Thanks Wes worked perfectly!
On Jan 21, 2014 12:44 PM, "Wes Freeman" wrote:
> Probably the easiest way is to use the *0.. variable length path notation
> (0 or more); also, it's a good idea to put arrows in your queries:
> MATCH (n:Variant { name:'variant2'
> })<-[:UPDATED_VARIANT*0..]-(v)--(a:
Probably the easiest way is to use the *0.. variable length path notation
(0 or more); also, it's a good idea to put arrows in your queries:
MATCH (n:Variant { name:'variant2'
RETURN n,v,a
In cases where no :UPDATED_VARIANT relationship exists, n and v w
Hi all, I have this graph. (let me know
if that doesn't work)
(_6:Allele {name:"allele1"}),
(_7:Variant {name:"variant1"}),
(_8:Variant {name:"variant2"}),
I want to be able to get the allele from any v