Java wins if you are looking for raw performance - although that is becoming less of an issue as Cypher improves. It can also

Re: [Neo4j] py2neo working in read-only mode

2014-05-19 Thread Nigel Small
RETURN n. *And after restarting Neo4j even looking with ID unsuccessful. понедельник, 19 мая 2014 г., 19:55:15 UTC+4 пользователь Nigel Small написал: You won't see any return values from your Cypher unless you include a RETURN n clause at the end of your statement. This is probably your

Re: [Neo4j] Intermittent Unknown Identifier Error

2014-05-02 Thread Nigel Small
We've been seeing similar (intermittent) errors for some time but as yet have been unable to build a standalone piece of code that reliably generates the error. One workaround I have tried is to ensure all nodes and relationships in a query have an explicit identifier, e.g. dummy1, dummy2 and so

[Neo4j] Re: BadStatusLine with py2neo on CentOS6.4

2014-04-05 Thread Nigel Small
/2014 03:41 PM, Nigel Small wrote: Hi Alan A *BadStatusLine* is generally an indication that the remote server has disconnected, normally due to a timeout. Py2neo will usually retry when it sees one of these but the handling isn't bullet-proof and may not work at all under Python 2.6. I don't

[Neo4j] Re: py2neo 1.6.4 breaks my code again...

2014-03-23 Thread Nigel Small
Robertson wrote: This was a clean install on CENTOS 6 under Docker. Thanks for the explanation. On March 22, 2014 11:40:49 AM MDT, Nigel Small wrote: The Record.columns attribute is accessible in both 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 identically. Documentation is limited

[Neo4j] Re: py2neo 1.6.4 breaks my code again...

2014-03-22 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Alan I'm unclear as to how your code might be broken based on the 1.6.4 release. In terms of query results, there were some internal optimisations that were carried out to improve performance but nothing should have changed in the public API. If you can be clearer on what you perceive has

Re: [Neo4j] Generally about Graphs

2014-03-07 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Mohan I'm entirely self-taught computing-wise and knew nothing about graph theory before starting to play with Neo4j almost three years ago. So don't worry too much, you'll pick it up :-) There are some excellent videos/slides by Jim Webber and Ian Robinson floating around the Intertubes that

Re: [Neo4j] Bulk import using load2neo produces 500 server error

2014-02-24 Thread Nigel Small
It may be that you're hitting a memory issue - I've certainly never thrown anything that big at it. Have you tried increasing the size of your JVM? On 25 February 2014 00:49, wrote: Hey guys, I'm trying to import a rather large dataset in the Geoff format into Neo4j. The

Re: [Neo4j] delete all query hangs Neo4j server

2014-02-07 Thread Nigel Small
If it's any help, I've recently added a bulk delete facility to my load2neo extension: This does a core-API-level deletion of all nodes and relationships so is generally the fastest method available. Useful for unit tests, etc :-) Cheers Nige On 6

Re: [Neo4j] delete all query hangs Neo4j server

2014-02-07 Thread Nigel Small
Nice :-) On 7 February 2014 09:57, Michael Hunger michael.hun...@neopersistence.comwrote: Also the in memory server that I put together a while ago is useful for testing Sent from mobile device Am 07.02.2014 um 10:34 schrieb Nigel Small ni

[Neo4j] REST Transactions, locking and isolation

2014-02-03 Thread Nigel Small
Hi all We're starting to look in more detail at the new Cypher transaction endpoint in Neo4j 2.0. The docs state that transactions operate with write locks and that the default isolation level is READ

Re: [Neo4j] Content encoding

2014-01-28 Thread Nigel Small
:[]} On Monday, 15 July 2013 21:48:06 UTC+2, Nigel Small wrote: No problem. To address a number of issues, I've rebuilt the entire HTTP/REST layer for py2neo and wrapped it up in a separate project ( This attempts to detect the correct encoding

Re: [Neo4j] Content encoding

2014-01-28 Thread Nigel Small
Reopened as On 28 January 2014 15:43, Nigel Small wrote: They should probably be checked in unit tests within the Neo4j code base. I'll reopen the GitHub issue. On 28 January 2014 15:35, Georg Summer

Re: [Neo4j] Content encoding

2014-01-28 Thread Nigel Small
2014 16:03:44 UTC+1, Nigel Small wrote: Yes, looks like that to me too. Good spot. Can someone from Neo confirm? On 28 January 2014 14:35, Georg Summer wrote: Sorry for dragging this post up but I think Neo4j 2.0 has the same problem on the transaction rest endpoint

Re: [Neo4j] Neo4jPHP too slow

2014-01-27 Thread Nigel Small
You'd have to get confirmation from Josh Adell on the details but I think that *getProperty* will be issuing a new HTTP call each time it is called. As you have this in a loop, that will be a lot of network traffic, causing the slowness you have observed. For this kind of usage, you are best to

Re: [Neo4j] Transactional REST API

2014-01-26 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Gorka If it helps, have a look at the way I've presented the transactional endpoint in py2neo: At the top level is a *Session* object that maintains the root URI for the database then, from that, transactions can be

Re: [Neo4j] Bulk insert with unique

2014-01-03 Thread Nigel Small
The load2neo plugin might help you ( It uses Geoff ( which can represent unique nodes. Cheers Nigel On 3 January 2014 16:04, Michael Hunger michael.hun...@neopersistence.comwrote: How much data do you want to insert? Am 03.01.2014

Re: [Neo4j] Re: (neo4j-shell)-[:connect_to]-(graphene)

2013-12-31 Thread Nigel Small
Hi Javad I have made some adjustments to neotool ( including a very basic shell mode with auth support. This was specifically to help support GrapheneDB so might be able to do what you want. Cheers Nigel On 31 December 2013 17:47, Javad Karabi