In c++
class Preant {
void call() {
class Child : public Preant {
void call();
In nim
Preant* = ref object of RootObj
proc call*(this: Preant)
In case anyone else may be interested, I've produced bindings to Erlang NIF API
( []( ). The
bindings are fairly complete and tested--though properly exhaustive tests are
It's my first project in nim. Ideally, I'd like this
God ! It works perfectly. :-) Thanks. If i had like more values... i think
about a loop (for...) isn't it ?
Hi, AMoura, thats me again. I think that the main problem with computer
languages is not lack of features. My major concern about computer languages is
that most of them do not keep backward compatibility. I liked the _Yi_ text
editor, which happened to be written in Haskell. Do you know why I q
Check out nimterop which aims to do what you mention in #1. Nim certainly is
very effective at binding to any shared or static library and nimterop makes it
more seamless. As always there's a long way to perfection but it is already
"Writes one or more strings to the the stream s followed by a new line. No
length field or terminating zero is written."
The ne
You just have to add a n to var1, var2, and var3. At least, that's how I see
it. Maybe there is a sexier approach.
Hi, AMoura.
I don't care about language popularity, university ranking and the like,
specially the kind of popularity that one measures with tools, such as TIOBE
index and Webometrics. Let me tell you why. Let us consider university ranking.
There is a very low ranked university in Russia, whic
I can read my file, but cannot write in it, with every value per line... >>>
Thanks to your help...
import strutils
let cont = readFile("values.txt")
let val = cont.splitLines()
echo val
# result >> (OK)
echo "val1: ", val[0], " val2: ", val[1], " val3: ", val[2]
# r
Hello everyone,
I use several languages in my work and with big libraries (OpenCV, GDAL). My
main language is C++, I use Python to script and sometime Julia. I'm using Nim
from 4 weeks for a personal project and I love it.
I didn't write this post to talk about me but the future features that m
At present your best bet for your first style is to just have the wrapped
`proc` receive a `seq[string]` and just test it yourself. Note though, that you
aren't really getting much value out of any option parsing framework vs. just
using `os.cmdLineParams()`.
While it could be more elegant/auto
how can i do:
./proc call "1. positional required" "2. positional required" "3.
positional optional"
# eg: ./proc call "*" ""
# eg: ./proc call "*" "" "ifconfig" --json
You'd probably get some high-quality responses from
If you need a larger range and only care about "dates" only, there is a pretty
simple formula valid for all dates after 4800 BC in
question 2.16.1
I tried to program a Lisp-like sexpr for writing macros, as suggested by
mratsim (Mamy Ratsimbazafy). Since I used symbol for tagging symbols, as in
Ratsimbazafy's DSL, the compiler issued a warning that symbol is deprecated. It
seems that the Nim compiler confused my use of the symbol identifie
Hi, martsim.
I tried to develop a Lisp like consp data structures for writing macros. I used
your Domain Specific Language as a starting point. The experiment is far from a
success, but I decided to share the results with you, maybe you can help me.
Here is what I got:
import os,
Good job... Quick and simply answer... Script work perfectly ! Thanks a lot :-)
import times
let auj = now()
let deb = parse("04-09-2019", "dd-MM-")
echo (auj - deb).inDays
Keep in mind that this assumes 24-hour days.
You are completely correct @cumulonimbus (sorry for the long silence). I am a
complete beginner when it comes to assembly.
But I've played around with the DOS debugging (in DOSBox) and here are my
* the executable is DOS MZ 16-bit format
* the main executable seems to load **.
Hi all... I'm looking for a simply way, to calculate the diff. between two
dates ... in Days ! For example>
import times
let auj = format(now(), "d/MM/ -- HH:mm") # Today's date... let deb =
parse("04-09-2019", "dd-MM-") #an 'older' date... echo
Actually, the
Example .nim file:
type HugeNum {.exportc: "HugeNum".} = tuple
isNotNeg : bool
num_seq : seq[cuint]
proc fib(a: cint): cint {.exportc.} =
if a <= 2:
result = 1
result = fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2)
return resul
Can you give the full example file?
For C interop your type should also have the exportc pragma. You might also
want to add byref or bycopy to the type to enforce one behavior or the other as
by default Nim pass by ref if the struct is more than 3 words on the stack (24
bytes on x86-64) and by
22 matches
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