RE: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2015-05-05 Thread mustapha ahmed iqbal
That means new valve seal.head job..with a valve seat socket valve jobwill give higher compression -Original Message- From: "Jeremy" Sent: ‎6/‎22/‎2014 6:41 PM To: "" Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2014-06-22 Thread Jeremy
If the valve guides are worn this will also allow it to let oil in. Pull your carbs and exhaust pipes and use a light to look inside ports. If the stems are wet with oil you know it's coming from the top end. Sent from my iPhone > On Jun 18, 2014, at 6:34 PM, mustapha ahmed iqbal > wrote:

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2014-06-19 Thread Paul
Glad you finally came out of the shadows Ralph! Nice looking bike! :) Paul * Paul LeBoutillier * * * Honda Nighthawk Lovers Email group On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Ralph Dew

RE: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2014-06-18 Thread mustapha ahmed iqbal
Four cylinder car and bike all the same..check it out... Mustapha -Original Message- From: "Tommy Hill" Sent: ‎6/‎19/‎2014 5:47 AM To: "" Subject: RE: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke I believe only a two stroke has to w

RE: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2014-06-18 Thread Tommy Hill
I believe only a two stroke has to worry about where the rings align. Just stagger the rings on a four stroke. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, se

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] blue exhaust smoke

2014-06-18 Thread Allen Thomas
I'm no pro, I just stay at a Holiday Inn Express. Yea rings or a head gasket seem likely to me. Bad valve seals only make smoke at start up. How much have you ran it since rebuilding? If you got some oil in the pipes from say a wet compression test it can take a while for it to burn off. Allen Tho