[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-07-03 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi there any update on this issue? Angelo Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a > TraversalAsta

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-06-15 Thread Angelo Immediata
well i tried ti figure it outbut sadly the only workaround i could findis to no more use neo4j in my project.anyway i'm wondering if u have any update regarding this very very very big issue (at least according to me) Angelo Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Im

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-06-09 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi there any feedback regarding this big issue? We are still facing this issue and since we have no feedback we were thinking to use some workaround and/or alternative Any feedabck is really appreciated Angelo Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > >

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-06-03 Thread Angelo Immediata
I tired to investigate but I was not able in finding the issue Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that ther

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-06-02 Thread Craig Taverner
I did git clone your project, but have not had the chance to try run it yet. I still think we need to actually run a performance profiler on it to track what it is actually doing to take so much time. Have you tried that yourself yet? On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Angelo Immediata wrote: > No

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-06-02 Thread Angelo Immediata
No update? Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a > TraversalAstar implementation but it seems to

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-30 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi there I'm still facing this very big issuedid anybody check my test project on github? Angelo Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start i

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-28 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi Craig regarding to your question about which events I have to consider in my scenario...I can have events that tell me a road is blocked...so I need to present to the customer a different shortestpath in order to arrive to destinationso in this case it's like if costs relationships betwe

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-27 Thread Angelo Immediata
Ah Craig...two last info.: I was wrong previouslyI'm not sure if node 1 and node 2 are really directly connected...it depends on the OSM file; what I'm sure about is that I reduced to the minimum the complexity of my code by considering only 2 kind of relationships (the ones I put in th

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-27 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi Craig thank you for answering to me Actually I tested the code with this JVM settings: -Xms750m -Xmx4G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC (on my laptop I have 8G of RAM with Ubuntu OS) I used this kind of settings for neo4j: nodestore_mapped_memory_size=250M relationshipstore_mapped_memory_size=3G node

Re: [Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-27 Thread Craig Taverner
Reading your previous messages I see a comment that "A* from node 1 to node 2: 1416 millis". Are you saying that A* from a node to a directly connected node is taking 1416ms? That does seem insanely long. I could only imagine two possible reasons: - Your JVM is using OS swap space (ie. heap is

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-26 Thread Angelo Immediata
Any idea about these low performances? Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a > TraversalAstar imp

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-24 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi Davide Thank you for the feedback; I know about Contraciton Herarchies (CH); sadly this is not suitable for my scenario becouse my customer wants that the routing system takes care of some events and it must be able in providing the best route in that moment and by excluding events; by using

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-23 Thread Angelo Immediata
Ah I forgot to add that in the configuration file you can see that I configured neo4j ith this settings: - nodestore_mapped_memory_size=250M - relationshipstore_mapped_memory_size=3G - nodestore_propertystore_mapped_memory_size=250M - strings_mapped_memory_size=500M - arrays_mappe

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-23 Thread Angelo Immediata
Hi there We are still facing the low performance issue we talked in this post. In order to let you to do some tests, I reproduced a test project based on maven; you can find it here: https://github.com/angeloimm/neo4jAstarTest By doing my own tests I had the following results: - A* from nod

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-23 Thread Antonio Grimaldi
No one can answer??? Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a > TraversalAstar implementation but it

[Neo4j] Re: Neo4j A Star algorithm performance questions

2014-05-20 Thread Angelo Immediata
Any tip on how and if i can improve algorithm perfomances? Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto: > > Hi there > > We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using > the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a