Re: String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread Varriount
Could you post your Python source code too? Often when people post these kinds of comparisons, their programs are doing slightly different things.

Re: String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread cdome
It also feels like CountTable is better choice for your problem. [](

Re: String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread shumy
Is that correct? type StringSlice src: ptr string a,b: int Gives me a compilation error! Is it instead: type StringSlice = object src: ptr string a,b: int Also how can I use this with the type Table:

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
you can also add all c files of raylib manually with the compile pragma, like I did it in AntTweakBar [](

Re: String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
well you can create your own StringSlice type that does not copy and override the slicing: type StringSlice src: ptr string a,b: int proc `$`(arg: StringSlice): string = (arg.src[])[arg.a .. arg.b]

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
well importing in a local block/function has nothing to do with runtime importing. Just see scala import. []( and yes for your case use a when clause. The content of a when brach is at top level it does not

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread scriptkiddy
As @stisa mentioned above, runtime imports are not really possible in Nim because Nim is not an interpreted language. Runtime imports are possible in a language like Python because the CPython VM can stop execution in a scope to import a module. Nim, however, pulls in modules at compile time.

String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread shumy
Hello, I was testing a simple stream algorithm with a slice window, but performance is a bit disappointing! A python 3 version is actually in average 2x faster than the nim version. My code: import tables, times const WORD_SIZE = 4 const K = 1 iterator

En orecchini a cuore guess outre, accessoires de granulés plus guess nouvelle collection

2017-07-20 Thread swift
En orecchini a cuore guess outre, accessoires de granulés plus guess nouvelle collection. La première zone et bagues guess fournit plus de plus de plus de 250 points de vente pour tous: maman. Résoudre le sac guess en solde problème en lui achetant son propre les quelques boucle d'oreille guess

Re: How to debug nim code?

2017-07-20 Thread hawk_king
your example works and my example also works. Last week I switched to Xonsh and this was the problem, it works when I run env SHELL=/bin/bash gdb hello thanks

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread Araq
Well you use `dynlib: LIB_RAYLIB` (which is fine) and add linker commands `{.passL: "-L. -lraylib".}` at the same time! That's wrong! Use one way or the other, preferably the `dynlib` solution.

Re: nim-random not that random at all?

2017-07-20 Thread Araq
proc rand*(maxval: uint32): uint32 = let limit = uint32(high(uint32)) - uint32(high(uint32)) mod maxval var bits = rand_u32() while bits > limit: bits = rand_u32() result = bits mod maxval Looks suspicious. high - high is 0, isn't it? And there are MUCH

Re: Change nim wrapper to static link

2017-07-20 Thread Araq
No, but you can use `--dynlibOverride:libname` and some ``

Re: nim-random not that random at all?

2017-07-20 Thread Bernd
Thanks for the replies! No I have been using nim-0.17.0 so far. But nice to see that this is a fixable thing. I'll look into that later today. Edit// @bluenote I added your fix now, and the result looks much more random. Thanks for that!

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread stisa
For 1, if the condition is available at compile time (generally this means `abc` and `def` are `const`) you can use a `when` block to import the module, eg: when cond: import foo # this is only imported if `cond` is true and evaluable at compile time if cond:

Change nim wrapper to static link

2017-07-20 Thread Nimbecile
Hi, I'm using a wrapper from "unofficial packages" that was set up to use a dynamic library. If I want to link to a static version of the library, would it be as easy as find/replace "dynlib: LibName" with "header: "LibName.h"?

Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread def_pri_pub
I'm trying to get some Nim bindings for [this neat little game programming library called raylib]( But well, I'm having some difficulties trying to do so. After cleaning up raylib.h, I was able to use c2nim to auto-generate a .nim. I commented out a few