nettime This is not Amsterdam

2007-03-24 Thread Heiko Recktenwald Et voila: *Paris Embraces Plan to Become City of Bikes* By John Ward Anderson Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, March 24, 2007; A10 PARIS, March 23 -- Paris is for lovers -- lovers of

Re: nettime Poetic Terrorism and Guerrilla Art in the 21st

2007-02-26 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Jane, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Columbian born painter Fernando Botero exhibited works in California that depict the Abu Ghriab prison and suspected abuse to prison inmates. His works are bold and courageous, and depict the artist disgust in US policy regarding prison inmates. I, like

nettime Josh Wolf, a fractured skull and a vandalised police car

2007-02-07 Thread Heiko Recktenwald Voila, as a reading help: Journalist's 169-Day Jail Stay Sets U.S. Record SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6 -- A freelance videographer, jailed for refusing to turn over footage of a demonstration to federal

nettime Women and multiculturalism

2007-02-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, trying to figure out something on women, multiculturalism and international relations, what international law can do. Women and multiculturalism seems to be women against fundamentalism, not just in western countries, the western modern lifestyle against an archaic lifestyle. Honor

Re: nettime Peace offer snubbed as Nettime Brouhaha approaches

2006-10-21 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Danny Butt wrote: why aren't they talking about women in Iraq or Afghanistan or North Korea. Good idea, women in Afghanistan and money. H. # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text

Re: nettime The Creative Common Misunderstanding

2006-10-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Florian, Florian Cramer wrote: Kurt Schwitters was not sued for collaging the logo of German Commerzbank into his Merz painting which in turn yielded his Merz art. Neither did Andy Warhol receive injunctions for using Coca Cola's and Campbell's trademarks. As long as these symbols remained

Re: nettime Torture, Torture, Torture!!!

2006-10-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Bla, bla, bla!!! The world is laughing at America, not because you torture, have fun, but because you started those wars. Torture is the most boring detail. H. Paul D. Miller wrote: This is a cross post of an mini essay by Naeem Mohaiemen. read on! Paul State Of Exception, After The

Re: nettime Steve Cisler in search for ISEA 2006 blogs

2006-08-14 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
The interesting question today is how the industry can manage to act so illegal as early Napster users, Google and books etc, not to mention googles usenet archive. Who likes winmodems? Californian ideology, Joe Sixpack and Bill Gates are the same.. H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [by way of

Re: nettime The probable end of Sealand

2006-06-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
The idea of Sealand was to be a state of its own, to have an own jurisdiction, own laws. A data heaven implies own internet laws and when not even the servers are in Sealand... Nice case? H. syk0 wrote: What is your axe to grind with these people? An airconditioner failed and a generator

Re: nettime nettime as idea

2006-06-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, Felix Stalder wrote: [1], PopoonDBException Message: MDB2 Error: unknown error Code: userInfo: [Last query: SELECT blogposts.post_uri,, blogposts.blog_id, blogposts.post_title, blogposts.post_uri,

nettime Wartapes

2006-06-05 Thread Heiko Recktenwald has an exerpt, that reminds very much to a computergame, doom or whatever, and the story of a former patriot, that does not want to return to Iraq, is derb trivial, to say it in German. Is this trip really necessary? To paraphrase

Re: nettime Paris Burning ...revisited

2006-01-07 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Ayhan, Arlettes theory of the riots is not a global one, like Huntingtons idiotic squaremeters per religion, it is not about two different cultures like christianity and Islam, but about the relations of the French state and the Muslims. The state dictated a certain dress code some time ago,

nettime Pirates and Hollywood

2005-09-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Alan Sondheim has a great google earth screenshot thing of the famous letters somewhere on some hills in California. It is at , the beuys is still missing, well what is a big vendors licence (BVL)? And what is SMS of Mobile Multimedia? Do people really use their mobile phone

Re: nettime Just do it! - Intellectual theft as a curatorial

2005-07-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dont understand you, John and Inke are more or less saying the same. Ignore those Lessig etc phantasies and do what you want. As far as you are an artist etc. Copyright, I like it, is another level.. Linz is another country and a catalogue in a state run institution is something else anyway. H.

nettime Bush administration to keep control of internet's central com...

2005-07-04 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Voila:,12271,1519539,00.html Bush administration to keep control of internet's central computers Gary Younge in New York and agencies Saturday July 2, 2005 The Guardian The Bush administration has decided to retain control over the principal computers

Re: nettime new europe, old europe [pocock, joe, geer, elloi]

2005-06-05 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
To start with a constitution without any european public, that is more than a french or dutch (the germans were not even asked, why not, because they cannot vote?..), was ridicule. Maybe it was allready ridicule to start something that would need a constitution with the EU, maybe there should

Re: nettime new europe, old europe [pocock, joe, geer, elloi]

2005-06-04 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: nettime French vote for a citizen's Europe Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 20:53:06 +0200 ... We started a real debate on what we want Europe to really be, where the sovereignty of the people finds true expression, able to withstand the Wow, of what people

nettime Money and control

2005-05-30 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
This is not about currencies, but, again, about copyright. Maybe pure capitalism: What sux most about Disney etc (pars pro toto), is that they identify control and money. They claim damages, money, that nobody would have spent. We shouldnt make the same mistake. Control is ok, GNU etc, as far as

Re: nettime arrogance or not and a modefication

2005-04-12 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
create some special authority for such things? Chaos is nice, but limited. Some central random depository for problems that everybody can read to improve his own judgements, something like that, maybe wiki, maybe simple. But general sensibility for the common thing is something else. Ask

nettime arrogance or not and a suggestion

2005-04-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, braindead or not, maybe there should be a central bug system for computer related system bugs (Wau Holland). There are many vendors, open source or not, IANA etc cannot do it. RFCs etc are fine, but not everything. It may not be perfect, but like in the case of the pope, the attitude in the

nettime Ecommerce and DRM (Apple)

2005-04-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Apple has some client side DRM in their iPod supermegamusicstore, that is neither DRM in the sense of WIPO and the DMCA etc, see , nor effectiv. But their strategy is different; they dont care about kids, who might crack their system, they want

nettime The braindead arrogance of Linux

2005-04-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Sometimes, I think Linuxers can be braindead stupid arrogant in a very special quasi religious way. Or in the way of doctors that sell dubios essences on wild west markets in the movies. Open Source and post sale marketing, isnt it great to have a community? Sometimes, I think Linuxers can be

Re: nettime EMI still sucks!

2005-03-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Where is the problem? I think local languages are fine, there are millions of dying languages, even the differences between people on the balkans are ok, civilisation, that the STATE (or whatever chief) allows killing, butchering, expulsions, is something COMPLETELY different. H. On Thu, 10 Mar

Re: nettime Re: [MARCEL-members] Re: Internet2:

2005-03-10 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, broadcast flag, FCC, refridgerators and the community: At 02:23 10.03.2005, Philip Galanter wrote: So I hope it won't be too disappointing if I don't respond to your second post in a point by point manner. It seems to me that most of the concern there is really more about the MPAA and the

Re: nettime Working on article about the need for a

2005-01-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Mark, At 16:28 10.01.2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Opinions can no longer be manipulated; people simply believe whatever the believe in and they are likely to act on these beliefs. And then they get informations or what? I dont think the internet has allready changed a lot and medias are not

Re: nettime non-commercial? digest [stalder, geer]

2005-01-10 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
How do you define commercial? This has become my favorite thing to ask at CC events, and I have yet to receive a straight-forward reply. Felix, why? Where are the problems? Commercial is something like an action, that is carried out in a commercial entity. The animus lucri faciendi is

Re: nettime ITU Proposal to Change IP Address Distribution meet

2004-11-19 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, geert quoted: Some of that money will be spent on increased security, and although ICANN is not setting itself up as a major funding source, it is planning to develop a special fund for research into network security. We don't see ourselves as a major funder of

Re: nettime Microsoft, Apples iPod etc...

2004-09-01 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, expanding the topic: Speaking about Microsoft lack of understanding of other culture than their own, Apple seems to have some corporate culture as well. Yesterday I took an Apple iPod leaflet in the Gravis shop and there on the last page, I find the sentense: Raubkopien sind illegal!.

Re: nettime EU sponsors pro-DRM PR

2004-07-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Vielen Dank. On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Felix Stalder wrote: Apparently, the Commission believes there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the idea, it only needs some better public relations. The first few It was extremely interesting to see websites in Canada, that has not yet implemented the

Re: nettime Fear Incorporated

2003-11-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Randall M. Packer wrote: Fear Incorporated November 24, 2004 How can we win the war on terror? Isn't terror an indelible part of the human condition? Does anyone really think it can be eliminated? The Bush Maybe I shouldnt think about this from Europe, but as I

Re: nettime WSJ: Can Copyright Be Saved?

2003-11-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
better one yet, best, H. Just saw Carls remarks, DRM is allways a topic Heiko Recktenwald wrote: Well, to correct myself, things are complicated ;-) As much as I hate DRM, yesterday, I saw something in the german Bild Zeitung, well, thats what many people read, an interesting piece

Re: nettime WSJ: Can Copyright Be Saved?

2003-11-10 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, to correct myself, things are complicated ;-) As much as I hate DRM, yesterday, I saw something in the german Bild Zeitung, well, thats what many people read, an interesting piece of shit or literature, something to read, food for the eyes, not really a newspaper, something else, and they

Re: nettime WSJ: Can Copyright Be Saved?

2003-11-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
The subject reminds me to my slogan: Save copyright, fight DRM. Copyright nd DRM are two completely different things anyway. Copyright is something human, a social something, DRM is technic. Copyright has exeptions and an end, DRM not. DRM kills copyright as a social thing, DRM is just tyranny.

Re: nettime dissolves and stalls its licenses

2003-07-02 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Martin, Anyway, Francis has suggested that Florian take up the maintenance of OC Think it is the same in common law, but the first thing that comes to mind from a continental point of view is that content is free anyway, topic of copyright law is the form in which the content is presented.

Re: nettime Update: Linux strikes back... III

2003-06-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, . __ . wrote: Sometimes one can find things on findlaw. I think that the attack against Open Source must be dealt with in an exemplary way so that other companies do not even dream of repeating this farce... I am not completely convinced about this. First of all, why

nettime My dissens with Pocock

2003-02-22 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Sorry for typos, but this is allready the center of the problem: There are important things, for men, and things, that arent importatnt at all. Only machines need exactness, exactness is needed for a certain kind of controlling and such controlling isnt important at all. It leads to things like

nettime Declaration of Lima, about Internationalization of Cyberspace (fwd)

2003-02-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
We had this topic: From: GIC [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Declaration of Lima, about Internationalization of Cyberspace Group of Internationalization of Cyberspace Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey Comunidad Alfa-Redi Lima, 2/7/03 Subject: Declaration of Lima,

nettime Could we be tracked by micro RFID tags? (fwd)

2003-01-18 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, it seems privacy is over. Or do we not have to care since identity and what we wear are different? Voila: -- Forwarded message -- RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages By Declan McCullagh January 13, 2003, 6:26 AM PT Could we be constantly tracked through

nettime ITU To Propose Intl Cyberspace Treaty at WSIS (fwd)

2003-01-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Thought this may be of interest to some of you. Not very new news but I hadnt seen it. H. Et voila: -Original Message- snip ITU To Propose Intl Cyberspace Treaty At Information Summit 279 words 14 November 2002 Nikkei Report English (c) 2002 Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. All Rights

Re: nettime Multimedia Instead Of Law?

2002-12-12 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Table of Contents: Re: nettime Multimedia Instead Of Law? Heiko Recktenwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: nettime Multimedia Instead Of Law? Heiko Recktenwald [EMAIL

Re: nettime law and theft

2002-12-07 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
special mixture of rather open rules and faits accomplis, the many copyprotected cds allready on the market. Most people like more to read There is, to be precise, article 6 paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 or the eu directive, which isnt a must but a may regulation, states may force the industry to